Why a rider?

I think Lance is right more or less, the quote he pasted does seem to imply something like that… The “filth and destruction” didn’t appear just while he was charging or whatever, (I don’t remember that part of the game almost at all) the world has been like that ever since (and before) he was awakened by the Empire.

Well then he chose a bad moment to say it :stuck_out_tongue:

Not very ominous…

It doesn’t have to be ominous for it to have meaning.

Of course it doesn’t but if that had a “meaning” then I think it should have been a little more explicit.It’s too vague of a sentence…

I don’t find my interpretation ridiculous.

But, if you look at the rest of the facts, there is a different possibility that is more probable.

You know that the new Empire dug up Abadd, just like the old Empire dug up Azel. If, for instance, Abadd is telling the truth and he did have a greater mission, and if he is saying that he was prematurely awakened, wouldn’t it be more probable to assume that the Empire prematurely awakened him when they dug him up, rather than from some “charging state” in the Cradle that isn’t even mentioned anywhere?

Are you blind?:stuck_out_tongue:

That’s what I’ve been talking all along.
I said that it’s either that that you just said or it’s what I said.

Anyways the “charging” state I refer to is what makes Abadd’s Mare evolve for instance…


A dragon was clearly needed, how else would he be able to get to the ruins? Even if the Empire didn’t find it, Abadd should have known its location, and I also doubt the dragon would be dead, since dragons don’t seem to die that easily.[/quote]

But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. Remember the strange monstrous corpse in the middle of Episode 6? We know it isn’t in hibernation as it wasn’t hanging from anything. And it just might have been Abadd’s steed.

Not sure I understood what just happened, but I’ll just nod.

Not you, man. The other drone! :slight_smile:

There’s another tangent in here wondering where Abadd’s dragon had got off to. That dead thing in the Ruins level before Sestren could have been his.

Dead thingy? I missed that one…where exactly is it?

If you mean what I think you mean, I’m sorry to say that the “mystery corpse” is simply the sub-boss that you fought right at the beginning of the Episode (the Atish). I’ve got the impression that it’s mystified a fair few people…

In Episode 6 of PDO, it’s in the first room of the golden mechanical area. The sub-boss is lying in a crumpled heap on the floor at the far end, and if you look up as you pass, you can see the main passage of the Tower that the creature plummeted down previously.

Well anyway, unless they explain us in a good way why this was the case in the next game, I’d prefer they had given him a proper dragon, I couldn’t help but feel it was an unfair fight since even tho enhanced (and obviously tough for gameplay reasons) his dragonmare still wasn’t up to a fight with a real Dragon like Lagi… I’d much rather see a huge beast like Atolm or the Guardian Dragon were… Ah well, maybe the next game will have better villains :slight_smile:

In Episode 6 of PDO, it’s in the first room of the golden mechanical area. The sub-boss is lying in a crumpled heap on the floor at the far end, and if you look up as you pass, you can see the main passage of the Tower that the creature plummeted down previously.[/quote]

Ohhhh…here I am thinking there was some gigantic D-Unit corpse splayed out in plain view somewhere and I was going near beserk trying to wonder how in the hell I missed it. :slight_smile: Thank you.

Oy. The White Dragonmare’s three forms was certainly tougher than The Dark Dragon, if you ask me.

The Guardian? Well, I usually never even had to fight his second form for some reason. If I did, well I’d agree. I don’t think I’ve ever beat that ‘dragonfly’ form.

Sestren? What a pushover! :slight_smile:

Is that so? I’ll have to take another look as I didn’t recognize it at all.

I was actually stuck on Abadd’s Mare for longer than any other section of any PD game the first time I played it. It took me ages to work out that you could “counter” its lasers with your own… :frowning:

So yeah, I thought it was a great last boss gameplay-wise - decently varied and challenging - but stylistically and plot-wise I would have much preferred a “real” dragon too. But then I’m not much of a fan of the dragonmares anyway, as I’ve always thought they looked pretty out of place compared to the rest of the PD universe… they’re not bad designs by any means, they’re just not my idea of “Panzery”.

Yeah. Or at least, they don’t come off as pure-types. They’re more like the mutants.

They come off to me as H.R.Giger’s Alien rip-offs. :wink:

Hee hee.

But how?

They’re so… colorful! :slight_smile:

Haha! Hahahahahaha! Haaaaahahahahahahahhahaha!

Haaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaaahahahaha!

Haha! Hahahahahaha! Haaaaahahahahahahahhahaha!

Haaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaaahahahaha!