Azel Panzer Dragoon Level

OMG **I thought I’ll never find TWOTA anymore and it’s good to know that this site is still alive thank God. Now to my question.
Recently I’ve finished the PDAzel game for the second time and thought about the rank level, the first time I’ve finished it I got a level 42 rank and now I decided to try and reach the 100th level but up to now I’m only at level 72 because when I’ve reached the 45-50th level it’s getting harder and harder to find enemies to level-up.
My question is does anyone here reached the 100th level? and does the level affects the gameplay or are there any secrets that can be revealed if you’ve reached the 100th level?

I think 99 ist the highest level you can get… there is the cheat in the tower with the scorpitaras and a rubberband to achieve that. I only did that once, it’s nice to kill sestren with 4 or 5 blows :anjou_happy:

You “think”?

I was gonna try this myself but I gave up on level 80…
Now if such a limit exists (lvl 99 i mean) the only way to get the most powerful dragon is to fight throughout the game with an Attack/Agility dragon since those are the only ones who don’t have a barrier (namely HP=9999 for Defense wings and BP=999 for Spiritual Wing) for their level up enhancements…

Or is there a limit for Laser/Shot power?

i reached level 52 first time round and was happy with my efforts against sestren (many thanks to the guy who suggested having a shield) to be honest I don’t see the point in leveling up the maximum the game is easy enough really.

I’ve been flying around the tower to grind my way up, but I’m wondering when enough is enough. On my last playthrough I was level 51 and the entire end battle took me about 36 minutes (with a large focus on using the shield). When I rerecord the videos, I’m going to want to minimize the use of the shield (or completely eliminate it) and maximize the flash with lots of varying attacks and such.

Right now I’m level 65 and it’s taking me an average of 10 minutes per level to go up, which isn’t too bad, but flying up and down the same corridor over and over again is kinda …eh :frowning:

Maybe I’ll try the ol’ rubberband trick overnight.

The “point” is to see how far we can go.We are fans tho : we don’t need a point :stuck_out_tongue:

rubber band applied. Lord, I hate cheating and such, but it’s for the good of everyone!

Should be interesting to play through the anti-dragons and Sestern without any shield use :slight_smile:

What’s this rubberband method?

I thought the scorpitara cheat was common knowlegde actually :anjou_wow:

whats this scorpitara cheat then?

throw a rubberband over the “B” button on your Saturn controller while you’re in the Tower (and in an area where you’ve set off the alarm). Now let the controller sit for a while. :slight_smile:

Your dragon will continue to flap his wings, even when he’s bumping his noggin against a wall, and you’ll be vunurable to random encounters. Since you’re holding down the “B” button, your dragon will automatically start off with a laser attack, and when the next gauge fills up, another laser attack. and then another. and another. If it takes any more than 2 shots, you need to change your dragon type or level up more the old fashioned way, first.

I let it cook for a little while last night while watching a movie and just fired it up again while I’m off playing something on my TV.

Link to image

A little further to go before I’m ready to rerecord the end battles :slight_smile:

Almost there!

Link to another image


throw a rubberband over the “B” button on your Saturn controller while you’re in the Tower (and in an area where you’ve set off the alarm). Now let the controller sit for a while. :slight_smile:

Your dragon will continue to flap his wings, even when he’s bumping his noggin against a wall, and you’ll be vunurable to random encounters. Since you’re holding down the “B” button, your dragon will automatically start off with a laser attack, and when the next gauge fills up, another laser attack. and then another. and another. If it takes any more than 2 shots, you need to change your dragon type or level up more the old fashioned way, first.

I let it cook for a little while last night while watching a movie and just fired it up again while I’m off playing something on my TV.

Link to image

A little further to go before I’m ready to rerecord the end battles :slight_smile:

Almost there!

Link to another image[/quote]

Is it in the tower only? why not at the very beginning iin garil desert or something.

edit: what dragon form is that? is that solo wing?

Is it in the tower only? why not at the very beginning iin garil desert or something.

edit: what dragon form is that? is that solo wing?[/quote]

You could do it whenever you want, but the best yield for it (imo) is towards the endgame. And yea, that’s the solo wing with the dealie set all the way to agility/attack.

Oh my GATT a cheat :anjou_wow: now I’m tempted to use it

so whats the scorpitara cheat then?

Ah not to brag or anything, but I was the first person to find this cheat out. The information on how to do this cheat was my very first post as a member of this forum.

[quote]Legaiaflame wrote: Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 4:33 am


Here is the original topic:

This is actually an easy level up trick.At the end of the game, inside the tower you will fight an enemy called Scorpitara.This enemy will allow you to fill up 3 bars before attacking.If your dragon is strong enough to kill these enemies with 3 turns, you have just taken the first step in being able to level up very easy.With all of your bars filled up you can hold down B and your dragon will automatically fire your 3 turns.What I noticed is if I put something heavy on the B button that kept it held down, I could watch my dragon enter constant battles.The dragon would fight by itself with me not having to hold or push buttons on the controller.So what I’m trying to say is, do what I just mentioned above, go to sleep, go outside, or just do whatever for an extended period of time.When you come back or wake up your dragon could very well be at level
80 or higher.Now go and pound Sestren into the ground.[/quote]

[quote=“legaiaflame”]Ah not to brag or anything, but I was the first person to find this cheat out. The information on how to do this cheat was my very first post as a member of this forum.

[quote]Legaiaflame wrote: Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 4:33 am


Here is the original topic:[/quote]

This is actually an easy level up trick.At the end of the game, inside the tower you will fight an enemy called Scorpitara.This enemy will allow you to fill up 3 bars before attacking.If your dragon is strong enough to kill these enemies with 3 turns, you have just taken the first step in being able to level up very easy.With all of your bars filled up you can hold down B and your dragon will automatically fire your 3 turns.What I noticed is if I put something heavy on the B button that kept it held down, I could watch my dragon enter constant battles.The dragon would fight by itself with me not having to hold or push buttons on the controller.So what I’m trying to say is, do what I just mentioned above, go to sleep, go outside, or just do whatever for an extended period of time.When you come back or wake up your dragon could very well be at level
80 or higher.Now go and pound Sestren into the ground.[/quote]

I don’t mean to be a dick but…

have a cookie!

Eats cookie! :anjou_love: It’s delicious!

You officially rock (thats not sarcasm lol)

edit: Why dont you just use golia hunters or golia trackers to level up? if you get excellent which is very easy you get 6000 exp points which is the equivalent to 6 scorpitara excellents.

Well, for one thing: about 4 to 5 hours of leveling up can get kind of boring after a while. And if you don’t know the exact locations of the Golia Hunter and Golia Tracker (found above the Forest of Zoah), it will take even longer to level up. Also, a good thing about the Scorpitara level up trick is: It’s like leaving the game in auto pilot. You can go to sleep, go to work ect… and when you wake up/come home, your dragon will most likely be at level 99.