An idea for a real time Panzer Dragoon RPG

Yeah… seeing Gash at the end made me sad =(
Amazing ending tho, but i’ve never played Orta so i have no idea what thats like =|

Exactly how I feel on most things…

ALso Solo, i like your idea… but what were you thinking in terms of stuff needed to attack? e.g gauges? (unless i missed something) otherwise you could jest beserk untill the opponent is dead at the start of the battle!

P.S i was gonna mention lordcraymens gash/paet error but arcus of course was first to post about any mistake XD

It wasn’t going to have gauges, it would have real time movement and actions like in a shooter. Berserk attacks could still be there, they’d just be like in Saga, where you choose them from a menu (they could also be set to different buttons for quicker access). So the battles would be more action oriented… you’d still target the enemy like in Zwei, but it would use the movement of Saga (but you’d be able to move to any position around the enemy, not just four different places).

what i meant was how will it judge how often you can attack? According to what you say, you could just keep pummeling it with lasers right? =S

Can’t you do that with Orta and Zwei and PD1?You can if you have what it takes.

Yeah, it’d be like in a boss fight in the Panzer Dragoon shooters, except that you’d be able to hold down a button and rotate around the enemy at any time to avoid attacks. The battles would probably have to be a lot tougher because of this, otherwise you could quite easily take out a group of monsters.

I don’t get that part?How would it be easier?

I’m just thinking of Panzer Dragoon Saga… a lot of the weaker enemy groups could be taken out with 2 or 3 hits. The battles weren’t too quick though because you had to wait for the gauges to charge, but in a shooter you’d be able to take out those kinds of enemies almost instantly.

Well there are also weak enemie groups in Orta aren’t there?

I don’t see the poblem really.Isn’t the idea mixing PD shooting with PD Roleplaying?

It would need to be quite seemless then (the transition between free flying mode and battle mode). Players would get annoyed if they were pulled into a battle and it took more than a second for the controls to finish switching, only for it to end in one hit.

And, yeah, the idea for the battles was meant to be a kind of PD Shooter/Saga hybrid.

I never played Crimson Skies…I’d like to see how other games incorporate battle and navigation engine when flyings is implied…