After Burner PSP

By “other systems,” I assume you mean the PSP (since it’s the only other system in the market).

Generally, overall sales on DS appear to be much, much higher. But, the only company that is enjoying that is Nintendo. Third party sales across both platforms are fairly even. Each has it’s cons, though. As was the case with GBA, the DS audience is only interested in a narrow band of game types/brands. On PSP, it’s dominated by the major brands and EA Sports.

From my own experiences selling them, the DS sells far more, but people generally buy Nintendogs, New Super Mario Bros and then go home. PSP sells far less but it’s far less predictable what custmoers will buy to go with it.

So yeah, nothing new here, I just wanted to say that as somebody working “at the coalface”, I directly witness what Abadd is talking about.

[quote=“Abadd”]When looking at the sales of the DS in the US for 2006, the top 17 titles are all 1st party. A select few third party titles were able to crack the top 20, but only 3. Overall sales, however, paint a better picture, but it’s still only a select few companies with a select few brands that make it on the DS. Sega (with Sonic) is one of the few. It’s just a matter of picking your battles.

(Personally, I’d love to see a Shining Force SRPG on DS, but who knows if that would ever happen…)[/quote]

Yes but the market size is still bigger than their nearest rival so really a game that is breaking even, as you put it from a third party on the NDS is going to be slightly higher than the best selling PSP game.

As for SHINING FORCE the next two games are SHINING FORCE 4 and SHINING SOUL 3 for the DS once SHINING WIND has been released and out of the way. The NDS is suitably for a SRPG anyway thinking about it and since enix decided to use NDS for the next Dragon Quest sequel i wouldn’t be suprised if Sega took that same route.

Do you have any proof of this?

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Do you have any proof of this?[/quote]

Do i need it? Trust me those are the next SHINING PROJECT games scheduled to come out

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]
Yes but the market size is still bigger than their nearest rival so really a game that is breaking even, as you put it from a third party on the NDS is going to be slightly higher than the best selling PSP game.

As for SHINING FORCE the next two games are SHINING FORCE 4 and SHINING SOUL 3 for the DS once SHINING WIND has been released and out of the way. The NDS is suitably for a SRPG anyway thinking about it and since enix decided to use NDS for the next Dragon Quest sequel i wouldn’t be suprised if Sega took that same route.[/quote]

Not true. Most game sales happen in the top 10-20% of games sold, so even though the market is bigger for the PSP (while it’s drastically bigger in Japan, in Europe and America, the difference is much smaller… still sizable, but smaller), the top selling 3rd party games on both consoles are very similar. In the US at least, there has yet to be a million seller 3rd party game on either PSP or DS.

As for the Shining Force predictions… good guesses, but not quite accurate :slight_smile:

Well, put it this way, it would be nice to know why you think those games are going to be released next, especially Shining Force 4. I would actually except a remake of an older Shining Force SRPG or a portable Shining Force Neo, rather than Shining Force 4. Shining Force “4” implies that it is a continuation of Camelot’s story, something that I find very unlikely given the nature of the last five or so games.


[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]
Yes but the market size is still bigger than their nearest rival so really a game that is breaking even, as you put it from a third party on the NDS is going to be slightly higher than the best selling PSP game.

As for SHINING FORCE the next two games are SHINING FORCE 4 and SHINING SOUL 3 for the DS once SHINING WIND has been released and out of the way. The NDS is suitably for a SRPG anyway thinking about it and since enix decided to use NDS for the next Dragon Quest sequel i wouldn’t be suprised if Sega took that same route.[/quote]

Not true. Most game sales happen in the top 10-20% of games sold, so even though the market is bigger for the PSP (while it’s drastically bigger in Japan, in Europe and America, the difference is much smaller… still sizable, but smaller), the top selling 3rd party games on both consoles are very similar. In the US at least, there has yet to be a million seller 3rd party game on either PSP or DS.

As for the Shining Force predictions… good guesses, but not quite accurate :)[/quote]

I was intially talking about Japan’s sales. As for the “guesses” they are far from it.

Not necessarily. 4 could just be a continuation of the SHINING FORCE strategyRPGs series and not necassarily any story camelot created. Since Sega didn’t go about creating any bonafide sequels with the last two SHINING FORCE titles and went out of their way to create something different they could easily continue a numeral series as well as alpha series,
But that’s not the reason why i think SHINING FORCE 4 will happen.

The company hasn’t exactly abandoned the SRPG format for the series it seems they went a route that they thought would guarantee them a quick boost in revenue and recognition for the franchise,to get new consumers familar with the series. The mobile phone games of SHINING ROAD and the rereleased Game gear SHINING FORCE CHRONICLEseries indicates that they have some intention towards a big stat game. Whether it will appear on main console or handheld remains to be seen. This again isn’t the reason why i think ShF4 will happen i’m just saying that the company hasn’t abandoned that format for SHINING FORCE.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Not necessarily. 4 could just be a continuation of the SHINING FORCE strategyRPGs series and not necassarily any story camelot created. Since Sega didn’t go about creating any bonafide sequels with the last two SHINING FORCE titles and went out of their way to create something different they could easily continue a numeral series as well as alpha series,
But that’s not the reason why i think SHINING FORCE 4 will happen.

The company hasn’t exactly abandoned the SRPG format for the series it seems they went a route that they thought would guarantee them a quick boost in revenue and recognition for the franchise,to get new consumers familar with the series. The mobile phone games of SHINING ROAD and the rereleased Game gear SHINING FORCE CHRONICLEseries indicates that they have some intention towards a big stat game. Whether it will appear on main console or handheld remains to be seen. This again isn’t the reason why i think ShF4 will happen i’m just saying that the company hasn’t abandoned that format for SHINING FORCE.[/quote]

Perhaps a Shining Force SRPG will come out on the DS, but I’m certain we won’t see a game which is a continuation of Camelot’s series and therefore there is no reason for it to be called Shining Force 4. If anything, we can expect the next Shining Force SRPG (if there is one) to feel like one of those cheap Hollywood spin off sequels, where lots of boobs, unnecessary action scenes, and appeal for the mass market audience and thrown in to the make it sell better.

Sorry if I sound jaded, but I have no reason to expect anything more from the suits at Sega. Shining Force is dead.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Not necessarily. 4 could just be a continuation of the SHINING FORCE strategyRPGs series and not necassarily any story camelot created. Since Sega didn’t go about creating any bonafide sequels with the last two SHINING FORCE titles and went out of their way to create something different they could easily continue a numeral series as well as alpha series,
But that’s not the reason why i think SHINING FORCE 4 will happen.

The company hasn’t exactly abandoned the SRPG format for the series it seems they went a route that they thought would guarantee them a quick boost in revenue and recognition for the franchise,to get new consumers familar with the series. The mobile phone games of SHINING ROAD and the rereleased Game gear SHINING FORCE CHRONICLEseries indicates that they have some intention towards a big stat game. Whether it will appear on main console or handheld remains to be seen. This again isn’t the reason why i think ShF4 will happen i’m just saying that the company hasn’t abandoned that format for SHINING FORCE.[/quote]

Perhaps a Shining Force SRPG will come out on the DS, but I’m certain we won’t see a game which is a continuation of Camelot’s series and therefore there is no reason for it to be called Shining Force 4. If anything, we can expect the next Shining Force SRPG (if there is one) to feel like one of those cheap Hollywood spin off sequels, where lots of boobs, unnecessary action scenes, and appeal for the mass market audience and thrown in to the make it sell better.

Sorry if I sound jaded, but I have no reason to expect anything more from the suits at Sega. Shining Force is dead.[/quote]

Well i never said ShF4 is heading towards the DS but SS3 is. I will comment that a SRPG is suited on the NDS due to the systems duel scren nature.
And how many of Camelot’s stories in FORCE were that related in the trilogy?
i don’t think it would matter if plot wise since SS managed to mess up the backstory of the original series. Climax and Camelot the two companies responsible for creating SHINING FORCE SERIES are still in some form of contact with Sega who has the money now to plough into the series. The Former did actually do the remake of ShF 1 with RODD. So i dunno a shining dungeon crawler or SRPG with those guys is more posibly than it was a few years ago.

Back on topic - I can now say with confidence that Afterburner is actually pretty damn fun for what it is.

Just thought I’d share that :slight_smile:

Send me a copy or I don’t believe you.

[quote=“Abadd”]Back on topic - I can now say with confidence that Afterburner is actually pretty damn fun for what it is.

Just thought I’d share that :)[/quote]

Oh well , that’s enought . Goes off to pre-order

Y’all can wait a few more weeks like everyone else :stuck_out_tongue:

“Everyone else” ey?


Well, considering the fact that it’s not out yet… yeah, everyone else :wink:

I actually demand to know what exactly they have done. Have they acquired nuclear weapons? Have they developed a new poison? What DO they stand for thats so bad?

Well my money down for the game, so it better be good :wink: :P. I?m buying this on your soul recommendation (so no pressure) By warned though if its no good , not even your karate skills can save you ;). I quite literally do a brilliant rendition of the Drunken Master :stuck_out_tongue:

Just because you’re drunk doesn’t mean you’re a drunken master :wink:

It’s arcade-y fun, so I think you’ll enjoy it. If not, I’ll… um… I’ll force myself to drink a beer as penance? :smiley:

I think it should be a good game but it won’t better AFTERBURNER CLIMAX. Too me this is a worthy game to AFTERBURNER 2.