An idea for a real time Panzer Dragoon RPG

It would all happen so fast it wouldn’t feel like camping.Maybe you aren’t visualizing what I’m saying (it must be the earthquakes ;P…) or maybe my idea just … nah!

What about the plot? With the Towers broken and Abbad (the drone not the man :anjou_happy: ) as dead as the Ancients, what happens?

I like to kick the sorry ass of the Empire as any of you but I think the next game should have something more, something par with the past storylines.

The Empire could become the next Ancients.

i think i may have already given this idea for a plot before, but here i go again:

abadd came up with his “plan B” after finding that he could not bring the ancients back. i would like to see a group of similar drones come up with their own interpretation of what they should do when they fail their purpose.

it could even begin on the heels of abadd’s death. a group of drones were supposed to awaken when abadd revived the ancients (for an unknown purpose), but they instead awaken with the realization that abadd has died.

after that opening, ancient horrors (guardians and other powerful creatures) start reawakening all over the place and all start converging on one region. i’ll tell you now that i did not think up a rider story, just the villainous side of things. but anyway, one of these ancient creatures en route to the region crosses lagi’s pup’s path. the site of the creature (maybe it’s a reawakened guardian that lagi had fought long ago?) sparks something in the dragon and it knows that it has to pursue this creature. so the early part of the game would have a PD1 feel to it (chasing the dark dragon) but eventually you reach the site of the convergence and you find that the drones had began to construct a NEW ancient city (i just really want to see an ancient ruin when it is in working order).

i didn’t really think out much more than that… i just had a few disjointed ideas about what happens afterwards… one of the main things about it would be that it featured many drones as opposed to just one.

a long time ago, someone said that “the saturn PD games were in the era of the towers, the new PD games will be in the era of the cradles”. i thought that is quite possible, but there are alternatives i think some people here are expecting the empire to be a prominent force, so perhaps it is actually the era of the emperor? with my little idea i submit that maybe it is going to be the era of wayward drones…

If there should be a new Panzer Dragoon game, it’s unlikely that it will be on the Xbox. So, once again, the developers are going to have the problem of people who have not played any of the previous games, which creates all sorts of continuality issues. Perhaps a new story will begin, that is based in the same world as the previous four games, but does not rely on characters or events from those games in order to make sense (unlike the epilogue that was Panzer Dragoon Orta). I’d personally like to see some kind of continuality, but perhaps it is time for the (main) Panzer Dragoon story to move away from the Ancients? If they really are all dead, then what more is there to tell?

Nice ideas otherwise, Megatherium. I like the idea of more drones - they’re quite an interesting bunch. Drones and the Empire could both play a major part in the next Panzer Dragoon storyline.

I just want a non-teen main character this time.I would also like a bit of anti-heroism in him/her.

One thing I would love was a bonus DVD with a CG FMV telling the whole Panzer plot (in a succint way) to new commers.It would go over Zwei and 1 and Saga and Orta.

Something like that would be great. Pandora’s Box contained a lot of goodies, but it didn’t really cover the entire story in order, just parts of it in bits and pieces.

One other idea that just came to me is that in a future RPG, there could be multiple pathes that the dragon’s form could take, depending on what happens in the game. In Panzer Dragoon Orta you could collect those DNA orbs, but it was basically one level after another. Wouldn’t it be fun it there was a ‘dragon tree’ that could be unlocked, and by upgrading different parts of it (by finding different DNA orbs in places in the game) you could evolve your dragon down another path, so that players could choose what styles of dragon that they wanted to focus on?

Just an idea…

That would be cool but it would also be more RPGish something that wouldn’t enable linearity as far as endings are concerned (like in Zwei)…

If you think about it, Zwei’s endings were all basically the same, with the exception of Epilogue D (the Type 01 ending). If the game was on one of the next generation consoles (PS3, Xbox 2 or whatever…) then most of the scenes that featured the dragon would probably look just fine as cut scenes, so there’d be little need to create multiple FMV sequences. It would probably be relatively easy for the devs to simply switch 3D models for the cut scenes.

That woulnd’t be the problem.The problem would be plotwise.

As in the one with Zwei - if we didn’t finish zwei with the blue dragon PD1 wouldn’t make sense…

Of course the next PD game will probably not have a sequel…

In each of the Saturn Panzer Dragoon games the dragon ended up in the blue dragon form, which was the ‘true’ or ultimate ending. So, even though Zwei had multiple endings, there was still a true ending. Also, if it sequel arrived it might not even have the same dragon in it, so I can’t see it being that much of a burden plot wise.

Well if you are okay with different endings with only one beeing the “real” one I supose there isn’t a problem.

I like different endings,but not when a sequel is dependent of only one of them…

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Well if you are okay with different endings with only one beeing the “real” one I supose there isn’t a problem.

I like different endings,but not when a sequel is dependent of only one of them…[/quote]


Cough cough?[/quote]

Put it this way, why does the dragon’s final form have to be important to the game’s sequel? In Panzer Dragoon Zwei it was important, but only because Lagi’s final form shaped the crest that played a part in Saga. But that wouldn’t necessarily be the case in future games.

I mean, how important is Lagi’s final form in Panzer Dragoon Saga when talking about the events of Panzer Dragoon Orta? In PDO, Lagi was in another form again, rather that remaining in the final form that he was in at the end of Saga (either the Arm Wing, Light Wing, or Solo Wing). So long as the changes that you make in the game aren’t so significant that it creates contradictions in future games, I don’t see it as being a major issue.

Would you rather be given the option to modify the details in the game’s story to your style of play, or would you rather be forced along a rigid plot like that of a movie or novel?

I’m in the midlle really.I loved the dragon morphs in Saga but seeing the FMV’s with the standard morph at the time made it all seem like I was sinning somehow :stuck_out_tongue:

Scenes like the one in Saga where Edge departs to Sestren (and where the dragon is always a Arm Wing no matter what) ruin the sense of reality in the game.

And in the end that’s not all : I liked to relate to the dragon as a character (like he/it is) and seeing a character reshaping itself thru-out (sorry) the game feels strange.

I mean from a gameplay standpoint it would be pretty much one of the sweetest aspects of the game (if the dragons’ aesthetics quality were a given - unlike orta) but on the other side it would feel…

Level Up should not be paramount imo.

Hmm, I’m still having trouble understanding your point, although I agree that the dragon’s appearance and character should be more than just a gameplay tool.

In recent RPGs like Fable and Knights of the Old Republic, you’re given the option of customizing your character(s) appearance a lot, yet those customizations don’t change the characters’ personalities so much as they fit the situation based on what the player would do.

You mentioned that you’d relate to a character more if it didn’t change as throughout the story, but I’d personally feel more involved with that character if I could guide it’s destiny to some extent (even if it’s just in a small way such as this).

Well that’s just it - I don’t like character costumization.I like relating with a character, not BEEING a character (altho i stilll like to make some decisions and you can still make decisions in japanese-style RPG’s can’t you?).

I should have been clearer - I don’t mean that you should necessarily make dialogue choices etc for the character, but small details like changing the characters appearance (like being able to change clothes/armour in other RPGs), wouldn’t be that big of a deal plot-wise. It would deepen the amount of control you had over the game, but not so much that it would lessen the personality of that character.

So, in the idea that I mentioned above, it would only effect the dragon’s appearance, not his personality.

Thing is when you are talking about a character who doesn’t talk you ARE talking about personality.In my opnion I mean.

Just compare Solo Wing normal morph (blue dragon) with one of Orta’s Swift wings…

Fair point. I guess if a system like that was implemented then there would need to be some common features that were found on the dragon in all of its possible forms… kind of like in Saga. You could change your dragon to agility, attack, spiritual, defense or normal form, but it still retained the same style that the dragon began in, whereas Lagi’s heavy and glide wing forms in Orta looked more manufactured and there wasn’t really an explanation for that (although I suppose the DNA orbs could have been responsible for the changes…)

They could have come up with something better than DNA…

DNA is so common a expression…