The Towers, the planet's immune system or cleansers?

Orta spoilers

A theory that could explain why the Ancients haven?t been found yet:

Orta and Lagi go through a Data Transformation Gateway to enter the Sestren data circuit. This shows that the Ancients found a way to transform living beings into data. When the Ancients went into hibernation they could have entered the Sestren data circuit and stored themselves in memory cells. Resuscitation is now impossible because Sestren lost his ability to communicate with the towers where the gateways exist.

end of spoiler

An excellent theory D-Unit. What better place to store themselves in than in place which only their creation(s) could open the gate to?

Yes I totally agree. :slight_smile:

I have my own ideas on this owever I want to know what are assuming :

-What was Sestren task?
-Why do you say the Heresy program started it’s (his :P) function sooner than he should?

i should really complete saga…

What! You mean you have only played through part of it?! horrified look

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]There are some good theories here…

Personally I think something very sinister happened in the Ancient Age. The Ancients, whoever they were, created dragons to guard their creations and a dragon to destroy their creations. Why? Was it a backup plan, or was the Heresy Dragon created to destroy the Towers once Sestren had completed its task?[/quote]

Is it possible that the ancients were not united, and therefore a rebel faction created the dragon to destory the others creation?

Craymen’s words don’t support that idea:

“Even in your short involvement with the Empire, you must have learned their actions are nothing but an endless waste of resources, war, and death. …Even if the Tower restores the world, the humans will just consume and destroy it again. Someone, or something, must take control of everything. Or we shall continue to destroy ourselves forever. This world was constructed by the ancient ones as a delicate balance. The Tower, the monsters, everything is interwoven… Long ago there was dissension among the ancient ones. After centuries of fighting, the warring factions built this”.

The Heresy program says the will of the ancients is with him once you’ve destroyed Sestren, and so must be deactivated. From that I can conclude the AI was created by the ancients. Abadd, the guy who translated Panzer Dragoon Orta, said that Sestren was always meant to create the dragon because that’s what the ancients programmed it to do. For one reason or another, the Heresy dragon was activated early. He didn’t go into specifics, but stated the requirements for which it was programmed to activate hadn’t been met.

As someone/thing hacked into the system then?

Lundi told us that even in the Ancient Age there were people against the presence of the Towers. Presumably these “rebels” were the ones who kidnapped Azel and altered the Heresy Dragon. I still don’t understand exactly what the Heresy Dragon was supposed to do. His mission wasn’t to destroy Sestren as it seems that Sestren is still active in PDO. And what did he mean by “the will of the Ancients is with me now”?

To deactivate all the Towers, a quicker means would be to kill the entity controlling them (Sestren Exsis), take its place, and shut them all down. Azel’s appearance opened up an opportunity that may very well have remained closed without her, leaving Lagi no choice but to destroy all the Towers one by one.

A virus, or “impurity” activated the Heresy program in my opinion. I used to think the dragon itself was the virus.

I’m sorry I haven’t red your posts but it’s just too much and I still got a lot of topics to check…

My thoughts on this however : the Towers were made to cleanse the human species at a certain time (programmed by the Ancients themselves;note Ancients are human).Why?Maybe cause the Ancients wanted to kill they enemies and protected their bodies (like someone already sugest : crio state) so they could get back when the others were killed.

Craymen said the Towers were protecting humanity by reducing its numbers. I don’t doubt the accuracy of the PD Saga translation enough to doubt his words.

Then again, I can believe that the Towers were going to cleanse the planet of all human life, but were stopped in their tracks by something (like dragons: Gash said dragons ended the Ancient Age by terminating all the active ruins).

Quite frankly I don’t Craymen is omniscient (sp?!) as far as ancient age is concerned…

…pretty much like everyone else.Remember, the Empire ( craymen worked for them;was one of them actually ) also claimed to know things about the Ancient Age and in their reports they didn’t jus speculate.

They SAID so…

Their information is all we have to go on. Remember Imperial scientists and researchers were far from stupid. The conclusions they came to may prove correct, or hold some truth.

Yes but they aren’t THE truth.Speculation.Craymen doesn’t have a crystal ball so he doesn’t know more than the Empire…

What about the Seekers? Like the Empire they studied the ruins for centuries. After all that time they figured out the purpose of the Towers. And what about Lundi? The Heresy dragon told him of the role the Towers played in humanity’s everyday existence. Neither could have been wrong.

Where is it stated that Lagi told that to Lundi?

The journal of Skiad Ops Endow.


No doubt if Lundi had revealed everything the Heresy dragon relayed to him through the mind link, the mysterious Ancient Age would no longer warrant the adjective mysterious.

I wonder what else he saw; I wonder what he didn’t tell us. Shame he never will.

After the long build up, we’d all be disappointed to learn that the end of the “utopian civilization” was brought about by one man pushing a button.

But that’s how PD Saga ended, so who knows? :slight_smile: