Using the pulveriser

Does anyone else deliberately forego this gun part?

Firstly Team Andromeda design a reasonably carefully balanced selection of gun options each with strengths and drawbacks. Then they throw in one, easy to get hold of, which completely dominates all the other weapons. Not only that, it even beats Solo Wing Dragon’s fully powered up laser attack in most situations.

To me, it needlessly makes some otherwise interesting aspects of the game redundant, but I haven’t seen any of the guides comment on this. If any of the writers are around, have you considered mentioning something to this effect?

Similarly, I find the Berserk Vampire (slightly) better than Lance Way gives it credit for, since I’ve always considered it a point of honour to beat the game without buying any power ups in the shops, and preferably without ever using the ones I collect.

On the subject of Lance’s guide, I’m skimming through it at the moment for anything I might’ve missed, and so far I’ve noticed one thing I’d consider an error - his dismissal of all attack class berserks as being functionally identical.

It’s been a while since I played, but at least one of the berserks (lightning storm, I think), has a slightly different effect in that (IIRC) it can only hit each target a single time, whereas the others will keep battering a single target (or share their battering between multiples) until all their energy is expended.

The only real problem I have with the guns in PDS is with the Assassin.It should take more damage on weak points like the Sniper does but in the end the Pulverizer is way better.

i actually found the assassin to be really helpful, and it can kill just about any normal enemy with one shot, and does a good amt of damage with the bosses as well.

i like the berserk vampire too.

i wish there was a reason, aside from cosmetics and nostalgia, for transforming into the solo wing. the light wing is by far the better dragon, unless there is something i don’t know about the solo wing.

(turning into the dark dragon kind of makes it worth it though)

[quote=“agrodies”]i actually found the assassin to be really helpful, and it can kill just about any normal enemy with one shot, and does a good amt of damage with the bosses as well.

i like the berserk vampire too.

i wish there was a reason, aside from cosmetics and nostalgia, for transforming into the solo wing. the light wing is by far the better dragon, unless there is something i don’t know about the solo wing.

(turning into the dark dragon kind of makes it worth it though)[/quote]

The Light Wing is better? How so? I thought Solo Wing just powered you up (possibly gave you an extra laser, though I vaguely remember someone saying that wasn’t true) equivalent to a couple of extra experiences levels - and freed up your morph bars again, which is a pretty big deal IMO.

well, that’s true. however, with the light wing, you don’t have to waste guages changing classes, because you don’t need to.

the light wing automatically gets the advantages of all of the classes…like when you have three guages, both your hp and bp replinishes automatically. you also get to use any berserk attack available without switching classes.

the solo wing gives you another level up, but you lose the versatility of the light wing.

the solo wing does look cool, though. i think that’s about it’s only advantage.

I’m more than just a pretty face!

[quote=“agrodies”]well, that’s true. however, with the light wing, you don’t have to waste guages changing classes, because you don’t need to.

the light wing automatically gets the advantages of all of the classes…like when you have three guages, both your hp and bp replinishes automatically. you also get to use any berserk attack available without switching classes.[/quote]

Well yeah, but you don’t seem to get the bonus to shot/spirit/speed/defence. And who uses the full gauge effects anyway? I almost always have my dragon 200-198 in some direction (normally high agility), and I only very occasionally charge BP with the full gauges.

I rarely ever used the full gauge effects as in most cases it just wasted time.

If you want to get a good rank, you can’t sit around =P

Back to the guns - I can’t remember much about the pulveriser tbh, I just used the sniper and assassin types, occasionally switching to vampire if I was low on BP.

Switching forms is extremely useful imo. If you know an enemy, then you can make their attacks useless with a quick change.
I remember using speed on a few enemies as they had recharge time or…something. I just remember it being very useful.

And the cosmetic effects brought back memories, which is always nice =P

Pulveriser is broken. Simple as that. Once you have that and some shield chips your dragon basically becomes a cab with optional vengeance orbs.

Glad *someone *agrees :slight_smile: