Wallpapper Contest

I challenge you to make a PD related wallpapper!

The 2 best wallapappers will be able to…

…hear thwe praise from the mob outside! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah really, I think it would be nice if anyone here tried to make a PD wallpapper, and it could provide some new content for TWOTA’s monopoly.

Hmm… I have a huge collage that I made in Photoshop, but its pretty lame… I’ll go fix it up…

Yes yes it would :wink:

But, seriously I think this is a great idea. There can be all sorts of creative wallpapers, and it would be great to have a selection of them somewhere on the Internet. I might have a go at making one.

Alright, I just knocked up a quick wallpaper in Photoshop. However I’m sure someone else could do better…

1024 by 768: panzerdragoon.net/temp/wormr … 4by768.jpg
1600 by 1200 (good for 21inch users):

Yes,yes keep them coming.I’m making one myself.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Alright, I just knocked up a quick wallpaper in Photoshop. However I’m sure someone else could do better…

1024 by 768: panzerdragoon.net/temp/wormr … 4by768.jpg
1600 by 1200 (good for 21inch users):

Those are awesome. Keep it up!

Let me guess: something with a Panzer Dragoon 1 theme?

Yes, I thought so. :wink:

Why do you say so…

oh :slight_smile:


oh, kool^^ I would make some if 1.I wasn’t overloaded with things to do and 2.I was anygood at it:P but Solo, that ones kool! must see more…

It’s pretty easy to whip something up like that in Photoshop. For those who are considering making one, try playing around with filters. I used the Twirl and Clouds filters for the background.

Is there a free version of Photoshop?

Solo do you mean you drew all of those!>??!?
:frowning: One day i’ll be good at photoshop. I’ll make a wallpape and see what it turns out like lol


Don’t be a warez-monkey!

Not “drew” no. I used images from Lagi’s site and played around with some effects.

What do you mean by warez-monkey Dopefish?!

I’m not gonna spend my money on some petty software no matter how good it is (or almost)…

A warez-monkey is my term for people who get programs illegaly.

Try the gimp, it’s supposed to be a great program with a lot of Photoshop’s tools (don’t know about filters and such tho…)

Ah Gimp, I believe that comes with Redhat Linux. It’s amazing that programs that companies will charge thousands of dollars for are basically being given away in the form of their open source counterparts. It’s certainly a good idea though.

Where are lordcraymen and SenorKaffee? They had a bunch of neat wallpapers that I liked on their site.