Azel Panzer Dragoon Level


Well, for one thing: about 4 to 5 hours of leveling up can get kind of boring after a while. [/quote]

Do an hour or two a day.

Sigh. Playing just to level up is simply NOT FUN. That’s why they use the “cheat”. They don’t want to fight piss easy battles for 10 hours or even a single hour. If you find it fun and want to, go ahead, but trying to convince them it’s better or something won’t work because they aren’t you.

What is your fucking problem you dickhead stop fucking replying to me looking for fucking e-drama on the internet, words cannot describe how much I hate you you jumped up cunt. ‘look at me i’ve got 1000 posts I can piss people off’ shut the fuck up. You do this to everyone but I don’t like being fucked with by some stupid fucking geek with a crappy avatar. GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STOP FUCKING EVERYONE OFF. I honestly don’t care if you cry to Solo Wing I’d rather be banned than be a member of a forum with a cock sucker like you.

This may be my last message. BYE BYE IN THE SKY YOU FUCKTARD AL3XANDRIA!!

Well you just pretty much fucked with yourself so you did get “fucked with by some stupid fucking geek with a crappy avatar”.

What exactly pissed you off about that reply anyway? People kept giving their reasons for using the “cheat” and you kept replying with ways to do the same via proper playing. All my last post did was attempt to explain that they are aware it can be done, they simply don’t wish to waste their time to do so. If you can’t handle the fact not everyone is willing to do the things you do, in the way you do them, then you have issues (as you clearly demonstrated above).

Anyway, I doubt you’ll get banned, only spammers get banned here, the entertainers are left alone.

Damn, I should have simply left this alone for over a whole month and then come back to reply in that awesome “I’m so pissed off I can’t control what I’m TYPING and then SUBMITTING to the forum” style… Oh well, maybe I’ll get to do that next time!

PS: post counts mean nothing so get over it :anjou_sigh:

[quote=“Al3xand3r”] If you can’t handle the fact not everyone is willing to do the things you do, in the way you do them, then you have issues (as you clearly demonstrated above).

No I’m pissed off because you said that, I was giving advice you fucking moron.

I think you need to lay off the blue Smarties Jimkemon…

What is your fucking problem you dickhead stop fucking replying to me looking for fucking e-drama on the internet, words cannot describe how much I hate you you jumped up cunt. ‘look at me i’ve got 1000 posts I can piss people off’ shut the fuck up. You do this to everyone but I don’t like being fucked with by some stupid fucking geek with a crappy avatar. GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STOP FUCKING EVERYONE OFF. I honestly don’t care if you cry to Solo Wing I’d rather be banned than be a member of a forum with a cock sucker like you.

This may be my last message. BYE BYE IN THE SKY YOU FUCKTARD AL3XANDRIA!![/quote]

That is, bar none, the most random outburst I’ve ever read on these boards. Wtf dude?

Anyway, Alex is a jerk, but anybody here could’ve told you that, and probably in a more sensible fashion.

Cool, now there’s two of them, can I keep them please :smiley:


What is your fucking problem you dickhead stop fucking replying to me looking for fucking e-drama on the internet, words cannot describe how much I hate you you jumped up cunt. ‘look at me i’ve got 1000 posts I can piss people off’ shut the fuck up. You do this to everyone but I don’t like being fucked with by some stupid fucking geek with a crappy avatar. GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STOP FUCKING EVERYONE OFF. I honestly don’t care if you cry to Solo Wing I’d rather be banned than be a member of a forum with a cock sucker like you.

This may be my last message. BYE BYE IN THE SKY YOU FUCKTARD AL3XANDRIA!![/quote]

That is, bar none, the most random outburst I’ve ever read on these boards. Wtf dude?

Anyway, Alex is a jerk, but anybody here could’ve told you that, and probably in a more sensible fashion.[/quote]

Me and my friends went hyper from laughing at how Liquid Snake never semed to die in MGS and Solid Snake shouting ‘LIQUID?!’ and on MGS 3 just taking the piss out of Naked Snake shouting ‘GAAA PARA-MEDIC!’ and shouting Snake? SNAAAAAAKE!!! as loud as we could in KFC (yes we do have an ‘alternative’ sense of humour) and I told one of them how much I hated Al3x so we had a good laugh typing as many fucks as possible while getting stuff off my chest, two birds with one stone! :anjou_happy:

Blue smarties are nice, they make me happy in the sky.

I think the highest level that I got up to was around 60. I suppose for ultimate completeness, lvl 99 should have been aimed for, but I found my time in that game better spent exploring every inch of the map of the rich game world.