What is your least favorite PD Game?

I just wanted to know. Out of curiousity. If somebody asked this before, sorry.

Personally, I didn’t like Zwei… I don’t know why. The first one I was addicted to, my ill-fated Saga was my best friend, and PD Orta ( the last one I have left after a certain “friend” of mine decided he needed money from the Pawn Shop and an ass kicking rather than a JOB) is just pretty.

I just found Zwei annoying. Grating…

What 'bout you?

Hm? I dunno. To be honest, I liked all of them at least a little bit. Maybe the first one? Probably cause gameplay was kinda hard to control.

Well, not including Panzer Dragoon Mini, I would have to say Panzer Dragoon Ein was my least favorite. Probably its only saving grace is its orchestra soundtrack…and even then, Saga’s soundtrack totally annihilates it.

I don’t think we’ll ever see a game of Panzer Dragoon Saga’s caliber ever again - I hope I’m wrong about that, but I doubt it.

I couldn’t choose one, as I love them all equally.

Well I’ll say Orta
Followed by PD1
Then Zwei is my fave shooter and obviously Saga is my fave of the series.
I don’t wanna say why, I have said my opinion on Orta multiple times and about I don’t really have anythin bad to say about PD1, it’s just that I absolutelly love Zwei and also time hasn’t been kind to pd1 with so low frame rate…

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Well I’ll say Orta
Followed by PD1
Then Zwei is my fave shooter and obviously Saga is my fave of the series.
I don’t wanna say why, I have said my opinion on Orta multiple times and about I don’t really have anythin bad to say about PD1, it’s just that I absolutelly love Zwei and also time hasn’t been kind to pd1 with so low frame rate…[/quote]

By 32 bit standards the original Panzer Dragoon still boasts some nice visuals IMO. I can’t get enough of those Imperial warships.

I didn’t say it looks bad and obviously its not the graphics I care for since I put Orta as my least favorite, it’s just the frame rate of it that almost hurts my eyes nowadays… It’s really distracting of the game to me atleast. I wish Sega would have fixed up the frame rate for the X-box version, then that would do the game justice and return it to it’s former glory even if some ppl would yell about it not being true to the original…

The version of Panzer Dragoon packaged with Panzer Dragoon Orta was the PC port, which utilizes a higher and therefore sharper resolution. The frame rate wasn’t too bad IMO.

I didn’t like Playing Panzer Dragoon Ein on the Xbox, the controls just didn’t seem to work right, if you tried to adjust your aim slightly the cursor would shoot across to the other side of the screen (OK, thats a bit of an exaggeration, but it was very over-sensitive) Also, every now and the the Xbox version just stops dead for a few seconds while loading, which the origional bever had to do…

Ok, so maybe the version of Panzer Dragoon packaged with Panzer Dragoon Orta is the worst out of all the games in the series. :slight_smile:

I dont like the first Panzer Dragoon. I actualy think it sucks. I only bought it for the story (got it after I bought Saga). It’s not even fun to play. Only good part is the music.

The first one is the worst (excluding Mini).

I still love it. I didn’t like the Xbox port though, it just felt different (I imagine the same is true with the PC version).

The only gripes I have with the Saturn Panzer games, especially the shooters, is that they are way too short for their own good. The original Panzer Dragoon actually felt longer than Panzer Dragoon Zwei to me, and the cutscenes were more epic, even though they didn’t focus on the hero of the game. The games left me wanting more.

My least favourite is definately Orta.Then comes Zwei and then Eins.Saga is the best o’course.

Here’s my overview of the series, from favourite to least favourite:

1 - Panzer Dragoon Saga
2 - Panzer Dragoon Orta
3 - Panzer Dragoon Zwei
4 - Panzer Dragoon
5 - Panzer Dragoon Mini (BLASPHEMER! BURN THE HERETIC!)

Saga is tops for, erm, obvious reasons.

I know Orta is nowhere near as good as Zwei aesthetically, artistically and in soundtrack terms, but I honestly think that it’s a better game overall. There’s so much more to do and unlock in it, the gameplay is more varied, and it takes more than ninety minutes to get through the game. (No matter how great Zwei’s ninety minutes were, it was still far too short.)

I agree that the years have not been kind to PD1. Though it was excellent in its day, the later shooters are generally better than it gameplay-wise. There’s practically no replay value, either - no different routes, nothing to unlock, and an overall 100% shot-down ratio is humanly unrealistic.

… and my above comment on Mini should tell you where I stand on that one.

You’re not actually exaggerating :slight_smile: This happens because PD1 does not have analogue control, and so works terribly with the XBox controller’s analogue thumbstick. If you just use the normal directional button, you might find it much easier to control. Still, I prefer the Saturn version.

I’d have to say the ‘Mini Panzer Dragoon’ or the mini game from X Box’s reawaked epic, Orta, would have to be the worst.

They tried their best to fix the game by uping the frame-rate, so that it’d look better, but the speed of the game was changed and the ability to move about was also ‘foreign’ by being much too fast. They tried their best, but fell just a bit short. Really, all of the games are gems in their own way, pioneering past the old ones.

Panzer Dragoon - Start of the epic, a new benchmark in beauty and railshooting

Panzer Dragoon Zewi - The ability to change shape and routes were a new snaple for the series, creating a customizing ability and less of a ‘railshooter’ feel. Speed and skill levels were so perfect, so that the game felt right. Also the ‘Berzerk’ meter became a standard from this on.

Panzer Dragoon Saga - The melding of the old games into a new RPG feel created both an interesting idea but a very playable RPG that once again set the standard of how RPG’s should look and feel when playing. Customization of upgrading your mount and finding all the special attacks, with an increase in the amount of different ‘berzerk’ attacks, and keeping the idea of changing forms, but this time at will.

Panzer Dragoon Orta - Taking everything good from Zewi, and expanding upon it, this game mostly added great graphics and the ability to change forms to the extreme. Possibly the final evolved form of the railshooter.

Panzer Dragoon Mini - A tragic remake of the 1st, in which ended up mostly puking upon what the first one achieved.

I like all of the games they have made related to this, but the one i didnt like was the mini one…what the heck were they thinking anyay? it should have been on the game boy or something handheld.

Eh? Panzer Dragoon Mini WAS on a handheld…the Game Gear… where did you play it if not on it :S

Whoops i should have looked more into it then…i saw a preview and thought it wasnt on a handhled.

so… you didn’t actually play it then? why did you reply in the first place? 0.0