Who has the MSR soundtrack (on their computer)?

Mainstream lanuguages suck as much as mainstream games >D

Gehn, your logic is not logical.

My logic is “iLogical”. Yes style doens’t come cheap.Ask Scotty.

[quote=“Arcie”]They DID. The in-between-songs speech is Japanese. The songs themselves are English, which is partially representative of the song industry in Japan anyway.

Japanese people are likely to know some English as well as Japanese.
English speaking people are not likely to know Japanese as well as English.

U C? :)[/quote]

Well… I did hear all too well that the speach in between was in Japanese, but this english pop detracts from the “You’re in the middle of Tokyo!” feeling.


You dind’t fully undertsand the logic of that post did you? :smiley:

I am pretty sure i understood it fully… (unfortunately) :anjou_sad:

ok… i need the following now (got MSR =)

Soul Calibur OST
Sonic & Knuckles OST

anyone? >_>

First you must answer the question in my first post in this topic.

Wish they’d finish their server change… want to put my tracks up soon, or everyone will be thinking they don’t actually exist! :anjou_sad:

Incidentally (I’m good at that), since we’re on the topic of soundtracks, I’m currently helping Solo with the Azel and Zwei OSTs, in LAME 3.96.1 high quality VBR format. I just need to figure out my ‘standard’ for the file names and tags.

To that end, I’d appreciate offers of help from any Japanese speakers here - I want to be able to accurately tag the files. I’d be happy to send scans of the inlays and covers, in order that translation of track titles and the composer names (just to be thorough; not that I don’t trust TWotA’s tracklist section) can be done.

I’d also appreciate any other tagging advice. :anjou_happy: