A question for Arcie (and other warhammer collectors)

Afew of my friends have started to collect warhammer 40k recently, and after reading up on it, I thought I might give it a go as well. I don’t have a tonne of money though, and warhammer stuff can be very expensive, but since christmas is coming up, and there isn’t much stuff that I want, I’ve managed to persuade my parents to get me a battle force, and a paint/glue kit thing as a present.

Anyway, the question: I think i’m gonna collect the Tau, and I was just wondering what people with previous warhammer experience think of them. From what i’ve read, the Crisis Battle Suits sound awsome.

Hmmm. Tau. Interesting choice.

Anyway, the Tau (in case you haven’t read up on them) are a young race who only became civilised fairly recently. Amongst the denziens of the 41st millenium, they are the most docile, preferring to win battles with diplomacy instead of with combat. Their main driving force is “The Greater Good”, a belief system taught to them by the highest of their castes, the Aun or Ethereals. Buy and read the codex for the story of how the once war-torn race became a viable contender for the galaxy crown.

On the battlefield, the Tau win with one thing. GUNS. Powerful and in large numbers. Being a civilised race, the Tau prefer to avoid the messy nastiness of close combat and will gladly fight at a distance. To this end, they have some of the most nasty weapons in the game, including the Tau railgun (Strength 10, AP1, Heavy 1, 36" range). The backbone of their army is found in the form of fire warrior teams, who number around 10-15 at a time. These can be accompanied by a Shas’ui for a leadership boost and an extra close combat attack, if you want. You can also have Battlesuits, as you mentioned, which can be tailored to your preferences with guidance systems and…you guessed it…nasty guns. Their tanks (The Hammerhead and the Devilfish) are nowhere near as deadly as my Eldar Falcons (MUWA HAHAHAHAHA) but can still run down a few folks.

I seriously cannot stress this enough. Tau will DIE in close combat. Their weapon skill is the same as a 2 foot tall goblin, despite being, on average, 5’6" tall, and their strength is the same as a human being. When they’re up against Space Marines or Tyranids, they’ll just die. You need to keep the battle at long range to have any advantage.

You can boost the close combat power of your army by adding Kroot. Mercenaries for hire only normally allowed for the Tau, the Kroot are better at close combat than them but aren’t particularly strong. They play with numbers, and by adding Kroot Hounds and Krootox to your units you can give them a bit extra punch. BUT…a lot of people say the Kroot aren’t worth it in a Tau army. Why spend points on a band-aid when you can invest in…MORE GUNS? I suppose it’s down to your playing style.

For your first purchase, I wouldn’t recommend the Battleforce. The recent rule changes have made Drones less effective than they were, and the Kroot don’t have any place in an army until you hit 1500 points or so. I recommend, instead, you purchase 2 box sets of Fire Warriors, and a Crisis Battlesuit (to act as a Tau Commander). That’s…mumbles about 300 points or so to start with, more if you take upgrades. For there, you can buy some more Firewarriors, an Ethereal, a stealth team, Pathfinders etc, to make up a good 1000 points list. Then you can start rolling dice and have fun.

Edit: Oh, your folks already bought the battleforce. :anjou_embarassed: Still, no problem. That gives you a unit of Fire Warriors and a commander to start with, plus you can use the Drones to enhance your commander.

Your best place for advice (other than me, of course) is at eldaronline.com 's message boards (don’t worry, the Tau are there as well).

Oh, one more thing. When you buy models, paint them. DO NOT BUY MORE MODELS UNTIL YOU ARE FINISHED THE ONES YOU HAVE. Otherwise, you’ll end up like me with 50 models to paint and that next project that you have in your brain to go with it…

warhammer sounds cool, but its the kind of thing i would like loads of my friends to have at the same time…

I was up in Braehead shopping centre today, so I stopped by Games Workshop and picked up an Ethereal to lead my army, as well as the Tau codex (which I intend to read through several times before I get my Battle Force on Christmas).

I have been warned about the Tau’s crappyness in close combat before. I never really expected the Kroot to be that good anyway, but I think it’s worth having a few of them to use as a living shield if the enemy gets too close for comfort.

I have already planned out my army a bit. I intend equip two of my XV8 Crisis Battlesuits with (1)plasma rifles, (2)drone controllers and (3) either shields or more weapons, and have the third suit equipped with missiles, a target lock and erm… something else, for use as a sniper. Once I am finished painting what I’ve got, and have played a few games, I intend to add a few stealth suits and maybe a Broadside or two.

Of course, all this is subject to change, I have had a fair portion of the rules explained to me, but I don’t actually have a rulebook for reference (?30 seems pretty steep). I’ll probably borrow a rulebook from a friend soon, just to make sure that I understand the rules well enough, then I?ll get my own when I feel I have some excess money to burn.

Also, any suggestions for a colour scheme? I like how yellow and orange looks on the fire warriors, but I don’t like how the battle suits look in them. With green it’s the opposite problem, the suits look good, but the fire warriors don’t…

Well, there are a few colour schemes for the various Septs given in the codex. I like the white/black colour scheme, personally.

Make damned sure you read the rules for the Ethereal! When he’s on the board, things get very interesting. Particularly when he gets impaled on a Starcannon shot…

Bah! I cannot abide the snivelling, measly, simpering and limpid aberrations that are the Tau. That irredemptible consortium of soulless and honourless arch-utilitarians shall wither and wilt when the glorious, majestic and eternal Imperium of Man brings the full immolating fury of the holy God-Emperor’s cleansing light to bear upon that appallingly minute agglomeration of Eastern Fringe backwaters the Tau so pretentiously inflate as an ‘empire’.

Drenholm, be deluded by the incessant stream of lies and duplicity that stream from that Ethereal’s silvered tongue as long as you may, for the transient pleasure it grants you may as well be enjoyed - the wrath of my Chapter of indefatigable Space Marines will administer an agonising penance for your defiance of the Ecclesiarchy. Naught shall be able to withstand the rigour of the Imperium’s iron will and determination to smash the living pagan heresies that are all aliens, or turn the aim of Imperium’s vindictive guns of mighty retribution!

Suddenly remembers that the Tau absolutely wiped the floor with the Imperium during the 13th Black Crusade. :anjou_embarassed:

Welcome to the Dark Millenium, Drenholm. I hope you have many long and enjoyable evenings of hobbying ahead of you. And that your Tau suffer many, many, many defeats (sorry, but I’ve considered myself honour-bound to bear a pathological and irrational loathing of the flatfaced goons ever since I wrote this article for a famous gaming analysis website.). Happy gaming! :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]
Suddenly remembers that the Tau absolutely wiped the floor with the Imperium during the 13th Black Crusade. :anjou_embarassed:[/quote]

The Tau weren’t directly competing against the Imperium during EoT. CHAOS were fighting the Imperium (and murdered them on the planets…), the Tau were just seeking to expand their Empire (which they did, by 27%(?)).

Edit: Oh my lord, you wrote for THAT site? Congrats, man.

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]Bah! I cannot abide the snivelling, measly, simpering and limpid aberrations that are the Tau. That irredemptible consortium of soulless and honourless arch-utilitarians shall wither and wilt when the glorious, majestic and eternal Imperium of Man brings the full immolating fury of the holy God-Emperor’s cleansing light to bear upon that appallingly minute agglomeration of Eastern Fringe backwaters the Tau so pretentiously inflate as an ‘empire’.

Drenholm, be deluded by the incessant stream of lies and duplicity that stream from that Ethereal’s silvered tongue as long as you may, for the transient pleasure it grants you may as well be enjoyed - the wrath of my Chapter of indefatigable Space Marines will administer an agonising penance for your defiance of the Ecclesiarchy. Naught shall be able to withstand the rigour of the Imperium’s iron will and determination to smash the living pagan heresies that are all aliens, or turn the aim of Imperium’s vindictive guns of mighty retribution!

Bah, the Imperium. Nothing but glorified space-Nazis if you ask me. :anjou_happy:

Anyhoo, I got my Battle Force on christmas, and I have constructed all 12 of my fire warriors, undercoated 10 and painted 4. They actually look pretty good (well, for my first attempt at painting ever. And I don’t just mean warhammer. I’ve never touched a paint brush before in my life).

I would have done quite a bit more if it wasn’t for paint i’m using to undercoat them. I forgot to get some of the official stuff when I was at games workshop, so I have been using some stuff from a local arts and crafts shop. It’s not bad paint, but it gives of huge amounts of fumes when I use it, so I can get a couple of sprays out of it before I have to evacuate the room for half an hours to let the room air out.

You must use spray paint OUTSIDE, or in a large area with proper ventilation.

When spray painting them, I put them on a table, which i sat under a massive window that is made so it can also be used as a fire escape. It’s like being outside, except i’m technically still in my room. So don’t worry, I’m not going to gas myself or anything.

A friend of mine lent me the 3rd edition rulebook recently, which I’ve just finished reading (he still needed the 4th ed :slight_smile: - he wants me to help out with a campaign or something, but it has idly got me interested (though I maintain that Man’O’War is the best thing ever to come out of GW and they should be crucified for abandoning it).

The thing is, and I’m sure every newbie says this, I can’t paint to save my life. Not only am I completely devoid of anything resembling artistic talent, my hands have a chronic habit of shaking when I try to hold them steady. So that’s holding me back (along with utter poverty, relegating this whole idea to a pipe dream).

I’m also curious, on the off chance that i learn to control my spasming fingers, how long painting actually takes? I already have far more hobbies than I have time for… but having read the rulebook, the idea of having my own Eldar and Tyranid forces is pretty appealing :slight_smile:

While I’m asking questions, are there any races besides the Tao who weren’t mentioned in the 3rd ed rulebook? Off the top of my head it covers Space Marines, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Eldar, Chaos Space Marines, Orks, Imperial Guardsmen, and Battle Sisters - though the sisters only have about 2 types of unit :expressionless:

That depends on your style of painting. For me, you’re looking at 20 hours per model. The reason behind that it is I really suck at block painting, and do one at a time. Lord help me if I ever take up Tyranids or Orks.

Yes. During the course of the 3rd Edition, the Tau and Necrons (Think the Borg in Star Trek and you won’t be far off) were introduced. Also, two new imperial armies, the daemonhunters and the witchhunters, were brought in. The Witchhunters are the new version of the Sisters of Battle list, and they have some pretty cool stuff.

I wish I had cash for Warhammer.

I just play pnp RPGs, I’m already blowing too much money on books for those.
I also don’t know anybody who plays any minatures games.

Rather than make a new topic I thought i’d just revive this one to let you know that my first battle ended in success :anjou_happy:

I was playing a friend of mine who is also new to warhammer. He collects Craftword Ulthwe Eldar.

I lost 4 gun drones, 12 kroot and 1 broadside .

He lost 20 black guardians, 8 dire avengers with an exarch, 4 warlocks, 2 farseers, 2 jetbikes, 1 vyper and 1 falcon grav tank.

I think what won me the match was when he decided to put his seer council in his grav tank, and fly straight into the middle of my troops (which would have devistated my army had it worked, as all 4 warlocks had the “Destructor” physic power, which can tear through fire warriors like butter) however, he underestimated my battlesuits manueverability, and I manged to get them behind the tank and shoot missiles at it’s rear armour, resulting in it exploding, taking most of his seer council with it. The surviving farseers then emerged on what was, for all intents and purposes, a firing range, and were easily gunned down.

I think it’s safe to say I kicked ass :anjou_happy:

A novice player who is collecting Eldar, the most notoriously exacting and tactically unforgiving race available to play? Your friend is bold, I’ll grant him that much. 0_0

My own recent experience with Warhammer 40,000 has been less than stellar, unfortunately. I was assembling that Land Raider for four hours. FOUR [CENSORED][CENSORED] HOURS. And even then it didn’t have tracks or a roof. I tried to create battle damage, but in the end what little of it that has been assembled looks as it it’s been mauled with a tomcat. I gave up at that point.
Then in the battle that transpired the next day, my entire Devastator squad was tank-shocked off the table (I’m writing a letter to Chapter Approved - I refuse to accept that vehicles can pivot on the spot and hug obstacle boundaries for no movement penalty) and then when my half-finished Land Raider stuttered onto the table the next turn, it copped two multi-melta blasts and dissolved into a simmering puddle of slag before it could loose off a single shot.

Not the most auspicious day for my hallowed Chapter of Suzuki-blessed Royal Sega Marines in their eternal quest to defeat the vile Greater Daemons of Slaanesh and Nurgle, ‘Suny’ and ‘Eie-Ay’. :anjou_disappointment:

Incidentally, Drenholm, have you bought the PC game Dawn of War? Games Workshop has produced a number of computer games over the years from Space Marine to Fire Warrior, and all of them have been uniformly mediocre. Dawn of War (made by Relic, who gave us Homeworld) bucks the trend, though, and has created both an excellent real-time strategy game and one which captures the spirit of the games impeccably. If you’re looking for a new game, I’d reccomend it.
Does anyone else play DoW here? King_Robert_X is willing to visitate the Emperor’s wrath on you - even though I only play as the Eldar online. :stuck_out_tongue:

One final point before I go, Drenholm. Now that you’ve had your baptism of fire, you can proceed inwards one more ring in the Circle of Secrets and thus be privy to some of the revelationary Mysteries of the Dark Millenium:
-Never roll a die on which you’ve got a six again, for any other check. You’ve used up its luck reservoir until the next turn.
-They’re always ROCKET launchers. “Missile launchers” have the dreaded “miss” in them and frankly that’s just asking for trouble.

Now, I would wish you lots of victories but as I despise the Tau with all the prejudice that only a true card-carrying Imperial xenophobic bigot can muster I hope you enemy uses loaded dice! j/k :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]Incidentally, Drenholm, have you bought the PC game Dawn of War? Games Workshop has produced a number of computer games over the years from Space Marine to Fire Warrior, and all of them have been uniformly mediocre. Dawn of War (made by Relic, who gave us Homeworld) bucks the trend, though, and has created both an excellent real-time strategy game and one which captures the spirit of the games impeccably. If you’re looking for a new game, I’d reccomend it.
Does anyone else play DoW here? King_Robert_X is willing to visitate the Emperor’s wrath on you - even though I only play as the Eldar online. :P[/quote]

One of my friends has Dawn of War, and I have tried it. It seems pretty damn good from what little i’ve played, however, I suffer from “Crappy Computer Syndrome”, and if I was even able to get it to run, my computer is so slow it would be more like watching a slide show that playing a game, i’m afraid. :anjou_sad:

He lost 20 black guardians, 8 dire avengers with an exarch, 4 warlocks, 2 farseers, 2 jetbikes, 1 vyper and 1 falcon grav tank.[/quote]

Urgh…Dire Avengers are almost useless. I’m interested as to why the Farseers died so easily…Normally, at least one Farseer in any Eldar army has the Fortune psychic power, which basically gives them an invulnerable save of 2+ (in effect, except against C’tan, Phase Swords, Dreadaxes and other misc. paer.). So, how did he die to Pulse Rifle fire? shrugs

I agree with Robert in that playing Eldar, particularly Ulthwe, isn’t a fantastic idea for a beginner, but hey, I started that way so why not?

Also, Robert, how in the name of the Emperor did your devestator squad get tank shocked when the tank didn’t move…? The rulebook states that the tank must be MOVING directly into the unit in order to tank shock it. Even then, if you had a commander on the field then you’d be looking to fail a Ld 10 test, which is NOT easy…Guess you picked up a couple of dice which rolled ones for that test, huh?

As for the Land Raider, I haven’t built any tanks yet other than a crappily made Falcon. I HAVE built a Forgeworld Dreadnought, and aside from a problem getting the head on it was easy enough. Maybe send me it and I’ll build it for you?

edit: I think Suni would be better being Khorne and the other one being Slaanesh, to be honest

Farseer Keldour Stormstrike, of the Kabal of the Shifting Breeze & Chapter Master Agueus Duran of the Angels of Pestilence



I’ll confess i’m not sure what power he had given the Farseers exactly, I was really more concerned with the Warlocks with Destructor. The farseers had been in the tank, so he hadn’t cast anything that turn, when the tank blew up it was my turn, and I was shooting, and so he couldn’t use Fortune. They ended up within rapid fire range of both my squads of fire warriors, my squad of kroot, and in range of my gun drones, so they were simply overwhelmed. I’ll be sure to give that tip with fortune to him, if he didn’t know it already.

And yeah, I agree with you, Dire Avengers suck, especially since he plays Craftworld Ulthwe so his first two troop choices of Guardians become Black Guardians, which are really just as good.

Perhaps I should elaborate on the context of this ignominious defeat. We were playing a four-player game with two main belligerents and two other players (one of whom was myself) providing reserves for the others. At the contemorary stage in the game, the enemy’s armour was threatening to penetrate my ally’s deployment zone, so when I rolled for reserves I brought on my Devastators to strike a quick, decisve blow against the offending tank. Naturally enough, every single one of my heavy weapons either missed or failed to penetrate. The tank then revved its engines.

Stupid Blood Angels with their poncy limp-wristed pretty-boy Primarch and their stupid supercharged engines… :anjou_angry:

Not particularly - my Chapter has been hunting these foul and irredeemable abominations across the galaxy ever since our homeworld of Mobius was liberated by Ultramarine Lord-Captain Davios Rosen from the cruel and sadistic oppression of the alien confederation of the Nintendonians and the Atarites during the Great Crusade. In that time, we have purged and cleansed many millions of the daemons’ corrupted serfs and so acquired great knowledge of their infernal and despicable practices.
Suny revels in base, vacuous peurility, deriving crude and repellent physical delights from the most hollow, barren and intellectually bankrupt practices - Slaaneshi to the very tip of the bondage-whip. The horror that is Eie-Ay seeks to engulf all within its shuddering, bileous mass, paralysing independent thought with cold tendrils infiltrating and polluting the air - indisputably a foetid nephew of ‘Uncle’ Nurgle. Whatever of the Ruinous Powers they subscribe to, our own crusade shall not be complete until their spirits have been cast to oblivion! :anjou_happy:

One more word, Drenholm - something you should be wary of when attempting to engineer your next victory:

