Are Microsoft selling games cheaper?

Now back at GAME I have noticed a trend in quite a few new Xbox releases, of all that were released this week, only one was full price (Otogi at ?39.99)
Pirates of the Caribbean was ?29.99, Disney’s Skate Adventure is ?10 cheaper than the PS2 version at ?29.99 and Ghost Recon: Island Thunder is a bargain at ?19.99.

Has anyone heard whether game prices are officially dropping or is it just a cheap week?!

[quote=“Pete”]Now back at GAME I have noticed a trend in quite a few new Xbox releases, of all that were released this week, only one was full price (Otogi at ?39.99)
Pirates of the Caribbean was ?29.99, Disney’s Skate Adventure is ?10 cheaper than the PS2 version at ?29.99 and Ghost Recon: Island Thunder is a bargain at ?19.99.

Has anyone heard whether game prices are officially dropping or is it just a cheap week?![/quote]

Xbox games have dropped in New Zealand too, as have quite a few PS2 games. Interesting.

Well here in the states we are finally starting to see a few select games coming out at lower prices. Otogi and Ikaruga are two games that come to mind with a $39.99 price tag. Viewtiful Joe will also be released with an msrp of $39.99.

It seems to me the trend is to release games that aren’t really “mainstream” at a lower price, which is fine by me. And of course several PS2 titles have been coming out at lower prices but mostly shooters that have been out in Japan for awhile.

Thank goodness for the GBA which bcause its a portable will have cheap games! I can’t wait unntil Final Fantasy Tactics Advance comes out on tuesday :slight_smile:

I don’t think OTOGI is not a mainstream game. It’s a hack and slash game with a few rpg elements for variety, this sounds pretty mainstream to me. Don’t know about viewtiful JOE but ikaruga is a shoot em up and they have quite a dedicated fanbase as well :slight_smile:
As for GBA having cheap games, this is quite wrong from what I’ve noticed as a lot of GBA games reach the prices of the “big” consoles’ games and most of them don’t reach the quality* (however some are really great like FFT. Aria of Sorrow, Metroid etc)* and especially the lastability, so no I don’t consider GBA a cheap buy at all…

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]I don’t think OTOGI is not a mainstream game. It’s a hack and slash game with a few rpg elements for variety, this sounds pretty mainstream to me. Don’t know about viewtiful JOE but ikaruga is a shoot em up and they have quite a dedicated fanbase as well :slight_smile:
As for GBA having cheap games, this is quite wrong from what I’ve noticed as a lot of GBA games reach the prices of the “big” consoles’ games and most of them don’t reach the quality* (however some are really great like FFT. Aria of Sorrow, Metroid etc)* and especially the lastability, so no I don’t consider GBA a cheap buy at all…[/quote]

Well perhaps Otogi is a more “mainstream” (i dont like that term) game. But i would be interested to see its sales figures here in he states. But generally i think companies are releasing these games to see better sales, that is if Otogi or Ikaruga were released at 49.99 they would not have sold nearly as well as they are doing. I’m probably wrong though.

You should download some videos or read some reviews of Viewtiful Joe. I’ve only played the US demo but it is an awesome Beat’em up! You play as Joe who has superpowers and can go into slow motion or speed up real fast and do some other cool things. It is a lot of fun. Its for the Gamecube though, and i think i might be the only Cube owner at this forum though :frowning:

I do agree with you about the GBA titles though - some are pricey. But getting quality titles for $30 is fine by me. Of course i paid $44 for tactics ogre, but only because it was Tactics Ogre my most beloved turn based rpg series.

Apparently consoles are in for a price drop before Xmas too with the GC and Zelda at ?99 the Xbox at ?99 and the PS2 at ?130 or somewhere around there.

Rent A Hero 1 will be coming to the X-Box with a price of $29.99! Thats wha ti just read anyway. Hmm another sega original (albeit a dreamcast port) released at a low low price!

What is the current price for consoles in your neck of the woods pete?

At the moment we sell Platinum GameCubes for ?129.99 with free Zelda Wind Waker (+bonus disc), the Xbox is ?129.99 and you can get money off deals with games and the PS2 is ?169.99 and you can choose a free ?20 game and get a free EyeToy.

Just had a price reduction today on games, Shenmue 2 has gone down to ?19.99 among others.

And by the way Aitrus, I’m a GameCube owner too and am looking forward to Viewtiful Joe.


And by the way Aitrus, I’m a GameCube owner too and am looking forward to Viewtiful Joe.[/quote]

Alright another Viewtiful Joe fan! Wohoo. From what i played in the demo this game is simply fantastic. Its just like older beat’em ups with cool super hero powers. I can’t get enough of this stuff.

[size=200]ATTENTION: UK GAME shoppers[/size]

GAME have recently started a special offer for multiple purchases for selected titles on all platforms:

Xbox, GC, GBA & PS2:

2 games for ?19.99 or ?30 each


3 games for ?15


3 games for ?10 or ?4.99 each
3 games for ?20 or ?9.99 each
2 games for ?30 or ?19.99 each

I’ll be goin’ to ma local GAME store next week for the “3 games for ?10” offer and I’ll be gettin’ C&C: Red Alert, Fallout 2 and Sim City 3000.


w00t, now all you UK gamers can finally get to play Morrowind =)

Tbh though, I’ve looked at the ranges and nothing there interests me. I do however like the look of the 3 DVD’s for ?20 offer…


Xbox, GC, GBA & PS2:

2 games for ?19.99 or ?30 each


3 games for ?15


3 games for ?10 or ?4.99 each
3 games for ?20 or ?9.99 each
2 games for ?30 or ?19.99 each

I’ll be goin’ to ma local GAME store next week for the “3 games for ?10” offer and I’ll be gettin’ C&C: Red Alert, Fallout 2 and Sim City 3000.


You forgot the pre-owned deal we’re doing of a selection of pre-owned games at ?14.97 each or 2 for ?25.
The PC deals have been going on for ages and usually just apply for the budget ranges.
Tip- Sometimes if you ask nicely or the shop assistant is new you can get some games into the deal that aren’t stickered.
The PS1 games in the deal are ?9.99 each.


I’ll be goin’ to ma local GAME store next week for the “3 games for ?10” offer and I’ll be gettin’ C&C: Red Alert, Fallout 2 and Sim City 3000.


Wow you sure are picking up some older pc Classics. Fallout 2 just might be one of the best RPG’s ever, and C&C: Red Alert is simply classic RTS goodness. Those games bring back some good memories. Great choices!

You forgot the pre-owned deal we’re doing of a selection of pre-owned games at ?14.97 each or 2 for ?25.[/quote]

OMG you work at GAME?! Man, I never knew that!

Say Pete, any chance you can “bump up” the loyalty card points on my account? :smiley:

Name your price!

Cheese discounts? No problem! :smiley:

Hehe, I’ll be going tomorrow, might try it :wink:


Wow you sure are picking up some older pc Classics. Fallout 2 just might be one of the best RPG’s ever, and C&C: Red Alert is simply classic RTS goodness. Those games bring back some good memories. Great choices![/quote]

Aye, they certainly are!

I’m a lickle bit behind with PC gaming you see so I’m snapping up all the classics at the moment.

Sim City 3000 is just in the list because it’s one of the very few titles in the offer range that interests me.

I’m currently trying to get my hands on most of the games released by Black Isle; I already own BGII & Baahl, Icewind Dale & Heart Of Winter and Fallout.

I just need the original BG & Tales Of The Sword Coast, Fallout 2, Icewind Dale II and, if I’m lucky, Planescape Torment.

I’m a sucker for RPGs :wink:


OMG you work at GAME?! Man, I never knew that!

Say Pete, any chance you can “bump up” the loyalty card points on my account? :smiley:

Name your price!

Cheese discounts? No problem! :D[/quote]

I worked there last Xmas as an Xmas temp and just recently started there again.
It ain’t bad. Get 30% off games bought and can play some games before they’re released.

The only way to get extra points is if you’ve got any old reciepts, take them to GAME and ask someone to get points put onto your card…so in other words…have a look on the floor…or if you’re not that way inclined ask your mates, they may have some reciepts lying around. The shop assistant should call the loyalty line and get the points onto your card. Alternatively you can call them yourself 0870 750 2741. They will ask for the till number (beginning with t-) the reciept number (after the till number) your card number, and the amount. (no lying, they can tell)
I don’t know if it makes a difference how old the reciept is.

LOL really?

I’ve kept all my receipts from game/console purchases since 1995 when I got my Saturn.


Wonder if I can get away with it lol

Also, I remember when everytime you got 1000 points on your account, i.e. you’ve spent ?100, you’d get a ?5 voucher.

But now, for every 1000 points that you “earn” you get a ?2.50 voucher instead!

Why the hell did they slash it by half?

I think it’s ridiculous tbh.

I honestly don’t know the reason why. I think the big chiefs felt they were being too generous and were actually making some sort of loss when more and more people got a card.
Remember when the card was free? It now costs ?3. Takes a hell of a lot to sell it to people.
What really bugs be though is that if we, as the sales assistants, dont sell enough cards or people dont want to use their cards then our loyalty percentage goes down and we get in trouble.
I mean I sold an Xbox the other day and the customer was damn straight that they didn’t want a card so my loyalty percentage dropped into the 20s and I got lectured for it.(I got it back up with more hardware sales in the day though) It would be nice if we were allowed to tell the customer that they would be helping us out by getting a card too.

Same with pre-orders…if we dont get a certain amount in a day then we get in touble for that to. So there are low points. I’m not doing so badly just lately though.

Yeah, you’re probably right Pete, I mean gaming was relatively less popular all those years ago and from a financial point of view their decision was understandable. Still, I reckon spending ?100 only to receive a ?2.50 voucher isn’t worthwhile, but it’s better than nothing I suppose.

Yeah, I remember when I got mine for free around the time I got my Saturn. Theivin’ bastards!!!

Same with pre-orders…if we dont get a certain amount in a day then we get in touble for that to. So there are low points. I’m not doing so badly just lately though.[/quote]

Man, I haven’t pre-ordered a game since RE:CV came out for DC. Too expensive, I usually wait for prices to come down.

I was wondering, do you get into trouble if you show any bias towards a game/console, or if you have an open mind regarding game/console recommendations, or if you deter people from certain purchases?


No, don’t buy a GC 'cos it’s on its last legs
Don’t waste your money on that game 'cos, well, it’s sh*te tbh
Xbox? Ha! Get a PS2 instead.

etc etc etc

Also, how does this “loyalty percentage” scheme work?

Finally, in which town/city is the branch that you work in located?

Sorry for all these questions, I’m a curious little bugger lol


I was wondering, do you get into trouble if you show any bias towards a game/console, or if you have an open mind regarding game/console recommendations, or if you deter people from certain purchases?


No, don’t buy a GC 'cos it’s on its last legs
Don’t waste your money on that game 'cos, well, it’s sh*te tbh
Xbox? Ha! Get a PS2 instead.

etc etc etc

Also, how does this “loyalty percentage” scheme work?

Finally, in which town/city is the branch that you work in located?

Sorry for all these questions, I’m a curious little bugger lol[/quote]

When I was working there at Xmas a woman wanted to buy a PlayStation2 but also wanted MY opinion on one of those ‘Xbox things’ I told her what MY opinion was. That it’s more powerful, harddrive, 5.1 etc. So in other words my opinion was that it was better. Anyhow, I got in trouble for that, so yeah, we have to be fair on everything. But she asked MY opinion. Sigh. If a customer comes in not knowing which console to get we just have to state the good points of each.
But with games we are allowed to say if a game is complete crap. But if for some reason we dont know…then we just say it’s great to get the sale.

The loyalty percentage? Im not sure what you want to know but anyway- When we sell something the amount of money we make gets totalled up for each individual staff member at the end of the day and also the amount we made with loyalty cards.
So for simplistic sake…say I only served 2 customers in the day and they both bought a ?40 game. One had a loyalty card, the other didn’t and didn’t want one. My full sales amount at the end of the day would be ?80 but my loyalty sales would be ?40 and I would be on 50% loyalty. Management expect each persons loyalty percentage to be 70% or over so if I sold a console and games for ?200 and they didnt want a card my percentage would drop drastically.

And finally…why do you want to know where I’m situated? You…or someone else could get me in trouble for giving out this ‘inside info’ The head office people are picky about stuff like that. Sorry.

And finally…why do you want to know where I’m situated? You…or someone else could get me in trouble for giving out this ‘inside info’ The head office people are picky about stuff like that. Sorry.[/quote]

Actually, I’m really your boss in disguise! You’re fired!!!

LOL j/k

NP man, don’t worry about it, I’m just curious that’s all :smiley:

Thx for the info :wink: