Avie Problems?

Uhh… tried uploading a new avie from an image-hosting site. Profile page reloads and there’s a black box at the top, containing an error message, I would suppose, but there’s no text.

Anybody know what’s up? Sorry if this problem has been addressed already.

My guess is that image hosting site doesn’t want you to remote link.

Noo… this has been happening with all the images I use, with the exceptions of the ones already hosted here on TWotA.

Well, I dunno, could be…

Arcie was having a similar problem, but I thought that might have been to do with Geocities preventing direct linking. I seem to be able to change my avatar alright. Are you using Geocities by any chance?

If you can’t get it to work then send it to chris@panzerdragoon.net and I can host it for you.

Actually, I’ve tried Geocities, TinyPic, and Photobucket, but no luck. Anyways, that’s okay. I’m not in a big rush.

I’ll look around a bit more and I’ll email you the pic if nothing really helps. ^_^;