Xbox Connect (XBC)

Anyone play anything on this?

I’m thinking of it…if I can get my hands on an Ethernet hub. Cause my computer’s 2 rooms away from the XBox…

I have played on it before. I finally bought Halo since the lowered the price in the states to 29.99, there was no way i was paying $50 for a 2 year old game (even if it is the best console FPS ever, which it is :slight_smile: ) Anyway i was amazed at how lag free the games could be. XBC is just a very cool program. I wish i had more lan compatible games so i could play online more. But once Halo 2 comes out i might just go ahead and subscribe to Xbox live.

Can you believe it?We guys still ain’t got XBox Live 'round here!

I wanted to test myself cause I think I’m a good player (of some games).

Aitrus… how did you get it to connect? I have my hardware set up exactly as shown here yet my xbox isn’t finding the games o.o

How did you connect?

my mate connected up with Xbox live…he said it was really good until his parents banned him from nearly everything cos he was being a bad boy…ah, well.

[quote=“Shadow”]Aitrus… how did you get it to connect? I have my hardware set up exactly as shown here yet my xbox isn’t finding the games o.o

How did you connect?[/quote]

Uhh i don’t know what to tell you, but i pretty much have mine setup like this:

Do you have the XBC program configured correctly?

Yep, though I’m using setup D. I was told that USB is a really unreliable Internet tool. I’ll probably see if I can scrounge a second NIC off of my loving father tomorrow.

…don’t look at me like that, they’re only ?5.

[quote=“Shadow”]Yep, though I’m using setup D. I was told that USB is a really unreliable Internet tool. I’ll probably see if I can scrounge a second NIC off of my loving father tomorrow.

…don’t look at me like that, they’re only ?5.[/quote]

Yeah its amazing how cheap those cards are.

I know, I thought they’d be about ?20. Looks like I am getting another one though ^^

Anywho can you explain what exactly is your problem with XBC? Does the program even find your Xbox? Or does it find your xbox but just wont let you connect to a game?

It finds the box, butwhen I go into a game on XBC my box doesn’t find it >.<

Hm i really don’t know what to tell you. I nkow they have a link to a great HELP forum on the XBC site. You should really check that out. Chances are others have had the exact same problem as you.

I can’t find anyone who has =/ But oh well, hopefully it’ll be sorted tomorrow.

I have it all set up, and it connects okay, but now I’m getting DDE errors when I connect. sigh My life sucks, lol.

W00t! I got it to work! I played my first game a few minutes ago and won 15-11-1

Awesome! I havent been on XBC in a while because i took my Xbox to my friends house and my television and we have been playing System Link Halo and Mech Assault.

Can anyone reccomend and other good system link games?

GHOST RECON! I love that game =P

Shit, I wanna play Halo online so bad.

But that would require my TV and my internet connection to be remotely near each other… :’(