
has anyone thought about what would happen if the ancients did come back to life?

Well, I believe they’re kind of, you know, dead, so it’s not really something we discuss.

Although their technology still lives on, or course, the possibility of a mass resurrection of a civilization is highly unlikely, but I see where you’re going with this.

Perhaps only a few high officials could be (somehow, as if by magic) brought back to life, I don’t know… As I said, it’s unlikely, but I like the idea.

Abadd thought it was impossible to resuscitate his masters. I hope he was wrong though. Panzer Dragoon isn’t the same without the “Will of the Ancients” casting its shadow over the world. If they should ever return though, I don’t think anyone could oppose them. If you see the amount of destruction a single drone can do, who knows what horrors the Ancients themselves could unleash.

The will of the ancients continues even if there is no ancients’ will present on earth.

Well, if the Ancients did return, humanity would probably be more screwed than it was before. Or maybe not. We never really knew what purpose the Ancients served. Perhaps they are human themselves.

I always assumed they were. It’s probably because the most noticable things they made were weapons of mass destruction. That seems very human to me.

Saddam was an ancient?

maybe. the ancients might of setteled in the panzer world after ruining earth or something.

:slight_smile: Sounds nice…

I still refuse to acknowledge the Panzer world as another planet. The two moonds thing in Zwei is the only real evidence of it being otherwise. IT would ruin some of the continuity if the series was on another planet. It would make it less believable.

Well, since the Panzer world looks pretty ruined, it could be a ruined Earth. <.>

Who says there can’t be human life in planets with 2 moons?Plus, whenever we talk about parallell worlds like LOTR for example, you haven’t got a planet Earth,but a similar place.I mean as far as we know there could be Earth’s twin brother out there, but that doesn’t eman you have Europe and Asia in it.

What matters is the climate.

We can’t rule out the fact that the Ancients were classed as human in the English versions so easily. Smilebit took plot devices from the English translation when designing Orta’s background, so I think it is a very high possibility that the Ancients were human.

As for Panzer Dragoon’s planet… well, why couldn’t it be in a future where humans have left Earth and travelled to another planet? The two moons seen in the first episode of Zwei suggests that it set on another planet. Why would Team Andromeda have placed that in the game if PD was set on Earth?

Arda was meant to be a mythical Earth if I’m not mistaken… Earth in the past, but not the real past of course.

I don’t like that past and future stuff.Either it’s parallel or not…

Exactly. IIRC one of the artworks of PD Orta also showed the two moons.

Heyhey! Never leave out the possibility that somewhere in a few thousand years, Earth could attract another moon into its orbit. wink

Whose moon?By the time that happens the sun has probably wiped out every livig form from theis planet…


Who says there can’t be human life in planets with 2 moons?Plus, whenever we talk about parallell worlds like LOTR for example, you haven’t got a planet Earth,but a similar place.I mean as far as we know there could be Earth’s twin brother out there, but that doesn’t eman you have Europe and Asia in it.

What matters is the climate.[/quote]

You know, it’s times like these that make Arc’s theory (it was his, right?) on the PD world being Mars seem quite plausible. Look at the state of the earth now, always declining. It would make perfect sense if humans had to move to Mars thousands of years in the future because of a destroyed earth. Also, let’s not forget about these Mars mission plans =)

Plus, Mars does have its two moons, and the canals that Arc mentioned, which are also in the PD world.

Hey hold on.Why do you guys keep saying this is our solar system we are talking about?Like I said there can be various scenerios where the human kin can survive on diferent planets, not necesserilly on Earth or Mars.

Well, we’re just tossing around ideas.