Alright, so I just completed a run through of Zwei. It’s been ages since I’ve played this game, and there are a few things I don’t understand.
Did we ever discover why “too many mutant Khourieats are born these days”?
What awoke the Shelcoof? And how does the dark dragon fit in with it? Where did THAT come from?
What exactly did the Emperor mean by: “Rebel against Mecchania! Chase the gigantic ship! A ship, hey… wait… that’s it!” Did he think the ship was Mecchanian? I have never understood the third sentence.
Why were the Imperial ships attacking Lundi and Lagi? It seems a bit random, even though I know the Empire fears the dragon.
At the beginning of Episode 3 we see one set of ships destroy some Imperial ships. Are the winners Mecchania ships? My memory is awful.
And finally, the old chestnut: “After all this, he is still with me…”
For someone who’s been here so long, my memory is like a rusty spoon.
By the way if anyone is interested, my stats were:
651420 points
SDR: 81.7%
Rank: Defender
16 growth points
I don’t think a reason was ever confirmed, but there are theories.
This is revealed towards the end of Panzer Dragoon Saga in one of Sestren’s memory orbs. Sestren detected the impurity (what we fans often refer as the Heresy “Program”) and activated Shelcoof to eliminate it. Sestren sent the Shelcoof to destroy Elpis (the village where Lagi was born). I’m not sure what you mean about the dark dragon, can you elaborate?
Possibly a translation error when he said “rebel” against Meccania. My understanding was that Meccania were a group of united countries in opposition with the Empire who were competing in their race to unlock the secrets of as much Ancient technology as possible.
He possibly thought that Meccania had unearthed Shelcoof and had taken control of it.
As for the third sentence… who knows. Maybe it triggered the idea in his mind to start building the Grig Orig, although that did not begin until sometime afterwards.
I think these were Shelcoof’s ships destroying the Empire’s ships. There’s more in the Ship Report about this encounter.
Lundi is the Sky Rider! In all seriousness, I have no idea. Both Dragon Book 3 and the Old Diary suggest that Lagi went into some sort of hibernation or left his body at that point.
2- If by the dark dragon you mean the Guardian Dragon : each Tower has a dragon assigned to protect it. The GD was Shelcoof’s guardian hence the name.
3- I think Solo got it pretty much completely right. I think the Empire didn’t know that the ancient ruins and Towers were sentient to a certain degree. Therefore someone must had been behind the Elpis attack. Their #1 rivals at the time were Meccania. As far as the third sentence is concerned I always interpreted it as the Emperor’s realization that Shellcoof could provide very useful if apprehended.
5 - The ships who attacked the imperial ships are pure-type carriers (much like the black “thingy” that carries the Golia)
6 - I think this simply means that Lagi had a great impact on Lundi’s life and became the closest of friends. He will always be on Lundi’s thoughts. Too great an adventure to ever forget. And much like the Old Diary says, Lagi’s secret was partially revealed to Lundi.
I’m guessing word got out that Lundi had a mutant Khourieat and the Empire decided to raid the village. As Solo stated, they wanted to capture the dragon at all costs, so they didn’t want to miss any opportunities. It would seem a greater risk to lose the dragon than to disrupt the lives of the villagers. We all know how much empires care about their citizens in the long run…
The scene with the Emperor happened before Elpis was destroyed. My guess is that the Empire sighted the Ancient ship and assumed that it was Meccania’s since they were at war with Meccania at the time. Interestingly, a war which the Empire started by destroying one of their own ships as an excuse to invade Meccania, so perhaps, the Emperor knew that Shelcoof wasn’t from Meccania, but was using the people’s fear of Shelcoof to continue to justify his invasion.
I think that not taking his words literally is the only way it can make sense. Perhaps the bond was so close, that a part of Lagi had become one with Lundi, and would influnce his actions forever. Either that, or the line may have been quite loosely translated. I’d be very interested in reading a re-translation of Zwei (where is Kimimi these days anyway, those translations were excellent).
Just to clarify, Sestren’s memory orbs in Panzer Dragoon Saga confirm that the Shelcoof (the Ancient ship which destroyed Lundi’s village) was sent by Sestren, rather than the Empire. No doubt if the Empire had known about Lagi they would have raided Elpis and captured the dragon for themselves though. Hmm, that would make for an interesting Panzer Dragoon story actually.
Since you brought up those translations, the discussion here made me wonder about something.
[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
Possibly a translation error when he said “rebel” against Meccania. My understanding was that Meccania were a group of united countries in opposition with the Empire who were competing in their race to unlock the secrets of as much Ancient technology as possible.
He possibly thought that Meccania had unearthed Shelcoof and had taken control of it.
As for the third sentence… who knows. Maybe it triggered the idea in his mind to start building the Grig Orig, although that did not begin until sometime afterwards. [/quote]
This part of the World Document translation seems like it might parallel the Emperor’s exclamation there.
"6. Presently neighbouring country Meccania is at the height of its weapons excavation concentrating its efforts on a concluding strike to the war, and, to maintain dominance it hurried the investigation of a large scale Ancient Age facility within its territory. That previous work was Panzer Dragoons “Tower”.
This time, OP13* the Empire’s Emperor indicates that the “Boat” and the “Tower” crystallize the Ancient Age technology in the same way. Simply, only the Imperial scientist knows a portion of this (guessing they’re talking about the knowledge hidden within them)"*
Like maybe he was remembering some of the Empire’s data, and making the connection between Shelcoof and the Towers there. Or maybe not, but nothing else is obvious that I know of.
1/2: Okay, so the Heresy program manifested itself in numerous (mutant?) coolias to try and grow into a dragon. One of these was saved by Lundi. When Sestren detected this, it activated one of the towers (Shelcoof) to eliminate the impurity. Gehn is right (whoa, did I just say that?), I did mean the Guardian Dragon. This dragon was activated at the same time as Shelcoof in order to protect it. But why didn’t the Guardian Dragon transform into the beast we see at the end of the game, rather than staying in the smaller, weaker form we see at the beginning?
Looking at the timeline, it says that Shelcoof destroyed Meccania in AF71, and the dragon’s forays began in AF72. The diary of the Dragon Rider states that Lagi was born on the 26th of the first month, Elpis destroyed on the 19th of the 10th, and Shelcoof destroyed on the 3rd of the 12th. Assumedly all these dates are AF72, so Shelcoof must have been activated long before the events of PDZ. Perhaps it was the seeding of the Heresy that made Sestren activate it, rather than the birth of the dragon itself. Additionally, Meccania “ascends” in AF72, so I guess Shelcoof didn’t do too good of a job eh?
In the diaries Lundi also mentions that the Guardian (or dark dragon, as he calls it) didn’t attack again after their first meeting. He thinks it is chasing the ship too… weird that the guardian would be left behind. After destroying Meccania and Elpis, where exactly is Shelcoof going?
Perhaps the destruction of the two cities by Shelcoof gives the Emperor the idea behind Grig Orig, like Solo says. Seeing all that destructive force makes him want to capture it, and when that fails he wants to build his own version. Though at this point, he does still have the Space Battleship. I suppose this sort’ve makes sense, though it seems like crappy translation gremlins are at work here too. EDIT: After reading the Ship Report, it does look indeed like the Emperor wanted Shelcoof for his own ends.
So the Empire wanted to capture a dragon long before there were any dragons… they must know of the dragons through the prophecies and history of the Ancients.
Yes, they are definitely Shelcoof’s cronies. However, Lundi says that he was pursued by the Meccania as he entered the forest. According to the Ship Report though, the Imperial ships were stationed over the forest as it was where Shelcoof was expected to pass. Ultimately, how do we tell the difference between an Imperial ship and a Meccanian one? Because the ones that get shot down at the beginning of Episode 3 look like Imperial ships to me (maybe the Meccania ships had stopped chasing Lundi/Lagi, but even then the ships in Episode 2 look like Imperial ships to me too…)
Looks like there’s only two ways to take Lundi’s last sentence. Literally, meaning Lagi is alive and Lundi is the Sky Rider… which we know isn’t true. So metaphorically, meaning the journey and the experience stayed with him in his heart, after the bonding.
And the timeline states “119 A.F. - Outbreak of rebellion on Kremain”. I’m pretty sure this has been mentioned before but I just want to put it down in case it hasn’t: The last bit surely must be a mistranslation: “Of Craymen”
Just to clarify, Sestren’s memory orbs in Panzer Dragoon Saga confirm that the Shelcoof (the Ancient ship which destroyed Lundi’s village) was sent by Sestren, rather than the Empire. No doubt if the Empire had known about Lagi they would have raided Elpis and captured the dragon for themselves though. Hmm, that would make for an interesting Panzer Dragoon story actually.[/quote]
D’oh. I’m retarded. I knew it was Shelcoof that attacked Elpis, not the Empire. The freakin Guardian Dragon was there. I really need to replay Zwei. Eesh. Bad Snowie. No biscuit.
I imagine it didn’t think that it wouldn’t need to. The fact that Shelcoof destroyed Elpis should have been enough to elimiate the impurity, had Lagi have actually been in the village. Perhaps a large amount of Shelcoof’s power had already been used on destroying Elpis and it could not afford to transform the guardian dragon as well? (just making guesses here really).
I think that must have been the case too. Who knows how much time passed from between when Heresy was kicked out Sestren and the start of Panzer Dragoon Zwei. Plenty of time for the villagers to come to the conclusion that “too many mutant coolias are being born these days”.
Left behind to track down and kill Lagi, maybe? Better for Sestren if Lagi was dealt with long before he came into contact with Shelcoof.
Georgius. It’s possible that Shelcoof was simply trying to get as far away as possible from Lagi and/or the Empire, rather than going to a specific location.
Dragons also can live for thousands of years, so it’s possible that the Empire encounted one at some point. Some more information can be found in the Self-evolution section of Panzer Dragoon Orta’s encyclopedia.
Tricky question… I’ll leave that for a Panzer ship expert to answer.
There was a translation of that wallpaper?
That timeline definitely needs a retranslation, as there’s lots of mistakes in it. The original Japanese version from Team Andromeda’s website is still on if anyone wants to give it a go.
I’m sure we can afford to give you half a biscuit if you stop blaming the Empire for everything. Everyone always picks on those guys.