After Burner PSP

Ya know, I really dislike what Sony stands for as much as everyone else lately, but seeing as I own a PSP (impulse buy, it barely gets any use and I own 2 games…) it’s good to see the occasional good game come up from a developer like Sega. Sounds like they’re doing something right with this title:

That said, as nice as this looks I think I would feel bad if they made a Panzer Dragoon for a Sony system… Please do it on the Wii Sega :smiley:

I think the game looks rubbish myself The fantasy style art work looks completely out of place for AB, the games visuals look worse than G-Loc in the Arcades and that?s years old, and even the pathetic Mega CD version runs faster, Oh well there’s always Yu Suzuki Works

That said I’ve just got SEGA Mega Drive collection and Initial D (best of ) on the PSP and that?s truly a bit of SEGA magic . After the simplely brilliant job SEGA did on the Mega Drive collection (real care and thought been put into it) , I hope they bring more , and start to port some of their unbeatable Arcade back catalogue.

I’m still waiting to plays the likes of Line of Fire SEGA , well I have them on emu onthe X-Box, but thats beside the point :anjou_embarassed:

What’s so rubbish about it? Fantasy art style? The first was clearly cartoony, almost looking like Rambo’s toon style. This one has solid plane models that are far from cartoony but not quite realistic either, and they don’t look like they’re visibly hampered by the PSP’s polygon pushing abilities (ie they are not obviously blocky in motion).

The environments also have interesting touches. The detailing may not be what it could have been but they still look good and present variety in the formations of say, the icecubes in the Sea and the various rock shapes in the desert. Let’s face it, in a game like this the environment is little more than a backdrop, and the offerings here are quite good.

Gameplay appears to be a good recreation of the original even though 1UP mentions the video is not of the same quality as their preview build. Add to that multiplayer (coop among other things) and it could be a winner.

The only thng that doesn’t look right to me is the HUD on the left and right of the screen, and maybe the parachuting power ups are a tad big.

It doesn’t look as fast paced as I would like it to be, and the HUD does look to o crowded. But until I play it, I won’t make any judgements

Well, it does show a speed up at one point of the video, and I’m sure that even if the background doesn’t scroll so fast in the end, the enemy pace will still be frantic on the harder levels. Otherwise what’s the point of a shooter?

Judging from the video I think the landscapes look fine since most of your attention is going to be on enemies in the sky. It doesn’t seem to throw a lot of enemies at you, but like you said Al3x, the later levels probably get harder.

Looks promising to say the least. I think the PSP is a great platform for this type of game, seeing as if they decided to do it on the DS I believe the touch screen controls (if they chose to implement such) would have been spotty or irrelevant. I think the widescreen also lends itself well to this type of game.

Oh, come on TA. The original AB, and even the arcade, all have a “reality +1” look to them. This version is no different. And saying the arcade looks better is simply unfair. You’re comparing a game built on Lindberg to the PSP? Of course the arcade is going to look better than the PSP version…

And the speed is, well, not an issue. It may appear to be in that video, but there are a few specific reasons for that.


Oh, come on TA. The original AB, and even the arcade, all have a “reality +1” look to them. This version is no different. And saying the arcade looks better is simply unfair. You’re comparing a game built on Lindberg to the PSP? Of course the arcade is going to look better than the PSP version…

And the speed is, well, not an issue. It may appear to be in that video, but there are a few specific reasons for that.[/quote]

Sorry Abadd I know my Pigeon English isn’t the best But, I?m on about G-Loc Arcade game, and the After Burner III update to G-Loc running on the System 32 boards , not the Lindberg version of Climax :anjou_embarassed: .
Both those games suffered slowness in comparison to AB II , in that even while the update was smooth as butter, the games just looked slow But the graphics were really impressive for the time, and going for the more realistic look .

I just don?t like the look to PSP its looking too fantasy and too much use of bright colours giving it a childish weird look (much like Planet Moon Giants PC game) , and while I take it the update is @ rock solid 30 fps , the game in the video seem really slow .There?s a lack of ground detai too, and for me one of the best things about the Arcade version of AB II, was the buzz you got from flying over the buildings , helping given you a great sensation of speed . Seeing as Planet Moon are a PSP only developer I was expecting more, I know its not really a fair comparisons , but Namco?s Ace Combat on the PSP just looks so much better If I was in a shop looking at both games , be that on a video, or looking at the back of the box. I know which game I would go for .

It’s also nothing to do with SEGA not making this internally either, I don?t have a problem with SEGA handing out Handheld projects , seeing as SEGA always did this in their hey day, with the Game Gear .
I just don?t like the look of the game , it doesn?t feel or look like AB (to me that is ) . The graphics look out of place , and like G-Loc the action is slow and not frantic enough , compared to AB II. I mean AB II was really a very shallow game , even for a shooter , But the frantic action helped give one a massive rush and buzz from playing the game , and paper over the fact that it was so very , very basic .

Oh, I missed the “G-Loc” reference. I thought you were talking about Climax LOL. I knew you were crazy, but I was like, “Huh?!”

And everyone has their tastes, so not saying “OMG YOU ARE STOOPID IF YOU DON’T LIEK THIS!!!1!” Just saying that the video doesn’t really show off the game. There’s a lot more to it than is being shown, so just keep your eyes and ears open for more info. It still might not change your mind, but to each his own :slight_smile:

I find it kinda funny that Sega is fully supporting the PSP which is this generation’s Game Gear,essentially.

I think Sega should have made an AFTERBURNER DS game after seeing Starfox Command (great game)on it,someone could at least create a more real arcade/flight sim using that interface.

But who is to say they won’t. AFBF isn’t doing anything new but final judgement is down to me playing the game.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]I find it kinda funny that Sega is fully supporting the PSP which is this generation’s Game Gear,essentially.

But plenty of people still made money off the Game Gear. SEGA games for the most part have done well in Japn , and SEGA collection is high inthe charts right now .
PSP has some some 25 million units ww, its not quite the turkey some love to make out . Hell Capcom have over 400,000 pre orders of MH II alone


And everyone has their tastes, so not saying “OMG YOU ARE STOOPID IF YOU DON’T LIEK THIS!!!1!” Just saying that the video doesn’t really show off the game. There’s a lot more to it than is being shown, so just keep your eyes and ears open for more info. It still might not change your mind, but to each his own :)[/quote]

Oh I know you’re not saying that, and I didn’t take it that way. But the video isn’t doing much for me . Seeing as its a SEGA game Abadd, I think there’s good odds I’ll keep my eye’s and ears onthe game :slight_smile:

Not quite. Maybe sold-in to retail, but definitely not sold through. It’s suffering in Japan, but you’re right that it’s doing quite well in US and Europe. Not as well as the DS, but certainly not failing.

The big perception difference is the fact that software sales are much bigger on the DS. Problem is that the vaaaaast majority of those sales are first party. In fact, in the US, of the top 20 titles in 2006 on the DS, 17 of them were from Nintendo (it’s not quite so unbalanced in Europe, but I think at least top 7 or so were Nintendo). So, as far as 3rd party software sales go, it’s very comparable across both platforms.


Not quite. Maybe sold-in to retail, but definitely not sold through. It’s suffering in Japan, but you’re right that it’s doing quite well in US and Europe. Not as well as the DS, but certainly not failing.

The big perception difference is the fact that software sales are much bigger on the DS. Problem is that the vaaaaast majority of those sales are first party. In fact, in the US, of the top 20 titles in 2006 on the DS, 17 of them were from Nintendo (it’s not quite so unbalanced in Europe, but I think at least top 7 or so were Nintendo). So, as far as 3rd party software sales go, it’s very comparable across both platforms.[/quote]

Point taken , And yes that’s always been a problem with 3rd parties on NCL HH machines and too a point thier home consoles

But plenty of people still made money off the Game Gear. SEGA games for the most part have done well in Japn , and SEGA collection is high inthe charts right now .
PSP has some some 25 million units ww, its not quite the turkey some love to make out . Hell Capcom have over 400,000 pre orders of MH II alone[/quote]

I never said it was rubbish or that it isn’t doing ok but the perception of the PsP is basically like the GG with most people sticking or purchasing Nintendo’s handhelds. And the PsP has a lot of similarities to the GG even the NDS employs the tv tuner which was the GG leagcy of bringing multimedia to the handheld world(In its early stages of course)

But plenty of people still made money off the Game Gear. SEGA games for the most part have done well in Japn , and SEGA collection is high inthe charts right now .
PSP has some some 25 million units ww, its not quite the turkey some love to make out . Hell Capcom have over 400,000 pre orders of MH II alone

I never said it was rubbish or that it isn’t doing ok but the perception of the PsP is basically like the GG with most people sticking or purchasing Nintendo’s handhelds. And the PsP has a lot of similarities to the GG even the NDS employs the tv tuner which was the GG leagcy of bringing multimedia to the handheld world(In its early stages of course)[/quote]

Yes I know, but the point I’m making is that, even while GG was getting killed in sales , it sold well enough for 3rd parties to make a profit on it. Most of SEGA PSP games have sold more than well . So it makes sense to use the PSP, more so when it better able to handle some 3D games ect .

BTW The PG Eng GT was the 1st to go multi media , with its TV tuner :slight_smile:

But plenty of people still made money off the Game Gear. SEGA games for the most part have done well in Japn , and SEGA collection is high inthe charts right now .
PSP has some some 25 million units ww, its not quite the turkey some love to make out . Hell Capcom have over 400,000 pre orders of MH II alone

I never said it was rubbish or that it isn’t doing ok but the perception of the PsP is basically like the GG with most people sticking or purchasing Nintendo’s handhelds. And the PsP has a lot of similarities to the GG even the NDS employs the tv tuner which was the GG leagcy of bringing multimedia to the handheld world(In its early stages of course)

Yes I know, but the point I’m making is that, even while GG was getting killed in sales , it sold well enough for 3rd parties to make a profit on it. Most of SEGA PSP games have sold more than well . So it makes sense to use the PSP, more so when it better able to handle some 3D games ect .

BTW The PG Eng GT was the 1st to go multi media , with its TV tuner :)[/quote]

Not on a massive scale as the GG brought into it since most people first experience of a multimedia device would be the GG which is why i mentioned it as being the first. especially since both came out during the same year.

And while it makes sense to support PSP, Sega has supported it much better than it has for the NDS even though the NDS has the bigger market. There’s more games for the PSP Sega wise than for the NDS and even GBA combined. I’d thought Sega would support the bigger market but they seem to be backing the loser of the handheld market.

3rd party stuff has a hard time selling onthe NCL Handhelds, and thats been the case since the GB . You look at the DS and GBA charts and the bulk of it is NCL title or published by them . SEGA isn’t backing a losser , its making mone of the PSP and thats all thats counts

When looking at the sales of the DS in the US for 2006, the top 17 titles are all 1st party. A select few third party titles were able to crack the top 20, but only 3. Overall sales, however, paint a better picture, but it’s still only a select few companies with a select few brands that make it on the DS. Sega (with Sonic) is one of the few. It’s just a matter of picking your battles.

(Personally, I’d love to see a Shining Force SRPG on DS, but who knows if that would ever happen…)

Considering the sales of the DS and its titles, do games that don’t make it in the top 10 or 20 really sell “bad” or do they still sell well compared to other systems?