Any Hints of a Sequel

I believe all the Panzer shooters by Team Andromeda left hints of a sequel except for Saga. I remember a message asking you to look forward to a sequel in the original after completion of the hardest difficulty level and at the end of Zwei there was a shot of Azel if i remembered right.

Now my question is does Orta contain any? Only difference I notice is in my other post where in the end credits ‘Orta’ is being replaced by ‘Vier’ but maybe I missed out on something… did anyone else noticed any difference?

The final movie with Orta and the dragon sets it up for a sequel perfectly.

With Orta as the main character again. Sigh.

As long as there’s an evil, clever human villain who commands fleets of warships and kicks her ass on multiple occassions, I’ll be happy. But I suspect the villain will be defeated time and time again by this character who holds the future of the world in the palm of her hands.

I’ll have to make a topic about all the story possibilities of the next game. One of my predictions will come close or close enough that it makes no difference.

Orta is a decent main character. I just hope she isn’t portrayed as invincible, and I hope that she doesn’t outstay her welcome past the next game.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

With Orta as the main character again. Sigh.[/quote]

ditto. She was an okay character but…meh, a direct sequel to Orta isn’t my cup of tea.

sounds like an FF game :frowning:

Haven’t we already had several of those topics? o.0

No. :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t it be cool if Orta was the villain of the next game, created by Azel to wipe out humanity, and you, as an Imperial dragonmare rider have to stop the evil witch?

I can see it now.

In that case you need your eyes tested!

my thoughts exactly…

any PD game where you can’t play as the dragon would suck imo…soz if anyone get’s pissed off at that but it’s just my opinion…

How I wish both Edge and Azel were still alive…Saga was something so monumental I think it deserves a decent sequel.

goes to cry

I guess its pretty much confirmed that she’ll be the next dragon rider.

Unless her dragon gets captured by someone and rescued by another person who eventually becomes the rider… but I seriously doubt it will happen cos the arrows of light will practically blow anything and everything that opposes the Dragon to bits…

Maybe there will be a “Sky Rider” kind of scene.Orta will then ask someone to take the dragon…

I would rather have it that way too. I have nothing against Orta as a character, I would just like to see a new dragon rider thats all. In my head, someone Imperial and just a tad older than most of the riders tend to be.

I like the idea of riding a dragonmare as a heroic Imperial officer, or even royalty. The Empire could tame a feral dragon, or upgrade a surviving dragonmare.

There’s no reason to believe there’s only one dragon left alive.

[quote=“Paet”]I guess its pretty much confirmed that she’ll be the next dragon rider.

Unless her dragon gets captured by someone and rescued by another person who eventually becomes the rider… but I seriously doubt it will happen cos the arrows of light will practically blow anything and everything that opposes the Dragon to bits…[/quote]

It may not happen straight after Orta though… 10 years, 30 years, 100 years, who knows? Nothing has been confirmed, and there are endless possibilities.

I dont think Smilebit would establish the current time of PD:Orta only to abandon it. + I think the final scene of Orta confirms that she will be the next rider, they could have shown the dragon without Orta to leave it up in the air.

In the three Saturn games, the style was all much the same, yet the games took place over a period of almost 40 years. If it wasn’t for the Great Fall, the world would have remained much the same for even longer. If the next game has the dragon pup as the “hero” dragon then, in theory, it would have to take place 1 or 2 years after PDO (unless the dragon was already fully grown).

The Empire needs time to recover (mayble 10-20 years). Orta needs to grow up if she is to become a viable RPG main character.

Remember, most RPG main characters today are male because the majority of RPG fans are male. Naturally they have an easier time empathizing with those characters. I don’t see this changing for a future Panzer RPG.

The main character might even have no connection to Panzer Dragoon Orta at all, because that would mean new fans to the series who haven’t played Orta would understand her character less than the hardcore fans who have. Thus, keeping them in the dark. Unless, like with BG2, an introduction sequence summarizes who and what she was, as well as everything that has happened to her thus far (but BG2 didn’t allow BG1 players to keep their old weapons as was promised by BioWare when importing characters to make sure new fans who hadn’t played BG1 weren’t left out in the cold).

A fresh main character is the best solution IMO.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

A fresh main character is the best solution IMO.[/quote]

I couldn’t agree more. I think it would also be cool to maybe still have Orta in the game, but only to have her make brief cameo appearances or something (and I’m not neccessarily advocating another Sky Rider tale where she passes the dragon on to another rider), but if she is going to be in this game, i’d have to say that yes, she probably will have had to have grown up more, and I’d like to see her toughened up a bit too (Am i the only one that finds Orta a little too soft and delicate?)…

Truth be told, I’d be happy if the next game didn’t even focus on the whole dragon aspect of things. I think the world is varied enough that it could easily support a storyline that didn’t revolve around the whole rider/dragon thing.

As for Orta, I found her to be fairly badass. But that’s just me, of course.

But then, it wouldn’t be “Panzer Dragoon”.