Welcome to the new Panzer Dragoon forums

People, I’m going to be reading this forum as well but PLEASE DEAR F***ING GOD PLEASE PUT ORTA SPOILER WARNINGS!!!

You needn’t to worry. :slight_smile:

Does this mean I can have another Race to X game here?

…pleeze? :frowning:

(It’s cool if you dont let me do it here though, because I can always spam up Scott’s NiGHTS board with a Race to X game =P)

Death to race to X games!! You can spam Scott’s board, but its dead to the world :stuck_out_tongue:

Scott has a board?!


That’s what IM programs and chat rooms are for :wink:

How many times have you seen someone have a race to x word game on icq? o_O

are you kidding shadow? Arc and I have hours and hours of fun with a Race to X game on ICQ. For some strange reason though it’s always the person that goes second that wins. :stuck_out_tongue: