You know things are desperate when

…you’re selling your copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. :frowning:

That’s right, I am selling nearly everything in my room and life to fund a semi-permanent move to Canada. The enigmatic universe of Panzer Dragoon Saga is so firmly entrenched in every level of my conscious, unconscious and subconscious that I no longer have the need for the original game, is how I’m rationalising it to myself. Still - better to sell before the inevitable XBLA re-release, right? …right? Oh man. I’ll miss the Tower and the Forbidden Zone and that cool fist bump thing you do with Gash. Farewell, Panzer Dragoon Saga! Farewell, and hello to trying to recreate what it was like to play by watching youtube videos at 1am on a sunday night every six or so months for the rest of my life.

Can someone help me before I talk myself out of this? Does anyone know of a good place to sell my copy such that I can ensure a true fan will look after it? So long as someone out there is still within that world I can keep the faith that I have not betrayed the thirteen (thirteen!!!) year old version of myself that first freaked the hell out because his family had conspired to help him (in that premature twilight of the saturn) continue an experience he had believed would forever be confined to that first demo disc, the monochrome shapes of Atolm and Azel forever fleeing into a distant sky taking with them all their secrets and magnificence and promise of other worlds. The manual isn’t good but the discs and boxes are fine.

Funny, I’ve been thinking of selling all my stuff lately, myself. PDS is the one item I’m gonna refuse to sell though. Not that I don’t understand your wanting to do that, because I’ve considered it myself and it is definitely one of my most valuable items.

Part of me actually wants to get rid of it so I can rediscover it in 30 years time and be just as excited as I was when I first played it…or in someway recreate the magnitude of such an experience.

Hopefully we’ll be playing it on a perfect emulator in the future Gehny, along with a fully translated version of Shining Force 3.

I assume that there are still collectors out there happy to buy a copy still. It depends if you are happy with the memory of the game or want to replay it some day.

Selling everything feels good - like a big cleansing. The money helps too. I gotta afford flights, insurance, rent till I get a job, etc. So I’m kinda scrimping here, and I honestly don’t think I will ever sit down and play Panzer Dragoon Saga again. Keeping it is more about knowing I could play it if I really wanted. I had a fair run with it, must have played through it 4 or 5 times throughout the years.

But, it still feels wrong somehow. So I have a plan. One of the best things about PD is the art right? I love those jaggedy dragon models. Anyone know of a place to get Panzer Dragoon art? Like, maybe not a game poster but maybe art inspired by the games or of artistic style that influenced Panzer Dragoon in the first place? If it’s affordable it could be a fitting replacement.

Real life comes first. IMO we will be playing PDSaga on a good emulator some day. If it helps you survive, you probably won’t regret it if you need the money.

SSF is good enough to do that right now. All it lacks that other emulators do is actually enhancing the visuals (though it has a couple options) with higher resolutions and such, it mostly outputs the image as it was so you’re best playing it windowed at that small resolution. But yeah it works flawlessly in my experience. Although enabling the transparency enhancements (which makes them proper instead of mesh) causes issues with Saga in particular so you can’t even get that improvement with it.

I was going to say much the same about SSF. The ability to upscale the graphics would be nice, but I respect Shima?s ethos (assuming I?m correct to recall this sentiment has been attributed to him) that accuracy and compatibility are the priority and other enhancements, etc. will have to wait. The transparency enhancements I hadn?t realise existed in my somewhat limited usage! In any case, the 1:1 rendering and consequent giant pixels aren?t really a problem to me. I?m just glad that someone has coded such a good emulator, especially given the relatively embryonic stages of the alternatives and the fact that (most of) the latter had multi-person teams.

I don?t know if I could sell my copy of Saga, even if its condition and?I blame my mother?lack of a cardboard box do leave some to be desired! The degrees of sentimentality I attach to different items vary quite widely, but PDS is definitely near the top. Now I?m thinking what a chump I am for selling my first Saturn, an Xmas present from long ago. :anjou_sad:

And hopefully someday I’ll have an affordable PC where I can do just that. I think I’ll find it hard to justify any purchase in the computer department for years to come since the only thing I’d want out of one would be gaming, and lately I’ve been leading much much more to consoles.

Xbox Live. Just do it Sega!

In any case, we always have our memories. Well until our brains rot away.

Gehn, you changed your avatar again! Bored already?

Edit: I’ll have to keep an eye on Saturn emulation again. I usually refuse to live in the past though.

Shining Force 3 - A Life of Harmony

Assuming you have a recent-ish laptop, I would also recommend SSF as a close substitute for the actual Saturn experience.

i think the only emu that has been active at all in the past couple of years is ssf. in fact they just pdated ssf from alpha to beta build now.

my suggestion on the matter is to keep pds. sure you may or may not play it again but keep it as a trophy or something along those lines. that way wif/when you want to own again you’re not paying a ton of money for it and regret selling it in the first place…

like i did with dragon force and guardian heroes. :-/

I second that x/ keep the diamonds, toss the rest…

I cracked my guardian heroes cd by accident T_T it still hurts Drama

also sold my alien soldier. that rare european pal edition. argh.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Hopefully we’ll be playing it on a perfect emulator in the future Gehny, along with a fully translated version of Shining Force 3.

I assume that there are still collectors out there happy to buy a copy still. It depends if you are happy with the memory of the game or want to replay it some day.[/quote]

that’s already out there. I recently finished playing fully translated shinign for 3 scenario 2 and soon start on scenario 3

[quote=“Atolmazel”]…you’re selling your copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga. :frowning:

That’s right, I am selling nearly everything in my room and life to fund a semi-permanent move to Canada. The enigmatic universe of Panzer Dragoon Saga is so firmly entrenched in every level of my conscious, unconscious and subconscious that I no longer have the need for the original game, is how I’m rationalising it to myself. Still - better to sell before the inevitable XBLA re-release, right? …right? Oh man. I’ll miss the Tower and the Forbidden Zone and that cool fist bump thing you do with Gash. Farewell, Panzer Dragoon Saga! Farewell, and hello to trying to recreate what it was like to play by watching youtube videos at 1am on a sunday night every six or so months for the rest of my life.

Can someone help me before I talk myself out of this? Does anyone know of a good place to sell my copy such that I can ensure a true fan will look after it? So long as someone out there is still within that world I can keep the faith that I have not betrayed the thirteen (thirteen!!!) year old version of myself that first freaked the hell out because his family had conspired to help him (in that premature twilight of the saturn) continue an experience he had believed would forever be confined to that first demo disc, the monochrome shapes of Atolm and Azel forever fleeing into a distant sky taking with them all their secrets and magnificence and promise of other worlds. The manual isn’t good but the discs and boxes are fine.[/quote]

I can;t speak for you as I will definietely still be playign saga in a few years time but I once sold saga after I finished it for the first time and I regeret it so much that I bought it back. I will never sell it again and same for shenmue games, snatcher and ico


And hopefully someday I’ll have an affordable PC where I can do just that. I think I’ll find it hard to justify any purchase in the computer department for years to come since the only thing I’d want out of one would be gaming, and lately I’ve been leading much much more to consoles.

Xbox Live. Just do it Sega![/quote]

you can put out of your head that there will be a port on any console as the source code is gone and creating en emulator for it is not something sega wants clearly.