Who here has read the game reviews on almenconi.com? Its a Christian website which aims to advise parents on the content of games, and it usually causes a bit of friction when mentioned at GameFAQs.
Who here has read the game reviews on almenconi.com? Its a Christian website which aims to advise parents on the content of games, and it usually causes a bit of friction when mentioned at GameFAQs.
“Though highly entertaining, Halo (Combat Evolved) receives a 60 (D-) [See Rating Definitions] for being easily addictive, highly violent, and for glorifying violence. While we have no direct and specific evidence linking this game to the outcome exhibited by the DC Sniper, we do know that this was a game he played. We also know that players of this type of game can become desensitized to violence and exhibit a disregard for the consequenses of violent behavior. After many hours of game time, I can see that easily happening. Any person who plays Halo needs to be very wary of the violence inherent in the game play.”
I had never heard of them, and after reading that I don’t really want to have heard of them.
Yeah I know of this site.I already had quite a laugh reading reviews of games like “Max Payne” and others…
ha! after reading what Solo quoted from thier site i think it would be a waste of my time reading anything more from that site. That little bit solo quoted just reeks of ignorance.
frowns in disgust
Blegghh… Yeah… X0
It does say on their site that reviews are not based on Graphics, Gameplay, etc, but on how God would rate the game. But even still, Halo does NOT glorify violence. There are concequences if you shoot down your own team members, and the humans have no choice but to fight the Convanant in order to ensure their own survival. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of realism and there are many more good morals in Halo that bad.
The DC Sniper must have been a very twisted person if Video Games alone caused him to kill people. I find that highly unlikely.
[quote]It does say on their site that reviews are not based on Graphics, Gameplay, etc, but on how God would rate the game.
On how God would rate the game?
I really don’t even want to address such a statement like that.
[size=125]OK, WTF?![/size]
[quote=“Aitrus”]On how God would rate the game?
I really don’t even want to address such a statement like that.[/quote]
Regardless on who’s rating the game, Halo does not convey evil morals. Violence adds to the drama and realism, adding to the atmosphere of the game world. Violence happens in the real world all the time, so why do people think that it should not be shown in entertainment? I think video games reflect society, not the other way round.
[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
[quote=“Aitrus”]On how God would rate the game?
I really don’t even want to address such a statement like that.[/quote]
Regardless on who’s rating the game, Halo does not convey evil morals. Violence adds to the drama and realism, adding to the atmosphere of the game world. Violence happens in the real world all the time, so why do people think that it should not be shown in entertainment? I think video games reflect society, not the other way round.[/quote]
I just think its ridiculous that a site would say they are rating games based on how they think “God would rate the game.” That is completely ridiculous, i can not stress that enough.
It is a human’s interpretation of how God would rate the game, nothing more. I don’t agree with that opinion though, as you would have been able to tell from my previous posts in this thread.
Interesting. Whether or not fiction instigates violence is an old sociological debate. Ultimately, people are responsible for their own actions.
Exposure to violence, real or otherwise, will desensitize anyone to it eventually. That’s the way the human mind deals with real life. We should be worried about real violence, not that of fiction.
[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
It is a human’s interpretation of how God would rate the game, nothing more[/quote]
And i find that to be ridiculous.
[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]
It is a human’s interpretation of how God would rate the game, nothing more[/quote]
And i find that to be ridiculous.[/quote]
I agree. Ultimately a person can only know so much of someone else’s opinion. It reality, it is the reviewer’s own opinion.
I can’t say how much I agree with you.