Which RPG should I buy?

This summer, I’m not going to have net access at home for about a month due to moving house, so I’m going to have to have some kind of intellectual filler (read: an RPG) to make up for not seeing your daily witticisms. :slight_smile:

Which should it be, baring in mind I have a GC?

Skies of Arcadia Legends.Thats the one I’d buy, cause I’m not really a Zelda fan and Ive heard soo many good things about SoA.

Not Sega of America mind you! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve not played SoA Legends yet, but The Wind Waker was really fantasic in my opinion; pretty much everything about the game just seemed top-notch. The gameplay had pretty much everything that made the previous games great and it successfully added in new elements, the game-world was teeming with stuff to do and even the cel-shaded graphics grew on me towards the end. I’d probably recommend it to anyone unless they really disliked Zelda / action-adventure games, and if you haven’t played OoT yet that’s a pretty huge bonus too. (Oot’s gameplay still seems to be up there with TWW’s, and given that the game’s at least the same length that’s an insane amount of stuff for your cash.)

I voted for SOA but I haven’t played the Wind Waker…
I just think SOA is not something to miss cos it’s something really special and made by Sega :smiley:
It might not be as impressive or pack as much gameplay as zelda does since it’s an old school-ish RPG but for what it is, it’s amazing, I just love everything about it :slight_smile:
Zelda OOT I’ve played though and it’s amazing so I imagine so is Wind Waker… I’d say they are so different games the choice is yours since they are both quality stuff…

SOA without a doubt. =)

I’d say Skies of Arcadia. Nothing against Wind Waker, but my heart’s in Skies. If there was a video game world I’d want to live in, Skies of Arcadia would probably be it. Not that I don’t like other worlds (like Panzer, Phantasy Star, and others), but some places you like to visit, and others you’d like to live. Skies is a living place. :slight_smile:

Skies of Arcadia is the closest thing to a true RPG sequel to Panzer Dragoon Saga a fan of the Panzer series can find. The ship-to-ship battles alone make the game worth buying.

I’m a big fan of the Legend of Zelda games, so I say windwaker.

I’d have to agree with Duke, the ship to ship battles in SoA are worth the purchase of the game. While i’ve only played the original on DC, legends i’v read is just as good. It’s a game that really hangs on you after you have finished playing it.

Skies of Arcadia. Although I’m only seen a little of Wind Waker, I have spent an enormous amount of time playing the original Skies of Arcadia - it was one of those games that was hard to put down. The world was highly original. The story, although it’s been done before in other tales of exploration, worked really well because the characters were people you cared out. The music matched the atmosphere almost perfectly.

Skies of Arcadia is a classic, old school RPG. And it’s brilliant.

For some reason I just can’t get myself worked up enough over Wind Waker to shell out the $50. Dunno why.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Skies of Arcadia. Although I’m only seen a little of Wind Waker, I have spent an enormous amount of time playing the original Skies of Arcadia - it was one of those games that was hard to put down. The world was highly original. The story, although it’s been done before in other tales of exploration, worked really well because the characters were people you cared out. The music matched the atmosphere almost perfectly.


You know there is a anime that I am watching that reminds me of SoA, except for the pirate part. Last Exile, mainly because of the ship to ship battles.
I think so anyways.

So Arc, what did you decide on? 0_0

i really liked skies on the DC so i assume the GC one is the same with some additions.

WW did some really impressive stuff, but i personally felt it got extremely tedious. maybe it’s because you do the same stuff in each zelda game- although windwaker did mix it up a bit with the story. and the gameplay was fine… it’s just that i just got the same feeling as when i played PSO ep 1&2 expecting something new out of it :frowning:

[quote=“Megatherium”]i really liked skies on the DC so i assume the GC one is the same with some additions.


Yeah it got some new parts, and a bit better loading times. Have read that the DC game sounds way better, and that in parts in looks better too.

Can’t comment only have the DC version. And it’s 1 of the best RPG’s ever (if a bit long).

[quote=“Atolm”]You know there is a anime that I am watching that reminds me of SoA, except for the pirate part. Last Exile, mainly because of the ship to ship battles.
I think so anyways.[/quote]

I’ll make a mental note to look out for it.

Skies, by far. I really liked TWW… But Skies is one of my three favorite RPGs ^^. It’s definitely worth getting over TWW… Stupid TWW beating SoA in SC2K4 ><.