Who here thinks Pok?mon is good?

Pok?mon: Series One only, Indigo League. TV series.
I loved it to bits… I’m trying to find a DVD with all the episodes on it x.x

glares at Shadow


I KILL YOU. I dislike Pokepoo.

Ninetails pwns j00.

Pokemon’s pretty lame.

Be it card based animes or pokeball based animes…

they all suck!

Don’t knock it, it’s cool.

streamload.com/giga_d/XBOX_L … monbed.jpg

Sorry if the images are too large and bandwidth unfriendly. Feel free to edit to just the urls.

I don’t mind pokemon. In fact, some of them are pretty neat (Mewtwo, Suicine, Articuno…) but I CANNOT STAND PIKACHU. I want Pikachu to just die. Seriously. He’s nothing special in the game and now he’s the international face of the whole thing. I HATE IT! I WANT TO PUNT IT UP FIELD!

Oh, and that stupid baby pikachu. And Raichu as well. They should all just die.

Pikachu is cool, but they advertise him way too much. e.g that bedroom picture. Pikachu is everywhere!!
in theory it should be bulbasaur, squirtle and charmander…

It is a pretty good serious, but it was overcommercialized.

Over-commercialized?? How does one over-commercialize a completely commercial product?

It was fantastic for what it set out to do: create a multi-media brand that appealed to younger audiences.

It had collection elements in the game where kids could easily judge their own progress by how many Pokemon they had and how strong they were. There was the multiplayer element that allowed kids to compete and prove who was best in a schoolyard fashion. Then the brilliance came in the “gotta catch 'em all” element of not having all of the same Pokemon on the same game. Then the cards. Then the anime.

Brilliant concept that was brilliantly executed. Was it art? No. But it was great entertainment for kids, and great business.

I don’t suppose an analogy concerning the BNP and right-wing politics is appropriate here?

get with the times! it’s all about the yu-gi-oh now!

[size=9]where’s the seppuku emoticon when you need it?[/size]

[quote=“Abadd”]Over-commercialized?? How does one over-commercialize a completely commercial product?

I’m sure I don’t need to give examples off of a certain industry you know well…

My point was that if something is meant to be a completely commercial product, wouldn’t it be in their best interest to market the crap out of it and make it a massive cultural phenomenon? To me, what you guys are describing as “over-commercialized” as it applies to Pokemon sounds like “astounding commercial success.”

Maybe it’s just me.

How about this… what do you mean when you say “over-commercialized”? It’s not like it started off as an art project that was meant to speak to the human condition or something. It was a guy’s idea for a toy, and they ran with it. And it sold really well.


Well abadd is completely right, but of course people like me… and others don’t like it. Some people don’t like it because it was comercialised, and they think itsfor kids, but it pops up wherever they go which annoys them. Others (like me) are annoyed by the commerciallism because it makes the other people hate it, and think that people like me only like it because its commercial… if that makes sense

Kinda like beyblade… and yu-gi-oh
I liked both of those a lot when it first came out… then it became very commerciallised with new series etc which just sucked (for me anyways). Just like pokemon

[quote=“Abadd”]My point was that if something is meant to be a completely commercial product, wouldn’t it be in their best interest to market the crap out of it and make it a massive cultural phenomenon? To me, what you guys are describing as “over-commercialized” as it applies to Pokemon sounds like “astounding commercial success.”

Maybe it’s just me.

How about this… what do you mean when you say “over-commercialized”? It’s not like it started off as an art project that was meant to speak to the human condition or something. It was a guy’s idea for a toy, and they ran with it. And it sold really well.


Mumei used the expresion over-commercialized because perhaps he actually liked the anime but thought that the whole Nintendo deal and all the toys and whatnot were crap.

You can over commercial something that is already commercial.IN fact that’s thw whole kind of thing you can over commercialize since to over commercialize you need to be commercialize in the beginning.

The problem with that argument is that the game came first. Then the anime and card games. The anime was only created as a means to further commercialize the product.

It just seems like the terms “over-commercialized” and “sold out” etc. are over used by the gaming community, much like it is in the indy-music scene. When a game/band/whatever makes it big, everyone instantly turns their backs on it because it’s no longr “just theirs.” It becomes mainstream… and who wants mainstream? [/sarcasm] :anjou_happy:

But seriously, the anime was only ever as good as the game, and Nintendo continues making both as long as fans want them. And apparently, they still do.

I dind’t undertsand your first paragraph.You’re actually saying the Pokemon games came before the anime?

I’m not surprised and I’m not surprised at my lack of information on the subject either.

yeah the games came first, then anime, the TCG (i loved all 3)
In fact I loved the whole pokemon thing until they started creating all these new pokemon and stuff. I thought it got stupid then.

Original 151 = :anjou_love: