This is starting to get sickening

I hope so…

Et tu Brute!

Something I find very instructive about the content of EA games is my brother’s spending habits. He does own that blighted travesty of a PS2 (which I resolutely refuse to play on, naturally) and every few weeks he can be relied upon to waltz in from the shops with yet another sports game - from the ever-dependable EA - in his mitts. His latest purchase was UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 just yesterday.

I can’t help but wonder - if these EA Sports games are supposedly so wonderful (and the only thing I find particularly memorable about them was the digitised-voice slogan in the '95 edition of FIFA), then why does he feel the need to replace it with the ‘updated edition’ so often? Surely even a half-decent title would have enough merit to demand a lifespan of longer than a week?

Rearrange these words into a well-known phrase - “cow cash”. Ho hum.

You know what has changed?Porto won! :anjou_happy:

Hooray! XD

But I don’t get it either, I only like sports games that offer me something unique… like… Decathlon and it’s sequel Winter Heat on the Saturn. That was fun(ny). XD

I personally am not much into sports games, but for those who are, they get new games every year for the same reason they watch the Superbowl, World Series, etc every year. Different people on different teams, different strategies, etc.

If sports truly was the same every year, then you’d have the same teams winning every year… which obviously doesn’t happen. So, sports fans like to see as close a reflection of the real life sport as possible. Sure, it’s not my cup o’ tea, but I can see why they would want to buy them.

[quote=“Abadd”]I personally am not much into sports games, but for those who are, they get new games every year for the same reason they watch the Superbowl, World Series, etc every year. Different people on different teams, different strategies, etc.

If sports truly was the same every year, then you’d have the same teams winning every year… which obviously doesn’t happen. So, sports fans like to see as close a reflection of the real life sport as possible. Sure, it’s not my cup o’ tea, but I can see why they would want to buy them.[/quote]

Which is why someone somewhere needs to create a sports game that is easily updateable over the internet with the most current plays, teams, rosters etc…, this was done during the DC era and from what i’ve read people liked it.

Sadly EA now has a pretty tight grip on the NFL games and I don’t think they’ll be implementing that feature any time soon, as in ever.

…which would require all consoles to have harddrives, and all people without internet connections or the desire to play online would be screwed.

And it’d be much more difficult to add in changes other than simple roster changes.

[size=59]And EA would stop being able to make millions of dollars off each installment… :anjou_embarassed: [/size]

I agree, many people would be left out that didn’t want to play online etc… like you said, but I think it’s a goal that should be strived for eventually when the technology is capable and more widespread.

But also poor EA, they really won’t be able to make millions would they? I guess that throws my hole idea out the door. :anjou_happy:


Sega need to pull out this stake they have thrusted into my heart. The pain is too much to bare.

Atleast another Sega Rally game is coming.

Heh, I saw pics of it months ago. Sega Rally 2 was good, but imo, not a patch on the original. Maybe they’ll fix the terrible handling in this one?


Actually I read any EA takeover will be scruutinesed by the anti-tust groups but doesnt look like they will classify it as a monopolistic takeover because its a french company, therefore more of a “diversatising” takeover.

And EA doesnt have anywhere near the market share that MS has in the computing industry… yet.

I loved sega rally so much. Sega rally 2 was so different… but i played it just cos it was sega rally…