As you will know if you have read the updates on the front page of this site, the Excavation Camp is no more. While it has been sad to see such a great forum disappear so quickly, it was necessary due to the number of problems with the forum database.
This place will hopefully act as a new home for camp refugees. It’s not as flash, nor as developed as the Excavation Camp and Town of Zoah forums were, but that should improve over time. This is basically the standard phpBB2 subSilver style; I intend to improve it over the coming weeks.
Please post your thoughts on the new forums. Suggestions are welcome also.
although i’m a little sad to close down until the next title is announced I did felt the urge for longer vacations.
same as every webmaster i want my site to provide individual news and valuable content not everyone has, and this takes time i simply do not have right now.
i’m very glad though, that Solowing decided to set up a new board, and I feel this is the right place for it.
Hey Im reply here too. I guess this will do for a board. So what kind of new topics and theories will be begining posting, seeing as all the old ones have “conviently” disappeared.
Too bad for the camp, it is a shame to see it go down and with it the history of the forum.
But, as long as the community still exists, all should be well.