I prefer either Dubs or Subs, depending on how they are done.
Metal Gear Solid, for example, while not an anim00 is a definate example of where the English dub just “fits” better with the entire image.
Hearing an American Colonel scream in Japanese does not look or sound right.
Some people prefer the Japanese dub because certain scenes have more emotion, but fuckers, where as the script writers had to modify the dialogue to match the lip-flaps. But let’s face it, this is war:
Snake is a badass, no emotion, thx.
My only quip with the remake of MGS and subsequent sequels is the loss of accents for characters.
Mei Ling is WHITE in MGS 4 and has a standard American Accent, nothing about her seems remotely Chinese at all!
In some cases the original Japanese is somewhat laughable itself - in such cases though the English dub is usually not much better.
Some people like Cantonese acting over English, all I can say is: no. lol.
As for my earlier comment about Anime VS Animation, I guess my argument is not so much to do with Anime as a “Genre” but rather the fact, that “Anime” itself is a word that really only implied “Animation” in its original definition. I do not like how the word has evolved with time.
In the same way “Hentai” doesn’t make sense any more.
But I guess words evolve.
Not all Japanese animations are “anime”
“Anime” itself can be a cartoon, afterall, the definition of Cartoon is just a drawing/animation of drawings that contain a humorous gag. So stuff like Haruhi-Chan, Nyoron Churuya-San and Lucky Star defiantly fits that bill.
And not all “Cartoons” are cartoons, either!
Anyway getting back on topic (kind of)
Some of my favourite Anim00ts are:
Clannad (Series) and Clannad: After Story
The Girl Who Lept Through Time
Has anyone here seen Clannad?
I think I “got” the ending, without reading any of the crappy fan-theories that litter the net (I did look at one but I pretty much disagreed with the entire thing) Surprisingly!