Whoever said PDS was easy needs to be shot!

I just died on the Lathum! The fucking Lathum! I mean, how the hell was I supposed to know the Scalding Breath attack would do twice as much damage the second time around? Screw Sestren and Atolm, the Lathum is the hardest fucking boss in the game!

This site needs a walkthrough.


I don’t have my notebook handy, but scalding breath does something like 180 damage. That’s roughly half your starting HP. If you get hit by scalding breath, then you should heal instantly.

And the hardest boss in the game is the Anti-Stripe Wing. 6000 damage in one go, if you let him.

Yeah, I’m aware of Gamefaqs. I just meant that a walkthrough is really the only thing missing from a site that is otherwise very informative.

That’s what I thought as well. I had around 500HP at the time and it was taking me longer than usual to find the weak spot. The first hit took off about 150 but the second one took off a whopping 300+ and killed me. Total shock, considering I normally don’t have a problem beating it.

Just so you know, I’m not new to this game. I’ve beaten it like 20 times. I guess I’m just not as awesome as I thought I was…nah.

Add Drenholm, Behemoth, Atolm (3rd), Grig Orig, and Sestren to that list.

What level were you at when fighting Lathum?

Personally I would probably Holy Sphere the fatty then pick away at him quickly with the gun but you probably need to take a Scalding Breath or two first and so may need to be at a reasonable level.

Incidentally, I always find it tricky to get Excellents on the last couple of Anti-Dragons, but don’t have many problems elsewhere. :anjou_happy:

i reccomend that arcie converts his FAQ into a nice TWOTA style complete with pictures and no spelling errors =)

I could help =)

Or someone should scan the walkthrough the british official Sega Saturn Magazine released oh so many years ago. XD

The very fact you’re so outraged over being killed, ONCE, seems to actually support how easy Saga is. :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually think I remember that as one of the first things that ever killed me though, reading “Scalding Breath” I felt the echo of a cringe of pain. lol

You mean the one that was insanely rushed and had a few captioning errors? And recommended that the best way of beating the Anti-dragons was to spam Berserker Rage?

That ‘tactic’ worked for me though (I didn’t see it on the guide, never bought one in my life)… They died with one or two uses if I remember right (too many years ago)…

At one point I seriously considered converting my guide that’s on GameFAQs (see Arcie’s link) to a more presentable format with screenshots and things for TWotA; in fact, I did get as far as finishing the Valley bit of the guide with screenshots and lovely annotated maps made by stringing map-screen screenshots together and adding text to them in Photoshop. Unfortunately, it was around then that I realised that 80% of the information in my guide was stuff that anyone could easily work out for themselves without needing to consult an FAQ, and with that in mind it just didn’t seem worth the effort to convert the whole thing. :anjou_disappointment:

I eventually decided to just do the “secrets guide” that can currently be found on the site, which was my attempt to extract useful information from my full guide and make something concise; my idea was that if someone explored the game themselves, covering every square of the maps and opening every item box (as you have to do to get a 100% score at the end of the game), that guide contains things that people could still miss because they require you to perform a non-obvious action or sequence of actions.

That said, I vaguely thought about adapting the enemy-fighting descriptions from my FAQ into a separate PDS “combat guide” for TWotA, explaining how to get an Excellent vs. each enemy (which isn’t always really easy), but it’s just something I’ve never got around to doing…

Funny you should mention that, as I recently talked to Solo about scanning old PD-related magazine articles in order to archive them on TWotA, so when I actually bust out the scanner and the copies of SSM that’ll be one of the things I’ll be doing, for what it’s worth. Arcie isn’t wrong about that guide, though…

I was gonan make a website about that! With the enemy descriptions and pics and stuff… yeah i need time to do that as well…

[quote=“Lance Way”]

Funny you should mention that, as I recently talked to Solo about scanning old PD-related magazine articles in order to archive them on TWotA, so when I actually bust out the scanner and the copies of SSM that’ll be one of the things I’ll be doing, for what it’s worth. Arcie isn’t wrong about that guide, though…[/quote]

I actually started scanning the SSM maps as well… did about 4 scans then got annoyed at my scanner tho x.x
maybe easier with giri giri?

Well, if anything the maps were the handiest bit of the guide. >.>;; I’m sure some people would like some assistance with getting through the ruins of Uru.

I think the only places I’ve ever died in Saga were versus the Lathum and Drenholm. It’s easy :wink:

I never had any problems with the anti-Dragons. Once you get the Pulverizer, all the battles are over before they begin. In fact, I’ve usually avoided buying the thing just to create the impression of a challenge.

I think Drenholm got me at first. Then I discovered Vengeance Orbs. :anjou_happy:

Hey, LupinThe3rd check this out, it’s my almost finished PDS guide, It may be of help to you as you get farther into the game.


You call that a GUIDE!?

Here’s your description of the Arachnoth battle:

There’s no strategy, description of attacks, positioning tactics, NOTHING!

(is grumpy this morning)

Well, at the top of each diary entry, do you not see a link that says “ENEMIES ENCOUNTERED”? If you click that, you will find the enemy strategies in great detail like so:http://www.panzerdragoonsagaoasis.freehost.se/enemyp4.html Click on Sub-Boss/Boss, and you’ll find your Arachnoth strategy, along with the other Sub-Boss strategies.You are just reading an overal summed up overview of what you had to do in each area. Each page of my guide is set up like this:


                     DIARY ENTRY: x NUMBER: Edge explains what happened to him in each area.


                          DIVINE OVERVIEW:I sum up what happened in each area with pics and descriptions in order from 1 to X number.

And don’t just judge the guide until you fully understand how everthing is laid out and how it goes together.

[quote=“Arcie”]You call that a GUIDE!?

Here’s your description of the Arachnoth battle:

There’s no strategy, description of attacks, positioning tactics, NOTHING!

(is grumpy this morning)[/quote]

I am deeply hurt by your remarks… :anjou_disappointment:


I am deeply hurt by your remarks… :anjou_disappointment:[/quote]

Very well, I retract them. I was browsing at roughly 9am this morning having woken up half an hour before, and did not understand the layout of your guide.

[quote=“legaiaflame”]Hey, LupinThe3rd check this out, it’s my almost finished PDS guide, It may be of help to you as you get farther into the game.


It was just a fluke. I was making a funny when I said the Lathum was the hardest boss in the game.

Thanks anyway, though.