Badgers do Euro 2004!

I thought you guys might like this :slight_smile:


I dind’t get their definition of Ireland…

Cool find Neil

“Texugos do Euro 2004” would be more complete tho :slight_smile:

EDIT:I assumed you were trying to talk Portuguese with that “do” (do = of the) but maybe you were using the “english” do :stuck_out_tongue:

Has been on my LJ for a few days =P Much love to England.

Didn’t Snowie find this? XD

Anyways, yay for England. If I ever go there I should bring stuffed badgers for Shadow and Arcie. ^^

blinks o.o

Those badgers get everywhere… They are more popular than “all your base”!

Maybe we should all do our own version for our national teams.

[quote=“Atolm”]Didn’t Snowie find this? XD

Anyways, yay for England. If I ever go there I should bring stuffed badgers for Shadow and Arcie. ^^[/quote]

I don’t live in England, dammit!

You’re in Scotland, England’s next door neighbor and personal bitch, so it counts =p

You’d better pray I forget that comment before I get to Florida next boyo, or I will slap you around all three keys.

Good luck scaling the entire east coast to find me :wink: