Abadd and Azel

if anyone cares, :slight_smile: please explain to me(if its explain in the game) what and where abadd is and comes from, and if he is related to Azel from Panzer Dragoon Saga, and is Orta related to Saga at all? thank you. I dont have Xbox, so I really want to know.

PDO spoilers in this topic, of course. :wink:

  1. Abadd is probably the most mysterious part of PDO, and his origin, motives, etc. are not certain. For the main sum-up of what is known about him, click here.

  2. He is probably not related to Azel (though he could be), because their goals seem to be very different (or maybe, just the ways they set about achieving those goals?).


  1. After a cutscene in the game, it is believed (for the most part) that Orta is the daughter of Edge and Azel, and that Azel created her with a fusion of her and Edge’s DNA.

I think you should edit that last part TSE.That’s a major spoiler.

Anyways welcome Joshyua :slight_smile:

D-Unit believes that the Empire attacked Yelico Valley to retrieve Orta for the purpose of using her (another drone) to operate the Cradle/Bioreactor, but how did the Empire know she even existed?

Orta was probably a part of Abadd’s deal with the Empire. Why else would he operate the Cradle?

I do think that the Empire needed Orta for operating the ruin, but there’s more to it than that, you’ll read my theory about this in a few days from now.

Why not? The Empire was surprised he betrayed them, so they weren’t expecting that. Abadd may have simply helped them to get a dragonmare, and when he got one he left to accomplish his mission.

I don’t think the Empire needed Orta at all.In the intro FMV the Dragonmares are about to kill Orta when the dragon appears and saves her.

Even afterwards you can see that the Empire is eager to kill her.

The only one who needs Orta is Abadd.But it hasn’t anything to do with the Cradle.

IMO anyways.

I think Orta is part of the deal between Abadd and the Empire.
At least we know that Abadd wants to “ghosthack” Orta.

The Empire must’ve discovered Orta’s existence and whereabouts from Abadd. I can’t see how else they could’ve found out about her, especially since Abadd seemed to know everything about her.

The Empire was intent on killing Orta, so if they did want to capture her for their own reasons, then they abandoned that idea the moment she escaped Yelico Valley on the back of the dragon of destruction.

No, they still wanted Orta. However, I don’t think they needed her alive. Orta is refered to as “research materials” in several of the mini-games. The intentions of the Empire may have been very close to those of Abadd…


No, they still wanted Orta. However, I don’t think they needed her alive. Orta is refered to as “research materials” in several of the mini-games. The intentions of the Empire may have been very close to those of Abadd…[/quote]

Well perhaps that’s why Abadd escaped the Empire: he wanted Orta alive, at least at first.

I hadn’t thought about that, but that would make a lot of sense. I wonder what Abadd had originally planned for Orta when he said she had to save this doomed world from itself.

His plan was to take over Ortas body while they both were in Sestrenspace. Since that didn’t work out he used the cradle to create his ultimate dragonmare and tried to finish the girl off.

Hi there :slight_smile:
Long time no see :stuck_out_tongue:
If some one ask, you had never saw me :smiley:

Intro :
"Cavalry: Captain Evren! I have located the girl! "

They Know her.

Between Stage 1 and 2 :
“Capture the girl and the dragonmares
within the Cradle will be completed!”

They want tu use her to operate the Cradle.
Abadd probably “forget” to mention that she don’t know about that :smiley:

Hey Chronos! How have you been? What have you been doing lately?

playing Xbox Games, and preparing a massive update for my site take a lot of time :smiley:

I read this forum often in secret too :slight_smile:

So I return in the Shadow before some elese see me :smiley:

Hey Oxydos :slight_smile:

Anyways, that’s just it!There is all that dialogue in one hand but in the other hand we have the intro FMV (where the dragonmares are about to kill her), the end of level 4,the Imperial city.

Did those events lead you guys to think that the Imperial scum wanted to catch her?

He only wants to do this after he finds out his masters can’t be resuscitated. I’d like to know what destiny he had ‘foreseen’ for her before that.

Maybe he was a little bit sicker and wanted it ressurect his masters only to pulvurize them afterwards with the army of drones he wanted :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“oXydo CHRONOS”]playing Xbox Games, and preparing a massive update for my site take a lot of time :smiley:

I read this forum often in secret too :slight_smile:

So I return in the Shadow before some elese see me :D[/quote]

Welcome back oXydo! I read your site now and then, it’s nice to see you still update it. I hope you can finish the new update you’re planning.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserkerHey”]Anyways, that’s just it!There is all that dialogue in one hand but in the other hand we have the intro FMV (where the dragonmares are about to kill her), the end of level 4,the Imperial city.

There’s more dialogue in Episode 4 that hints at the Empire’s true intentions:
Evren: “I’m going to enjoy tearing your body limb from limb! … Get the Dragon first! We can retrieve the girl later”.

That’s just plain paradoxal! XD

“I’m going to enjoy tearing your body limb from limb”

okay now someone can tell me that’s was directed to the dragon :stuck_out_tongue: