And now I can shut up and rest

It’s over. “That game with the broken english and big head characters” is the best game ever. Or something. Final Fantasy 7 won the contest. Big surprise there. Not. XD

Gaming is dead if a flawed RPG can win a contest so many years after it’s release.

Cheer up guys, it’s only GameFAQs; I’d have been seriously worried if FF7 or a similarly idolised game didn’t win their event. It would have meant that something was amiss in the world…

What Lance said.

Don’t tell me you actually expected PDS to win. Like he said, it’s GameFaqs

Actually I was hoping either one of The Legend of Zeldas or Super Smash Brothers Melee would avenge the loss of Panzer Dragoon Saga.

I wish I could describe how much I hate Final Fantasy 7 and its “revolutionary gameplay”, but words simply fail me.


Final Fantasy 7…

That’s the one with Sephiroth and the flaming lion in it right?

I have a friend who is obsessed with it. She’ll be happy to hear this, though I am disappointed in this victory…

I think I maybe one of the only ones here who actually liked that game.

No. I liked FFVII-- it was okay-- but I didn’t like it as much as some of the other games in the competition.

I don’t know if I like it or not. I just loathe sony/square fanboys.


I don’t know if I like it or not. I just loathe sony/square fanboys.[/quote]

I think they might be the only reason why some people here dislike the game.

I was rooting for Starcraft, personally. But I can see where you’re coming from.

The game is enjoyable, I own a copy as a matter of fact, but it is not the greatest game in my collection.

I can agree on the fanboy/girl part. Ever checked them out on Gaia Online?
It is amusing on the favorite villain thread they put Sepiroth in it because he has such a cool jacket.
Personally Kefka (ff6) is a much better villian.

but ah well, I dont go to that site much so it aint no big thing to me. Just as long as you enjoy what games you have.

Even KOTOR lost withVice Vity …


I was rooting for Starcraft, personally. But I can see where you’re coming from.[/quote]

For a game that has shipped 9 million copies since its release I’m surprised it didn’t do better.

Starcraft is an awesome game even to this day. It has everything that any great real time strategy game should have: a rewarding story, balanced races, massive online battles and graphics that do an excellent job of representing the universe of the game and combatents within it.

Where’s Starcraft 2 Blizzard? I’ve been waiting patiently for years now to see how the story unfolds, and I’m eager to see how Raynor will exact his revenge on Kerrigen.

Kefka rocked. He is one of the greatest video game villians I have ever seen.
Did Sepiroth have a cool jacket? It’s been a while since I’ve played. I can only remember Seifer when it comes to the 3d final fantasy villians.

after playing PDS, i found the turn based battle systems rather dull and boring. Thats why i myself do not go alot on FF and SoA

Actually, not to support FF, but most FF games use a gauge meter that lets you do attacks when it fills too… One meter for each person in the team…
Same goes for Grandia. And possibly other titles I can’t think of now.
Some RPGs also have “speed” ratings too which basically do the work of a gauge in deciding the order characters can do their move without having a visible filling gauge… So in that sense they aren’t really turn based… Especially not in the case of games like FF and Grandia.
Not sure what’s the case with SOA (I think it’s pure turn based) but I find the battles fun enough… I haven’t done any ship to ship battles either since my copy failed to work after a certain point in the game, perhaps someone else can elaborate on those…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]For a game that has shipped 9 million copies since its release I’m surprised it didn’t do better.

Starcraft is an awesome game even to this day. It has everything that any great real time strategy game should have: a rewarding story, balanced races, massive online battles and graphics that do an excellent job of representing the universe of the game and combatents within it.

Where’s Starcraft 2 Blizzard? I’ve been waiting patiently for years now to see how the story unfolds, and I’m eager to see how Raynor will exact his revenge on Kerrigen.[/quote]

The GameFAQs crowd is HEAVILY weighted towards console games. It was actually a surprise that Starcraft made it as far as it did.

As far as Starcraft 2 is concerned, I think Blizzard has been focusing on Starcraft: Ghost lately. I imagine they’ll wait for that game to be released before they make any mention of Starcraft 2. I wasn’t thrilled about Ghost when I first heard about it, but now I’m getting interested. It should give us some more info on the story, if nothing else.

There WILL be a Starcraft 2, by the way. Blizzard would have to be absolutely loony not to make it. They’d have millions of guaranteed sales even if the game was a complete piece of crap. The only matter of doubt at this point, I think, is what format it will be in. I’m hoping they stick with 2D, though that’s highly unlikely. If they do go 3D, hopefully they’ll actually make it 3D (ala Homeworld) rather than pulling a Warcraft 3 3D-graphics-but-2D-gameplay thing. I guess we’ll see.

Starcraft Ghost seems to be loosing ground against the competition - it was voted “Letdown of E3” in its genre by a popular game magazine here because of the slow progress of developement - and I agree with. Get a grip, Nihilistic Software!

I hope the Blizzard storywriters still know what to do with the Starcraft universe. The story of Brood War was… strange at times. But it was the first they caught up with Westwood in the field of rendered cutscenes (they may also be able to rival Square now), so it was easy to forgive them then. :wink: