Arcie, Neil

I noticed the ever popular Rune Lai is a girl conversation and was amused. :wink: I seem to get that on just about every message board I visit, including the one I run at the my own web site (now that was fun ^_^).

Iā€™ve been mistaken for a guy rather often when Iā€™m online, which is part of the reason Iā€™m using an Azel avatar here. If I didnā€™t (and didnā€™t announce I was female in my very first post) I fear may have been taken for a rather well-mannered male whoā€™s a little fond of using smilies. Iā€™m not sure how that happens. Maybe Iā€™m just not girly enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

I resent the implication that we males are not ahem ā€œwell-mannered.ā€



Iā€™ve encountered a number of male posters on other message boards, mainly Phantasy Star fans whoā€™ve used the name Rune, or Rune Walsh. Associating the name with the actual character from Phantasy Star 4 is bound to happen (especially among Sega fans).

Dear lord, I have found my doppelganger.

Nice to see that we now have another lady in the house. Youā€™ll get a huge amount of respect now. :slight_smile:

Arcie is fond of using smilies?

On Trillian, with certain people. Chicks dig the smilies.

I hear that.

yeah i get a lot of smiles from arcie blushes :slight_smile:

Oh yeaaaaaaah :slight_smile:

By the way, Rune Lai, I hadnā€™t quite mistaken you for a guy, I just didnā€™t know. I was neutral.

ā€¦ You know, sadly enough, on other websites, people used to mistake me for a dude. My usual screen name on other sites is Wyld_Wolf, so I guess they figured me a dude.

So, Rune Lai, donā€™t feel left out of thatā€¦ Even though it did take me a while to catch onto the fact you were a girl too.

Sorry, Bluefoot. :slight_smile: The well-mannered male part was a paraphrase from something someone else told me after arguing on my ā€œbehalfā€ to other people that I had to be a guy. He was rather surprised to find out he had it the wrong way around.

BTW, Neil, I figured you hadnā€™t made up your mind yet, but your response to Arcie was too good to avoid quoting. :wink: If I was a guy Iā€™d probably be amused too. Iā€™m just glad I didnā€™t wind up in a run off for both Fanciable Male and Fanciable Female. That would have been scary.

I am always mistaken for a male, even in gift arts, "To Atolm! Character copyright is to himself."
It is quite amusing when your fellow forum members find out you are a female. Sometimes they dont believe you either.

But it does get a bit annoying.

Just to let you know, no one voted for someone of the wrong sex for either of the two PDAA awards, so I think that at least 20 of us have a decent idea of whoā€™s who =P

Or, we are extremely canny, and assume everyone is male until we know different.

Hee hee, just screwinā€™ with ya.

[quote=ā€œRune Laiā€]
Iā€™m just glad I didnā€™t wind up in a run off for both Fanciable Male and Fanciable Female. That would have been scary.[/quote]


DAMMIT! There goes my betsā€¦j/k