The underwater passageways of Uru

This is one of my favourite locations in PDS. I’m sure others here would agree with me when I say it’s one of the most beautiful as well. The overall design remains true to the building style of the Ancients, yet at the same time it is like a whole other world compared to the common desert world above.

The passageway raises a question in my mind. If the Ancients could create a passage under the water, a habitable environment, is it possible that they might have built other constructions under the water? I can imagine an underwater tower, or maybe even a civilization. If the Ancients planned to return, then what better place to escape the outside terraforming of the world other than under the surface of it all. It seems a possible place to hide their incubation pods from inquisitive humans and rebel biomonsters to me: A chamber completely isolated from the rest of the world by the way of water.

There isn’t really any evidence to back up this assumption besides the one passageway, but it seems possible in my eyes.

yeah…if they could design all of that there is no reason to say that they might not be under water…wow, I never looked at it like that! even though the under-water passageways annoyed me a bit…I think…I do agree, it is stunning and your theory there could explain a few things…

yeah… i never actually looked at it like that either! Interesting theory Solo :slight_smile:

Perhaps there was an underwater Tower somewhere else in the Panzer Dragoon world that created a lake around it? When the Great Fall took place the Tower could have been destroyed in one of the many earthquakes and land transformations.

I’ve never given this much thought. However, I thought the underwater passageways you travel through in Uru looked beautiful. I can only imagine how a similar area would look when utilizing the graphical capabilities of the X-Box.

We do need a new RPG fast!

Yes UUR were cool and the music special.

I actually always had this idea that the ancients were kept in Uru but in a secret chamber or something.But that’s just my imagination

They are probably in a ruin more like were Orta was created…

I always wondered how those tubes could be underwater since on the Sunken Souther Ruins field map you can see the tube connects two pieces of ROCK that are ABOVE the water.

Just nit-picking, I guess.

yeah…that weird…above…but of course the rock (mountain) could be filled with water. then, cos ya under it(the water), ya underwater!

Sega can teach the rest of the gaming world how to make a great RPG then.

[quote=“Brandt”]I always wondered how those tubes could be underwater since on the Sunken Souther Ruins field map you can see the tube connects two pieces of ROCK that are ABOVE the water.

Just nit-picking, I guess.[/quote]

The first passage no doubt leads to the underwater one. We must’ve skipped a portion of the passageway.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
The first passage no doubt leads to the underwater one. We must’ve skipped a portion of the passageway.[/quote]

Turn around right after you enter the passage. You can see the entrance you just flew through.

Then the tunnel itself leads to the bottom of a flooded basin.

Makes another mental note to play through PD Saga again.

Ah yes the underwater tunnels were indeed quite beautiful, especially with the light affecting the color of the water. Plus all the life you could see swimming outside was great. As ir ecall the music played at that point suited the mood perfectly. I can only imagine a next gen rendition of the underwater tunnels and how great it would look.


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]
The first passage no doubt leads to the underwater one. We must’ve skipped a portion of the passageway.[/quote]

Turn around right after you enter the passage. You can see the entrance you just flew through.[/quote]

Ok then - you know when you see edge and Lagi fly in (once you press enter) then he actually flies really far through the bit above the water, through another entrance that leads to the tunnel in the mountain (then you can control him) =D

Same happens when you exit :stuck_out_tongue:

In the very least it will seem very realisic. Since the creators don’t need to worry about graphical limitations anymore, they can focus on the artistry of such areas.

If the ancients hibernated anywhere, wherever they were located would’ve been either very well guarded, or out of reach, or both.

I still believe they stored their minds in Sestren.

Ok then - you know when you see edge and Lagi fly in (once you press enter) then he actually flies really far through the bit above the water, through another entrance that leads to the tunnel in the mountain (then you can control him) =D

Same happens when you exit :P[/quote]

That’d work, except when you turn around to look at the entrance its tongue is practically in your mouth.

Those tubes are fantasticly atmospheric, I agree. I’m just pointing out there is kind of a goof-up with them.