Wii'll Get More

Interview with the developers of Elebits (Konami) about their next title and the Wii. What surprised me is that he mentions they have normal mapping working now (though I can’t say their screens look that great)… I thought the Wii was not capable of that!

Anyway, it must be true even if not so noticable with their visuals and style and it’s a great asset that will hopefully start getting used to further distance the Wii from crappy PS2 or even PSP based ports which don’t do the system any justice as they are even inferior to the GameCube, which is inferior to the Wii… Of course it won’t reach the 360 or PS3 but still, it’s a good thing this appeared.

Anyway, Dewy’s Adventure might actually turn out interesting… I watched a gameplay trailer and it looks like fun, though probably won’t hold a candle to Mario Galaxy.

Interview with the developers of Elebits (Konami) about their next title and the Wii. What surprised me is that he mentions they have normal mapping working now (though I can’t say their screens look that great)… I thought the Wii was not capable of that![/quote]

Why wouldn’t it be? They had normal mapping running on the original Xbox… It primarily has issues with vertex shaders and whatnot.

I’m not saying it’s a new tech or anything, just saying I didn’t think its GPU was capable of it, what with it being based on GameCube hardware. Also, I hadn’t seen games like Splinter Cell: Double Agent make obvious use of it, and looking like ports of the PS2 version rather than Xbox for example… I guess it was lazy developing :slight_smile:

So, yeah, hopefully developers will at least make use of such technology to distance the Wii from past gen a little, rather than stick to the bad habbit of PS2 level ports…

Even the Gamecube GPU supported bump-mapping, which means it should be capable of normal-mapping, in theory. For bump-mapping to be worth anything it’s got to be reasonably detailed, and the real cost of using it is the added texture layer, and it’s storage, and memory is something the Gamecube was already tight on. The extra RAM is probably the biggest reason it will be more common to see on the Wii.