The truth about the Heresy Dragon? Well, possibly

My impression was that the Towers and the dragon were simply two different extensions of the same overall plan, two different kinds of tool available to Sestren to help it to fulfill the same ancient duty.

The Towers’ creators.

But Sestren WAS able to oppose the Empire any time it wished during the PD1 or even PDZ period… Do you think anything imperial could take down Shellcoof or Mel Kava or the Dark Dragon? Any of those three things could have devastated the Empire and put an end to the wars if that was Sestren’s purpose…

And what’s wrong with my theory is there something that makes it be untrue from what we have seen? The Ancients created all these weapons and structures, they wanted humanity oppressed and they wanted to some time return, I think it’s pretty logical to assume what they wanted is what I wrote in my previous post…


My impression was that the Towers and the dragon were simply two different extensions of the same overall plan, two different kinds of tool available to Sestren to help it to fulfill the same ancient duty.[/quote]

So, are you implying that the dragon was nothing more than a Plan B, if Plan A were to fail? If that’s the case, and this does prove to be true, then all of theories regarding the Ancients’ true motives would have to be completely rewritten.

No, really I’m just suggesting that both the Towers and the dragon were different elements of the Ancients’ “Plan A”, which would involve not only the Towers and the dragon but every kind of pure-type monster that the Towers created, and everything else that Sestren had under its control and which it could bring in to help it solve any problems it was having in order to ensure that it maintained control over the world.

“Even in the Ancient Age, there were people against the presence of the Towers. The Towers’ creators feared these rebels would rise to destroy the Towers, so they created monsters to guard their creations. And the dragons.”


And why did that deserve a “Hmmm…”, Gehn? :slight_smile:

Because it’s hinting at why the dragons were created. :slight_smile:

Granted Heresy isn’t just any dragon…

If I remember correctly that book literally states that dragons were created to protect the Towers; but yeah, I think we’ve got to assume that the Heresy Program is something at least fairly different from them. After all, a normal dragon is simply an immensely powerful pure-type monster; but the Heresy Program enters into and guides an immensely powerful pure-type monster with an agenda of its own.

I think maybe we have been searching for something that doens’t exist.I mean it IS told to us in Saga that “your dragon was made to destroy the Towers”…

One of the Seekers does indeed say that was why the dragon was created, but then you’ve got to consider what they could have realistically meant by that. Technically it was the Heresy Program that “created” Lagi (or at least made him what he was), but the Seekers had no knowledge of the Heresy Program whatsoever. Similarly they would have no way of knowing what it was that the Heresy Program was originally created for; all they could realistically comment on was the creation of Lagi, the physical dragon. But of course, it’s the original purpose of the Heresy Program that’s the elusive thing here.

How could they even know of Lagi’s purpose??

Because Lundi became a Seeker, and he told them? :slight_smile:

Roger that :slight_smile:

Lance, you said it yourself earlier, Lundi himself recognised Lagi as “the Dragon of the legends”… The Heresy Dragon or whatever it’s called. The Seekers knew of this Dragon as well and recognised it in Lagi too. Sure they didn’t know of the program and such but, imo, that program basically IS the Heresy Dragon and that’s why it was able to turn Lagi into that… So just cos the Seekers don’t know of the creation process doesn’t mean they don’t know anything about that Legendary Dragon…

The thing is you are assuming the Heresy’s mission started when it entered the coolia.That isn’t necessarily so…

Where exactly am I assuming that? It has nothing to do with what I said actually…

For it to be called Heretic and for it’s mission to be “releasing the world from twota” you have assume the program never existed or had a function before that very moment.

What am I supposed to call it Gehn? That’s the only name we know it by, so this is how I call it, I wasn’t meaning to imply it’s purpose at all in that post…

Lagi.The Heresy program’s original purposes and it’s age can be can be quite different.