The split "Age of consent" topic

{ This thread was split from the “What other type of game could PD be?” topic on the Seekers’ Stronghold board ~ Solo }

No, it wouldn’t work. The Ancients didn’t grace Azel with much in the way of a bosom, and whilst Orta has more handsome mammary endowments and some slaver-worthy exposed skin, there’s that damned inconvenient problem of her being underage.

…but isn’t the age of consent lower in Japan? anjou_shifty_eyes

rolls eyes

[quote=“Robert Frazer”]
No, it wouldn’t work. The Ancients didn’t grace Azel with much in the way of a bosom, and whilst Orta has more handsome mammary endowments and some slaver-worthy exposed skin, there’s that damned inconvenient problem of her being underage.

…but isn’t the age of consent lower in Japan? anjou_shifty_eyes[/quote]

  1. Azel is the most beautiful female character in the history of videogames, with number 2 being Fina from SoA, blasphemer. Report to the =]= for your flogging.

  2. Yes, the consent age in Japan is apparently 12.



Now that is just wrong. :anjou_sigh:

I think it’s slightly more complicated than just flat out 12 or over, like 12 or over if both persons are under 16, 16 or over if one or both persons are above 16.

I think PD could work as a Sim City style game too. Dragons have just crushed the capital (again). Can you rebuild the city back to it’s former glory?

no, it’s a common misconsception that there is any age relationship with those things.

in japanese it’s FORBIDDEN by law to censor images of primary sexual organs of pre puberty children. everything that has hair on it is supposed to be (post) puberty, so it’s either strictly censored or supposed to to be released for legal age. that is why it seems most japanese have a lolita complex (well maybe they have, but I don’t care).

before you ask silly questions, I just watch (normal!) documentaries a lot, in german, english and in japanese.

And keep in mind that it’s vastly different culture than ours, they think differently than we do.

And just who are we? :anjou_happy:

PS:What kind of consent are you guys talking about?

I think he meant European culture?

Besides, if twelve year olds can go about wtfajiggling anywhere, something is far wrong. It’s bad enough that sex is ‘sold’ as a product rather than an intimate act of love - pre-teens don’t need to be dragged into this as well.


[size=200]W T F[/size]

not pre teens, just shaved.

Reads the past thirteen responses

Good Lord, I was only attempting to make a joke in my first post.


Apparantly, the age of consent is 12 in New Zealand, provided that the child’s partner is 14 or under. I can’t think of any parents that would agree with that though.

It’s just wrong… jeez! Britain’s age of consent is sixteen and that seems sensible to me. I certainly would hesitate to agree with anything less than fifteen.

Anyway, this is a nice little topic deviation… regarding the original question, I’ll have to have a little think about that and possibly get back to you! :anjou_happy:

As I always say in cases like this, if I was more of a gamer, I would have more ideas! :anjou_embarassed:

By the way, Felix, what was your original user name again? I can’t quite remember.


I prefer Felix, shorter and easier to remember.

I dunno if it’s healthy to limit someone to that extent tho.

That’s the one! :anjou_happy:

To what extent? It’s not very healthy, either physically, mentally or both, for younger kids to be ‘active’, surely? Apologies if I misunderstood you.

What I meant was that it’s a touchy subject.I honestly dunno how much harm can come from that.I’m not saying I see it as a normal activity amongst young people I’m just saying that I dunno if it’s right for the Law to have power over such a thing.

I mean does it look like a crime?

No, but it can be damaging. Kids might want to have sex because it will be seen as cool, but they’re really devaluing it and themselves. Quite a bit of harm can come from it - they could be left unable to form real relationships, or not have any real connections with people.

And seriously… twelve? It’s just wrong. It’s bad enough that a lot of teenagers see more fun in sleeping around than having genuine relationships, surely we don’t need even younger children getting into this as well? :anjou_sigh:

I really don’t know what to say about this.My personal opnion is that even if it’s wrong the Law should have no power over it.What’s the penalty for going agehnst the Law on this btw?

(someone should move this to an OT forum and change the topic’s title)