Any Hints of a Sequel

I understand what you mean Solo, but it would be nice to see a story, even if a game, that does not entirely focus on the story of a rider and the dragon.
Kinda like the side games that they made for Phatasy star 2 when Rolf met Nei or like in the Suikoden games. Litttle mini games like that would be neat, as they would give us an addtional more depth to the game’s world.

I think that’s a great idea to have a game based on other parts of the Panzer world, and not just the dragon. The world is very complex, and I believe there’s room for another game set in the same world.

Of course, it couldn’t be called Panzer Dragoon - it would need a different title, with something like “Part of the Panzer Dragoon universe” on the cover, or as some sort of subtitle.

[quote=“Atolm”]I understand what you mean Solo, but it would be nice to see a story, even if a game, that does not entirely focus on the story of a rider and the dragon.
Kinda like the side games that they made for Phatasy star 2 when Rolf met Nei or like in the Suikoden games. Litttle mini games like that would be neat, as they would give us an addtional more depth to the game’s world.[/quote]

Yeah, a side story like that would be great. So long as it doesn’t take the focus away from the main theme of the Panzer Dragoon series. What I mean is that the main series always remains focused on dragons and their riders, but side games about other parts of the Panzer world would be interesting.

I wasn’t suggesting that it would be part of the main storyline path. I’d just like to see some sort of related game that adds some more depth to the world, since all we’ve really seen so far(not including Iva’s sequence), is the world from the perspective of a dragonrider, who probably missed plenty of stuff that you would’ve seen having to actually walk from place to place, instead of just flying.

Panzer Dragoon Gaiden, perhaps?

I still say the main character of the next game should be an Imperial dragonmare rider. The Empire isn’t just a punching bag for wannabe heroes.

I feel it needs a greater semblance of power or a greater hand in the future of the world.

You just gave me an idea!Maybe in the future the Empire have diferent types of dragons and they make a new Dark Dragon.Our character would ride it!

Hurray!!!Simply great!!!

The Dark Dragon (the D-Type 01 dragon) is rotting away at the bottom of Imperial waters, somewhere off the coast of the capital. We need more villains like it.

Japanese voice acting would set the mood of an alien world throughtout the entirety of the next RPG but I can’t help but wonder if Sega will record English voice overs to render it more comprehensible for fans elsewhere.

I like the idea of Orta becoming a villian for the next game, she could become more of a drone, the opposite of what happend to Azel. She could begin terrorizing the world and try to restore the ancient age with the dragon she raised.

The player character could find their dragon inside an ancient ruin, kind of like how there was the baby dragon traped inside the Shellcoof in PDS.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]The Dark Dragon (the D-Type 01 dragon) is rotting away at the bottom of Imperial waters, somewhere off the coast of the capital. We need more villains like it.


He’s alive I tell you!!Alive!

goes berserk
calms down

And yeah I agree he was great.I want the old type of PD dragons back!Like the Blue and Dark drgons.And Brigadewing…

What a great plot that would be.

“The little witch riding the Dragon of Destruction…” :wink:

Could be interesting but I like my idea better!

sticking out tongue like a kid

I like the story of the rider and the dragon. If it took it away…I probs would be less attraced to buy the game. A good character turning bad…hmm, it would be reallllllly confusing and they would have to find a damn good reason for her turning bad, but a twist is always cool^_^ but dont take the rider and dragon bit out, that bit rocks!!!