
The deaths everyday from hate attacks are not a result of terrorism, rather terrorism is used as an excuse. It is the problem of society that there is so much hate between different cultures, afterall, the people in the attacks may be of different ethnic roots but they are all citizens of the same country and ultimately all human as well. The society should unite them. I would recommend people see the film “Bowling for Columbine” by Michael Moore, that is very eye opening about a view of how people living in fear in the west could benefit the government.
About a year ago I saw an Arab man acting strangly on a train and I couldnt help but feel afraid for a moment that he may be a terrorist. I realised soon after that this was a stupid thing to feel - the only reason I felt it was because of what I had seen in the media and on TV. In all my life I have only been attacked by white youths, I have never had any trouble from people from any other culture and yet I still am intimidated in certain situations because of society’s view. As told in the film “Bowling for Columbine” more black arrests are shown on the news thatn white arrests, this is not because more black people commit crimes but because it is easier to show. Such things are present in our media and they breed predjudices. There ARE predjudices built into our Western society and they are sometimes hard to see - as long as people are raised with fear, there will be hate and there will be violence. There is no quick fix to hate and going and attacking other countries is certainly not the answer. For there to be a decrease in hate crimes there needs to be a significant change in society.
However I do not feel that it is possible to ever eliminate war and hate and I agree that there is no such thing as good and evil. 99.99999% of people in the world are all driven by the same things, they do not look for violence or pain in others. The people of the West, the Middle East and the Far East, all people believe themselves to be on the side of Good in conflicts and it is very easy to believe that your enemies are Evil. Otherwise why would you kill them? There is no black and white truth to such things as killing and war, even the soldiers in the Nazi army were not evil. When it comes down to it, we are all the same and the Nazi soldiers had similar values to you and I. However their actions certainly were evil, unfortunately it is all too easy for people to be manipulated by people in power. Hitler convinced a downtrodden Germany that his actions would make their lives better. Does this excuse their actions? Certainly not, however you have to realise that everyone has a reason for doing things, we are all human. In the West we are manipulated by our governments too, there are many things we buy in the shops that we are only able to get because of the exploitation of the third world. Does that mean we agree with it? No. Does it mean that we are enforcing it? Yes. The truth of the matter is that we cannot stop it. In England the majority of the country was against the war in Iraq, there was a massive anti war demonstration and yet we still ended up at war. I still remember Mr Blair saying that sometimes “in a democracy the government have to do things that the people are against” this summed up for me the hypocracy of our society.
There are serious flaws in how we live today and our countries are all responsible for bad actions, this does not mean that they are evil societies or that their inhabitants are bad. All of us may have good ideals but it is far too easy to turn a blind eye. There are many reasons for all of the things we see in the news, more than likely most of these reasons we are not told. The “War on Terror” is a label for Bush to use to excuse his actions however it is not an explanation for the hate in society.

These are the things that make me love Twota forums…

sorry if this seems a little late or this subject seems a little old, but I wanted to say something about 9/11. Those two long posts up there are excellent pieces of writting, you two must have been/are good at English! Anyway, I first was it on the televison, my dad had CNN up (we have sky digital) and it was showing it over and over again. I wasn’t emtional about it, shocked, but wasn’t upset. Bush isn’t a great president…and he proves that a lot…e.g trying to look through binoculors with the caps on the end:P and I had a feeling that something might happen soon after he got elected. Dont ask how, me strange like that:P well yeah, that’s it.

I thought this was an important subject, so I wanted to put a post up, even if this is old. So before ya start saying that to me, I KNOW! anyway, thanks!

[quote=“Berserker”] I had a feeling that something might happen soon after he got elected. Dont ask how, me strange like that:P well yeah, that’s it.


OMG!!! Beserker=Osama!!

lol, j/k man, don’t hurt me.


OMG!!! Beserker=Osama!!

lol, j/k man, don’t hurt me.[/quote]

expect me to walk over many hills and send many men to their death to destroy your pengiuns!! mwahahahaha…j/k…maybe…mwahahaha

MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Fear Neil and I, for we both have orange avatars!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think it’s very considerate to spam up a topic that is quite touching to some of the members here. Besides, discussion of Neil’s penguins really belongs on the Liberal District.

It shouldn’t be cause of the seriousness of the topic (afterall that is relative) but because people have agreed to be spamless in the Hole District.

Anyways, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a lecture givin’ person. :stuck_out_tongue:

oops, sorry, ok, penguins only go in the liberal district