Two things I just noticed

Sorry Lagi, I missed your post earlier. If any part of the guide has screenshots of Edge finding the “new” dragon pup in Shelcoof, I’d guess that the text we’re after would be on that page. The only screenshots I’ve taken of that sequence are these: … ets_30.jpg … ets_02.jpg … ets_31.jpg … ets_32.jpg … y_1_22.jpg

You can only access this secret in the second half of the game, so I’d expect it to be shown in the second half of the guide. But of course, the writers might not have included screenshots for this particular secret, so don’t worry if you can’t see it.

There really doesn’t seem a lot that actually links up with Zwei and Saga if you take my meaning. It’s like Panzer Dragoon 1 could have never happened, and the story of Zwei and Saga would both make complete sense on their own. Nothing really seemed important in it to the overall story, the Sky Rider included unfortunately.

I agree that the illusion of the Blue Dragon that we see in PDS’ Shelcoof was almost certainly meant to represent Lagi in his final form. My idea was that Lagi left the hologram behind inside the crest with the baby dragon and when Edge came in there the hologram appeared leading the way to where the pup was located - in the crest.

I’m certainly with you on the fact that the illusion isn’t a random one. I’m almost 100% sure it is meant to represent Lagi in his Blue Dragon form. The question is: how did it get there in the first place? I can see only two options: Lagi or the pup would have left it there.

Well either way, the dragon still being lead by the same program which was in all the Panzer Dragoon games. So regardless, the dragon still seemed to need the hologram for some reason, whether or not it was the same physical dragon.

My thoughts on this are that Lagi left the hologram to guide Edge (and the Divine Visitor). Although the dragon was the one flying, it seemed as if Edge was always the one in control… he chose to go to multiple locations that the dragon would have had no need to go to, but the dragon obeyed. Edge wouldn’t have understood why the dragon would have tried to take him further into the Shelcoof when he himself had no reason to go there, so it’s possible that Lagi left the hologram there to spark Edge’s interest and guide him towards the crest’s location where Lagi’s pup was located.

So, in your theory how does the Heresy program transport itself between different bodies? For some reason I’d assumed that you meant that the Heresy Program uploaded and then downloaded itself from the Sestren network as a means of transportation.

Well, I guess that depends on which crest we’re talking about :slight_smile:

If you look in Sestren’s memory orbs we see the battle of the Guardian Dragon and Lagi in his Type 01 form. This confirms that Lagi finished the game in this form and that Epilogue D was indeed the true Zwei ending. After that we see Lundi peering up at none other than the Sky Dart crest… which looks completely different to the Crest that we see in Epilogue D and in Shelcoof in Panzer Dragoon Saga.

The reason I’m saying this is that there could well have been two crests - one shaped like the Sky Dart which Lagi hibernated in between PDZ and PD1, and the other crest that we see in Epilogue D and in Shelcoof in PDS.

I’ve knocked up a quick diagram to illustrate this:

Btw, Lance, slightly off topic but I’m currently working my way through the second lot of content that you sent me, and I’ll get back to you reasonably soon about it. So far everything looks great - so thanks a great deal. :anjou_happy:

I have to agree; it seems as though Team Andromeda didn’t really know that they were going to develop this immense storyline, and just tried their best to link it up once they released Zwei and Saga. Although, as we have seen, they didn’t do the best of jobs the whole way through. :anjou_disappointment:

Of course, PD1 is an essential title; obviously, since it is the first game released from the series. But I have to question whether TA were planning on developing the series as far as they did, and the fact that most of the inconsistencies from Zwei and Saga’s storylines are related to things from the first game.

That may have been the plan all along, though… :anjou_embarassed:

About the dragon-ghost scene.

I just played that scene yesterday (cries) and just to remind you guys what happens :

There are four pyramids that are fueling those laser tubes pointed at the sky.The dragon has to destroy them and Edge comments saying “there’s energy coming out”.That energy then goes inside Shelcoof and the dragon feels a pull.You enter the ship.Once you do you see that all the energy is concentrated in one point.

Then out of the Genesis Chamber 5 (I think they were five) arrows of light come and hit the energy gathered before you.And thus the “ghost” is formed.

Don’t forget that if you fly straight agehnst one of the doors (and since you have the vision in fornt of you) you will make it dissappear.

Oh, sure - from today onwards I’ll probably be away and offline until after Christmas though, so if there’s anything you might need me to sort out I may be a little while getting back to you. I’ll be sure to post some more thoughts on this topic when I’m back, too.

So yeah, have a good Christmas everyone. :anjou_happy:

I don’t know you that well yet Lance, but anyway see ya later and have a good Chrimbo! :anjou_happy:

Thanks for your (large amount of) input on this topic. If only I could read it all… :anjou_embarassed:

Wow, this is a very interesting theory, and one I think explains a lot about the series. I was originally reluctant to believe it when I first read this topic, but reading the version in the theory section has cleared it up immensely, and I think it is probably what Team Andromeda had in mind (or something close to it).

I’m developing some ideas from it as well to fill out the few inconsistencies, and I’m finding it very interesting.

There’s a hole in part of your theory - where did the second dragon come from? With the Heresy program already ejected from Sestren, and the remnants of it sealed in the Dragon Crest in Shellcoof, how did it insert itself into another Coolia if the program was not accessed again until Lagi was reborn towards the end of PDS?

The final memory cell accessed in Sestren at the end of PDS shows that the Golden Dragon program was ejected from Sestren into what became the Dark Dragon to stop the Blue Dragon, or the “impurity” as it was called. So how did the Blue Dragon activate to cause this?

To me the following are the only way I see the multiple dragons theory being possible:

ONE. Lagi and the Blue Dragon are actually the same entity. That Lagi was the Solo Wing dragon in PD1.

TWO. The Heresy program backed itself up in Sestren before rejecting the Ancients’ will and ultimately being ejected from Sestren. The flaw with this is that we don’t see the Heresy program being ejected from Sestren - the events pan out as if the Heresy program was already active in the world, and the Sestren AI ordered the Golden Dragon program to eject itself from Sestren to destroy the Heresy program.

Analysis of both outcomes lead to the same conclusion - that there only was the one dragon in the series. I would like for you to prove this inncorrect though as I find the “multiple dragons” theory much more interesting.

Well, I’ll do my best. :anjou_happy: It actually completely slipped my mind that I hadn’t replied to this topic yet, as I started writing a reply to Solo’s points before I left for Christmas as well, but never got around to posting it; I’ll try and cover as much stuff as possible…

For this theory I’m speculating that the program left Lagi in the dragon crest (which he went into at the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei) and entered into the body of another Coolia, which it evolved into the PD1 dragon. Admittedly we’re not shown this in any cut-scenes, but on the other hand we’re not shown Lagi leaving that crest to become the PD1 dragon either, so both theories need to rely on some sort of unseen event at this point in the storyline.

The only place where we see the program “bodiless” in the real world is the second (?) memory orb in PDS, where it appears as spiralling green energy moving across desert land: … y_1_04.jpg

If this was how it travelled between the Sestren exit - wherever that was - and Lundi’s village, I’d guess that it would travel between other places in the same way if it was forced to.

I must say I’m more than a little sceptical about this being an intended part of the plot; as I pointed out in the PDS guide for the site, we actually see both the Skydart dragon crest and the Brigadewing dragon crest in that memory orb, so it seems that whoever put that sequence together simply wasn’t making the best editing choices: … uff_24.jpg … uff_25.jpg

As this is the only place where we see a non-Solo Wing crest in the “true” version of storyline events, I’m quite convinced that it was only a continuity error; they probably wanted to show Lundi actually inside Shelcoof, and didn’t use the Solo Wing ending for that reason. Continuity-wise, TA also rendered a very different-looking gun for Lundi in that new clip, and he was fighting the Guardian Dragon at the wrong time of day. Remember that these FMVs would have been finalised long before the game was actually finished, too; this would also explain how things like the Arm Wing / Light Wing continuity error snuck in to those final FMVs.

Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, it’s always struck me as strange that TA didn’t “work outwards” from the storyline of PD1 more closely; that they didn’t use PDZ to show the origins of the Sky Rider as well, for example.

I’ve a bit more input on this whole storyline dilemma too, so I’ll add some more thoughts later on; unfortunately I’m unpleasantly busy at the minute…

[quote=“Lance Way”]

For this theory I’m speculating that the program left Lagi in the dragon crest (which he went into at the end of Panzer Dragoon Zwei) and entered into the body of another Coolia, which it evolved into the PD1 dragon. Admittedly we’re not shown this in any cut-scenes, but on the other hand we’re not shown Lagi leaving that crest to become the PD1 dragon either, so both theories need to rely on some sort of unseen event at this point in the storyline.[/quote]

Hmmm…If that were the case, then there’s always the possibility that Lagi’s spirit reinhibited his dead body to become the PD1 dragon. I know it was some time after that the Blue dragon reappeared, but maybe dragon bodies decompose much slower than all other natural life. They are afterall “living weapons”.