
Where were you guys when you first heard of it, and how did you feel about it?
I’m kinda interested cause things like that don’t just happen every day.

As for me, I woke up kinda early in the morning and watched the news and I said to myself,
“Oh hey, there’s some fire in some building somewhere.” Didn’t hear about what that was til later. Not really sad, just surprised.

Ah… I’ll never forget that Tuesday. Me and my mate Luke came round mine straight after school and were watching TV. They had one of those banners at the bottom saying some message so we turned over to Sky News and just watched in silence really. Its something that really got to me, heck, I even have a poster of the WTC in my room now =/

I coulnd’t have cared less really…

I was preparing myself to go out when they said it on the news channel that was on on that minute…

This didn’t affect me much simply cause the reall imporntant thing - the casualties - wasn’t the biggest in history;everyday we hear some news saying that in kongo some stupid guys entered a town and destroy it and don’t even say nothing…

This is just another act of violence and is no different just cause they were hit by a plane…

I’mma just sit here, eat some popcorn, and wait for you to be flamed.

I flew back to england from america on sept 10th, some of my friends were on holiday with me too and were getting another flight scheduled for spet 11th but they were grounded for over a week!

Id say sept 11th was a pretty major event Gehn, without it there would be no “war on terrorism” infact you could probably argue that the casualties of the iraq war are directly linked to sept 11th(as the war wouldnt happen without it).

Another thing about this “war on terror”, has anyone else noticed that there has only been 2 attacks in 2 years?(spet 11th and bali bombing). With only 2 attacks its hardly like terrorism is rampant. They keep on going on about high terror alert on the news and terror attacks foiled, I reckon its a load of balls. The government just wants to keep the public scared so that they can justify going to war.


Personally, I don’t mind if I get flamed. This has to be said.

The World Trade center was a tragedy, but at the same time it was inevitable. Quite frankly, the world has had enough. American troops in almost every country in the world, the American exploitation of 3rd World countries, the absolute overkill that was the Atomic bombing of those two japanese cities…

This is why terrorists are attacking American targets. It isn’t always because they want to blow things up. It isn’t always because they want people to be terrified. Sometimes, it’s for revenge, and what they perceive as justice. Some would say that, by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq, the American military is organised terrorism.

It must stop. Now. America must start taking responsibility for the things that it has done. America’s presidents MUST start taking more responsibility for international affairs. American military MUST stop invading countries without an immediate threat.

This is a cry to the general populace of the world. Stop voting in losers. Stop voting in warmongers. Stop voting in people who feel that 1/5th or more of their country’s money must go towards weapons. Stop voting in those who care more about arms trade than about peace.

And for f***s sake, start now. Before more things like this happen.


Whats that supposed to mean?

It means you don’t wach da newz :stuck_out_tongue:

Well in England the only terrorist activity we have had has been from the IRA, you dont see Tony Blair going and invading Ireland though.

As far as I see we do not live in a state of terrorism. The actions of the UK and America have only lead to an increased threat. Places that really are under terrorist threats are places like Israel where terrorism is something to be feared daily. If America really wanted to stop terrorism they could offer more help in resolving crisises, rather than create them.

The governments will keep the “war on terror” slogan for as long as they can though - it lets them get cheaper petrol.

What do you people mean by terrorism?

Isn’t : entering a village , rape all woman and kill all man terrorism?!

Yet no one talks about it and it happens every week on Africa…

[quote=“Arcie”]Personally, I don’t mind if I get flamed. This has to be said.

The World Trade center was a tragedy, but at the same time it was inevitable. Quite frankly, the world has had enough. American troops in almost every country in the world, the American exploitation of 3rd World countries, the absolute overkill that was the Atomic bombing of those two japanese cities…

This is why terrorists are attacking American targets. It isn’t always because they want to blow things up. It isn’t always because they want people to be terrified. Sometimes, it’s for revenge, and what they perceive as justice. Some would say that, by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq, the American military is organised terrorism.

It must stop. Now. America must start taking responsibility for the things that it has done. America’s presidents MUST start taking more responsibility for international affairs. American military MUST stop invading countries without an immediate threat.

This is a cry to the general populace of the world. Stop voting in losers. Stop voting in warmongers. Stop voting in people who feel that 1/5th or more of their country’s money must go towards weapons. Stop voting in those who care more about arms trade than about peace.

And for f***s sake, start now. Before more things like this happen.[/quote]

Couldn’t be more right. I only even think about 9/11 because people died, not because it was some “American tragedy” as labeled by Bush. And the “war on terror”? That’s all rats ass! So far America hasn’t done anything in the “war on terror” but turn stuff into rubble in the Middle East, and for no reason too!

I was in front of ma telly that night watchin’ footage of the second plane tearin’ through the tower.

My jaw literally fell to the floor and I was like: OMG! Was that for real?

I couldn’t believe it at first ‘cos it looked like somethin’ out of an action movie.

Like TheSharpEdge, I didn’t feel emotional or anything but was just totally flabbergasted.

Also, did anyone see pics in the paper of that video Bin Laden supposedly released lately of him with his walking stick on a mountain?

He had more threats for the west apparently.

Brace youselves.

Let’s just hope this time someone nails Bush, preferably only Bush.

He has had loads of threats for the west since 9/11, I think if he could do something he would have done it by now.

Geez, from the looks of it, the safest place Osama could be right now is here in U.S…

I had a major exam that day. No one did well on it at that.

I type this late at night, I should be in bed as well. -_-
So sorry in advance, I type this form the top of my head.

Hmmmm, to tell you the truth, I have been thinking about this quite seriously the last few days. Looking through saved newspapers, browsing online, reading books, and having discussions on other forums.
It actually sickens me if anyone downplays it, more so like spitting upon the memory of those that died in Pearl Harbor, The Blitzkrieg attacks in Britian and France.
Attacks do happen everyday. Ever bother to sit down and read the newspaper? Or watch the news channels? They are acknowledged. It happens in my town when rival ethnic groups fight for their turf. It happens in your town too. People die everyday, not because of war, but simply because of hate.
Why does war exist? Most wars exists for these main reasons: Control of land and its resources, Religion, Beliefs and Race.
And if you actually lost someone in these attacks, you would have cared now wouldn’t you?
Now, I live here in California, and for all I know, Californians have always been the strange ones as the other states puts it. I am a Citizen of this country too, and yes, I myself do bash the country. I do not agree with this war in Iraq, I do not care for the current president, I am pretty much the opposite of the American Citizen.
Although I do get tired of people bashing each other’s countries. So what if my country is not perfect, neither is yours. People get tired of the States meddeling their affairs with other countries. Understandable. There was once a time when they wished to be just neutral, despite Europe’s call for help. Pearl Harbor happened because the Japanese wanted the States to get involved. Two countries were creating Atomic bombs at the same time. The United States and Germany. Ultimately, one of the countries did set of the bombs. But in the end, both countries done terrible casualties.
Should The States truly stop its affairs then? The main reasons why terrorists attack the countries foreign embassys, and actual land? Maybe because we are an ally to Isreal which is always subject to attacks by the very same terrorists. Not to mention that it has been declared a Holy War as well, ah now see, Religion has a key into this, despite the fact that the states has a very wide variety of religions.
Of course in the end, we will have to take our responsibility. Every country, state and person should do this. Whether you are a Catholic ready to attack a Protestant, A white man who hates black men, heterosexual who hates homosexual… it all leads to one thing, a hatred in whatever that person, or country has.
As I said before, I dislike the current president. Hell, he did not even get the majority of the votes in the election. It leaves the point that not everyone voted for him, but only someone can pull some strings and gain that power. I also seriously doubted that the 9-11 attacks had any link whatsoever with the war in Iraq. Right when he got elected, a great majority of my freinds, family, and people I knew came to one conclusion, There will be a war soon. I simply put it as he is finishing what his father couldn’t have done. This war would have happened even if the 9-11 atttcaks did not occur, but since it did happen, it very well made a good excuse of having one.

I might as well throw this in here as well. I thought it was neat anyways.


Sorry for rambling, but at least I got my thoughts out for now. I am going to go to bed…

^ best post on a Panzer forum ever.

Heck yeah…

That movie was beautiful, Ness. Thanks for the link.

I want to type something else here but I can’t think of something coherent, so I won’t bother.