The Will of the Ancients Ideas Topic

If you have any suggestions for improving The Will of the Ancients, or have any gripes with the existing site/forums, this is the place to post your thoughts. Discussion of proposed ideas is certainly encouraged.

While not every idea will necessarily be implemented, this topic will most certainly be used as a reference by the administrators of the site when adding new or improving existing features on both the main site and forums.

If you haven’t already, please do the survey.

Can we have the reply forms right @ the bottom of the thread view, without having to click “reply” first? That might also make the mutliple quoting asked for a bit easier to implement.

I think the forum link should be more visible in the site’s front page. I think it’s important to know right away, when browsing fansites, whether there is a forum or not. It’s indicative of the strength of the community and it should be advertised more aggressively. Either one big Hoffman link saying “Forum” or maybe an intro page with a binary choice - go to the actual site or go to the forums or perhaps something woven into the HUD/GUI. I personally think it’s something very important.

Great idea, Alex, I’ll add this one to the list.

Great idea also. Admittedly there are a number of sections in this site which could be easier to find and get to due to the site’s non-commuity based origins.

Is there any way to get back to the main website from the forums?

If there is, it’s not very well displayed. I’ve known a few times I’ll try to go back to the main site, searched for a link and gave up being lazy and typed it in.

Might be handy for navigation purposes.

[quote=“Berserker”]Is there any way to get back to the main website from the forums?

If there is, it’s not very well displayed. I’ve known a few times I’ll try to go back to the main site, searched for a link and gave up being lazy and typed it in.

Might be handy for navigation purposes.[/quote]

There isn’t currently a way to do this, but it’ll be easy enough to implement. Thanks for the suggestion.

It would be interesting to run a monthly poll on the main website about the PD games (for example a poll for the “best voice actor in PD Saga” or the “strongest Imperial battleship”). Every month you could post the final results on the website and start a new poll, I think it would add some dynamic to the main website even when there’s nothing new about PD to report.

Done. Not the most elegant of solutions, but it will do for the time being.

[quote=“Berserker”]Is there any way to get back to the main website from the forums?

If there is, it’s not very well displayed. I’ve known a few times I’ll try to go back to the main site, searched for a link and gave up being lazy and typed it in.

Might be handy for navigation purposes.[/quote]


Can you link me to an example on another forum where this is implemented?

Great idea D-Unit - something I’ll definitely consider.

I was wondering if someone could scan every page of Panzer Dragoon Orta: Kaze To Akatsuki No Musume and upload it here even if it’s only 2 or 3 pages a day. If you can’t that’s ok too, but if I could ever find the book I would so have it completely scanned and uploaded in 2 months. I found a place where the entire prologue is uploaded.

Is that the novel? I could send it to you if you promise to scan it.

What I would do to make the forums better is release a new Panzer Dragoon game to talk about.

Hey guys, Panzer Dragoon Orta: Kaze To Akatsuki No Musume is the Orta novel. I already have this (well, technically Shadow has my copy at the moment). Were you thinking of the Azel novel, Lagi?

While I’m logged in, might I suggest setting up a Panzer wiki? There’s plenty of info on WotA that’s far better-suited to a Wiki’s structure and layout, and what’s left - essays, the forum, news etc - is more than enough to keep the main site ticking over.

Besides, I think it’s a good way of keeping the community involved in Panzer.

[quote=“Preacher”]While I’m logged in, might I suggest setting up a Panzer wiki? There’s plenty of info on WotA that’s far better-suited to a Wiki’s structure and layout, and what’s left - essays, the forum, news etc - is more than enough to keep the main site ticking over.

Besides, I think it’s a good way of keeping the community involved in Panzer.[/quote]

I agree that this is a good idea. I’ve just made a new topic where we can discuss this.

Unless I overlooked something, I don’t think we really have an index of all the interviews or articles of the Panzer Dragoon series on the internet. I thought it would be interesting to have that (so we can also make backups of them just in case).

This is a great idea. Also, maybe scans of out of print magazine interviews?

the auto log out function might improve security, but frightens the shit out when I wrote lengthy complicated posts :F

I’m going to unsticky this as there hasn’t been much activity here for a while. You’re welcome to email/PM me ideas though, or post them here.

For my purposes, here’s a summary of this topic:

Implemented (or an alternative implemented):

Yet to be Implemented: