Unlimited energy for panzer dragoon zwei

as a long time panzer dragoon (saga) player I played zwei quit ea bit but could never finish it because I suck too hard in shooters. for regular panzer dragoon I used a code for unlimited energy. now I found an action replay code for the usa and jap version of zwei but not for the pal version. is there any code or any way to finish this game for me other than watching the clips and play on youtube?

If you’ve got Saga as well then a saved game on PDS on your Saturn’s internal memory should unlock absolutely everything in Pandora’s Box, so you can give yourself unlimited health, berserk, anything you want.

Failing that, practice and take routes 2, 1 and 2 respectively because they’re much easier if you’re just looking for a 1cc.

I have a saga file but it only unlocks pandora’s box and not all the options

Uh? Doesn’t it? o_0 Pretty sure I got options I had never seen after getting Saga onto my internal RAM.

The following page (which I wrote ages ago) says the same thing as Arcie. Having a PDS save file should unlock all of Pandra’s Box.

thewilloftheancients.com/sec … ecrets.php

I’m wondering if this has to do with the save files being in different places (one stored in the internal memory, one stored in a memory cartridge). It would be useful to get to the bottom of this and then document it for future reference.

This is off-topic, but is it just me or is Dragon-only mode absolutely impossible to beat due to the Stage 5 boss?

I may be misremembering, but is that the boss who runs away if you take too long?

I didn’t know there was a boss that runs away if you take too long. Might be it.

Might be. I could be thinking of another game, though.

Just practice, practice, practice. I?m not the greatest shooter player out there either, but after 20 play throughs i got my Winged Death rank.

This to say that if you try a lot you will eventually manage to pass the game without cheats.

[quote=“VersasoVantare”]The stage 5 boss is the one with the rotating shield that blocks all homing shots(that is, the dragon’s attacks).
This is my first time playing Zwei in years though, so if there’s a way of beating him with only homing shots, I might not know of it.[/quote]

Theres isn?t, that boss is actually VERY easy, just keep shooting at him with the regular shots. Don?t mind the laser, a bug in the game prevents it from making any damage to you, just worry about the missiles, shoot them as soon as they deploy, other than that just shoot the boss with regular gun, and AVOID SHOOTING THE SHIELD, is you destroy the shield the beast gets really mad and will go berserk on you.

SMALL CORRECTION: You can beat him with lasers only if you really want to, just keep blasting the shield until it get destroyed. After that you can shoot the Boss with laser, but at this point it just goes berserk, its near impossible to avoid his attacks.

I always wondered about that!

Not sure if I ever did this. Guess I know what I?m doing tonight! :smiley:

The stage 5 boss is the one with the rotating shield that blocks all homing shots(that is, the dragon’s attacks).
This is my first time playing Zwei in years though, so if there’s a way of beating him with only homing shots, I might not know of it.

I do appreciate the advice, but I’m not having trouble with the 5th level boss.
Arcie asked if it was possible to beat the thing in dragon only mode, and Solo said he had trouble remembering what it was/why it was causing problems so I tried to explain things a little.