The Sonic bitching thread

Metal Harbor was my favourite level in SA2. The sense of speed was just awesome and the music was really catchy too!

I put a lot of time and effort into getting all A grades in SA2 and the reward was definitely worth it… Green Hill Zone really brought back memories :slight_smile:

I totally agree with everyone about the hunting/shooting levels which really seemed out of place. The tedium and frustration I experienced in those levels ruined the game for me :frowning:

Another Sonic game is inevitable, so if it’s SA3 I’d like to see the following:

-The hunting/shooting/karting/fishing/exploration levels eliminated
-Choosing and using a character from start to finish without interruption a la SA1
-A shorter cast (Cream? Cheese? Big the cat? Pff!!)
-Sonic, Tails and Knuckles as the main playable characters (do we really need any others?)
-The removal of chao (taking care of babies is not what a Sonic game is about)
-The return of the classic monitors (for speed, shields, invincibility etc) instead of those transparent containers
-A decent in-game camera
-A more sinister, darker storyline (not set on earth)
-“Eggman” given his original name of Robotnik back
-The ability to use Super Sonic during normal play instead of only at the last boss
-The return of Shadow? :wink:

However, the next game could be a sequel to Sonic Heroes since it was quite successful. I’ve yet to play Sonic Heroes, but I’d still like to buy it when the price comes down despite reading some dodgy reviews. Thing is, I’m not sure whether to buy the Xbox or GC version. Would anyone recommend one version over the other?

Xbox. Graphics and controls.

"‘Eggman’ given his original name of Robotnik back "

Sorry to lay this on you, but Eggman was his original name. =\

I preferred Robotnik.

I still can’t bring myself to call him Eggman. He’ll always be Robotnik to me. :slight_smile:

He’s always been called Robotnik outside Japan so it’s a difference that makes no difference to us.

Technically, Sonic 1 was released in the West first, no? So that technically means Robotnik his original name :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“RYB”]Another Sonic game is inevitable, so if it’s SA3 I’d like to see the following:

-The hunting/shooting/karting/fishing/exploration levels eliminated
-Choosing and using a character from start to finish without interruption a la SA1
-A shorter cast (Cream? Cheese? Big the cat? Pff!!)
-Sonic, Tails and Knuckles as the main playable characters (do we really need any others?)[/quote]

Cream and cheese… i hate them. But Big the Cat - He’s a star!!! Searching for emeralds is one of the best… that has to be left in, and exploration! How can you get rid of that!!!

i’m just gonna pretend i never read that

Does anyone have a pic of Knuckles with his hat?He’s my fav Sonic character so I’d really like to know how he looks like…

You can see him wearing his hat on the box art of the movie: … ZZZZZZ.jpg

And here he is with the hat on fire lol: … es/059.jpg

EDIT: Sonic The Movie is awful btw

Thats’ the one in the game??

It’s not bad.It has a hillbillian aura to it :smiley:

I saw a bit of the Sonic Movies on Sonic Jam. The theme song that went with the 2nd movie sounded pretty kick ass.

Sonic cartoons usually suck though… sorry they do…

Well except this one ;):

P.S. nice sig, are you going to play in the Storm of Choas campaign?

If I can get my 1500pts Mortal Tzeentchian force together in time, then yes.

Which motley crew do you play?

[quote=“Arcie”]If I can get my 1500pts Mortal Tzeentchian force together in time, then yes.

Which motley crew do you play?[/quote]

I play as a Choas Undivided mortal army, I hae it at about 200 pts at the moment, but I’m trying to aim at 3000 pts for the campaign: I migth collect Archeons horde, after all the new Hell Cannon does look cool, and the flayerkin will be an intrsting conversion. To you post at Portent or Dakka Dakka?

The official campaign for the removal of all hats from echidnas has begun!!!

No, I don’t. I post at Eldaronline and the main GW forum. Portent is a bit rife with people who believe anything they’ve heard, I think, and I’ve never heard of dakka dakka, although I assume it has something to do with orks (sic).