Are Microsoft selling games cheaper?

[quote=“RYB”]LOL really?

I’ve kept all my receipts from game/console purchases since 1995 when I got my Saturn.


Wonder if I can get away with it lol

Also, I remember when everytime you got 1000 points on your account, i.e. you’ve spent ?100, you’d get a ?5 voucher.

But now, for every 1000 points that you “earn” you get a ?2.50 voucher instead!

Why the hell did they slash it by half?

I think it’s ridiculous tbh.[/quote]

You still have the reciept to your saturn? Awesome! I still have mine, granted i didn’t purchase it but the amount of money my dad paid for it is incredible. He used to play a lot more games back then as did my sister. It was definitely worth it.

You still have the reciept to your saturn? Awesome! I still have mine, granted i didn’t purchase it but the amount of money my dad paid for it is incredible. He used to play a lot more games back then as did my sister. It was definitely worth it.[/quote]

Hehe, yeah I still have my Saturn receipt, although it has aged very, very badly.

Virtually all of the ink has evaporated, but the words are just about legible.

It’s dated 20.12.96, 09:31, and the store was Dixons.

It was for a Saturn bundle:

*SEGA Saturn + official controller
*3rd party controller
*RF unit
*Official arcade steering wheel
*SEGA Rally
*Virtua Fighter 2
*Alien Trilogy
*Olympic Soccer

[size=200]TOTAL: ?344.94[/size]

Was it worth it?

[size=200]HELL YEAH![/size]

I still have my Saturn reciept too. Took me ages to save up for it. (2 hours a day for almost 2 months of cleaning and dog walking at the local pub.)
Dixons. 27th July 1996
Saturn with Euro 96, Virtua Fighter 2 and Sega Rally for ?249.95.
And an extra controller for ?19.99
Grand total ?269.94

Heh, I also found my Dreamcast one.
Electronics Boutique-14th October 1999 (day of release)
Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure, TrickStyle, Sega Rally 2, 2 VMs, extra controller and keyboard. (And something that says Dreamcast $25 E. I think that’s the guarantee)
Grand Total ?374.92

And…ooh, my Panzer Dragoon Saga reciept.
Games Carousel- 23rd February 1999
Panzer Dragoon Saga- ?25.00
Trade in PC Worms Armageddon.
Grand Total ?10.00

Wow, I didn’t know I still had these.

lol, dudes, I spent less on my Xbox than you guys spent on your Saturns =P

I never understood some gamers…

Wtf!!RYB Alien Trilogy?!

Sigh, I got my Xbox when it was ?299. Got it with Halo, RalliSport Challenge and Amped.
I did get the Reward Pack when it went down in price though.

?179.99 here ^^ And yes, from GAME =)

Well I payed 300€ and I got Halo, JSRF and Sega GT 2002.

Oh yeah, i got Sega GT, JSRF, Splinter Cell and Morrowind with my box.

I got my Xbox last Christmas with 4 games: Splinter Cell, Halo, JSRF and SEGA GT 2002, all for ?199.99 :slight_smile:

However, I hate the fact that JSRF & SEGA GT 2002 are both on one disc and with no proper case either!!! It’s in a cheapo paper wallet. Some demos were also included on the disc.

I suppose I might as well include my DC receipt details too lol (Like Pete, I reserved it for the release day):

14.10.1999, 14:35, Electronics Boutique

*Dreamcast + official controller ?199.99
*Extra official controller ?19.99
*Official keyboard ?19.99
*Official VMU ?19.99
*Sonic Adventure ?39.99
*SEGA Rally 2 ?39.99
*Power Stone ?39.99
*Official Dreamcast Magazine Issue #1 ?4.99

[size=200]TOTAL: ?334.92[/size]

My God, that amount is just crazy. You’ll never see me spending money like that again, ever.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]I never understood some gamers…

Wtf!!RYB Alien Trilogy?![/quote]

Hey! It came with the bundle! And besides, it was a class game for it’s time; the scary music and heart-attack inducing atmosphere were second to none.

Heres the details on my reciept:

December 2, 1995

Purchased from Incredible Universe (There were only 10 or so of these in the nation, they were literally the largest electronics store you will have ever seen sadly they went out of business)

Arcade Steering Wheel $67.99
Sega Controller $29.99
Virtua Fighter 2$ 54.99
Daytona USA $54.99
Sega Saturn $298.99

Subtotal: $506.99
Sales Tax: 7.75%
Total: $546.24

Worth every damn penny. VF2 and Daytona USA were just incredible back in the day. Especially since previously you had only been able to play these bad boys in the arcade.

Let see i Paid $199.99 for my Dreamcast in April of 200 and I paid $199.99 for my Gamecube (back when the PS2 and Xbox were still $299) and i bought my PS2 and Xbox (with JSRF/Sega GT) each for $199.

$299 for a console is just ridiculous now that i think of it. Which is one reason why i bought the Cube over the other 2 consoles, and i dont regret doing so.

What an expensive hobby we have. We wont discuss my endeavours into purchasing arcade hardware. I don’t want to think how much money i spent.

However, I hate the fact that JSRF & SEGA GT 2002 are both on one disc and with no proper case either!!! It’s in a cheapo paper wallet. Some demos were also included on the disc.[/quote]

That’s another bonus of working at GAME. I was given the disc free as I already had an Xbox and as I already had JSRF I used a Sega GT display box to store mine in and it looks like I have the main game (uh…which I do, obviously…but it looks like I paid for it!)

I just bought an Xbox + games off ebay and i think i got quite a good deal:

Xbox + 2 controllers + JSRF/Sega GT
Panzer Orta
Genma Onimusha
Dead or Alive 3

for ?175

Bought Shenmue 2 for 30€.Funny Splinter Cell is still 71€ around here!

I’ve forgotten how to change funny money into ?'s =/

?1 = 1.42 Euros

Simply divide 30 Euros by 1.42 to get the sterling equivalent, which is ?21.13.


[quote=“vyper03”]I just bought an Xbox + games off ebay and i think i got quite a good deal:

Xbox + 2 controllers + JSRF/Sega GT
Panzer Orta
Genma Onimusha
Dead or Alive 3

for ?175[/quote]

Well yeah…except for Nightcaster.


I got a question for you!

I went to a couple of GAME branches looking for Baldur’s Gate + Tales Of The Sword Coast (it comes in one box, just like the Icewind Dale + Heart Of Winter box).

Now, one branch said that they’re not being made anymore and that there is a possibility of a budget release, whereas the other branch said they’ll expect some to come in but not for a while.

Could you do a bit of snoopin’ around and find out for me?

Here’s what I’m looking for: … mid=297530

Any help/info is much appreciated.


I’ll take a look around for you. I haven’t seen it for ages though but I will look in the release schedule for a budget release date if there is one.
Also if we do get it in, tell me what store you want it sent to and I will try and get a transfer done for ya!