The pope?

am i rite flks: because… the pope?
some girl i know: yeah none of us go to school for a week
am i rite flks: Sorry, but who is he again?
some girl i know: big hat, staff, robes, very powerful important figure… wtf josh
am i rite flks: Gandalf?
some girl i know: yes, gandalf


Were your previous threads so succesful that you decided to post yet another one? What is the point of these? You keep opening a new thread with some pointless meaningless thing way too often…

Is that what you joined this community for? Don’t you think that people here may care about what you have to say more if you spend a little time showing some of who you are by taking part in a proper discussion - without starting to call people idiots or morons out of nowhere - perhaps even a discussion about Panzer Dragoon in The Seekers’ Stronghold since it’s what these forums were originally created for?

Or did you come here solely to spam the off topic sections with threads like this one? If yes, there are other communities far more suited for that sort of thing. Try Gamefaqs, I’m sure you’ll like it there.


That was pretty lame, Shin, even by your standards. Improve the comedy from “tittering” to “side splitting” asap, and maybe we’ll go easy on you. Maybe.

Whoohoo, Quester status! :anjou_love:

Anyway, I was waiting for what you said to come up, Al3x. Maybe it’s me but I haven’t really ‘got’ many of Shin’s topics to date. It’s nothing personal - but this kind of thing could get tiresome.

I must say I was wiating for someone to snap, gues Al3x came first heh.

Shin. One topic. Keep all these in one topic. And adjust your signature as per the Forum FAQ thread’s restrictions. Maximum is 550x100.

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Were your previous threads so succesful that you decided to post yet another one? What is the point of these? You keep opening a new thread with some pointless meaningless thing way too often…

Is that what you joined this community for? Don’t you think that people here may care about what you have to say more if you spend a little time showing some of who you are by taking part in a proper discussion - without starting to call people idiots or morons out of nowhere - perhaps even a discussion about Panzer Dragoon in The Seekers’ Stronghold since it’s what these forums were originally created for?

Or did you come here solely to spam the off topic sections with threads like this one? If yes, there are other communities far more suited for that sort of thing. Try Gamefaqs, I’m sure you’ll like it there.


Someone doesn’t understand the concept of OT very well.

I :anjou_love: Shin’s topics.

lol @ Al3xand3r.

find another forum nubbet :slight_smile:

Shin, did you even read Shadow’s point about the signature? Or actually any of the (very valid) points here at all… :anjou_sigh:

Al3xand3r find another forum? Good one.

Solo, i don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re the head admin of the board. Surely you have l33t powers you could use?

Sheer class! :anjou_happy:


Solo, i don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re the head admin of the board. Surely you have l33t powers you could use?[/quote]

Everyone shoudl be given an oppurtunitty to ammend themselves.

have you forgotten the massacre of sanno village? he swore a solemn oathe never to use those powers again! do not tempt him!

Yes, yes I did.

‘Someone’ didn’t even really read my post apparently. Or The Liberal District’s short description if you really want to get technical.


How do you define ‘unnecessary’ posts in an “off-topic” forum? Doesn’t “off-topic” refer to “posts not on topic” (the topic being Panzer Dragoon). I’ve seen similar crap posted on these forums as well, why are Shin’s posts the exception?

Furthermore, although Shin’s topics may be dumb, they are not spam.

i’m with bluefoot on this one.


Anyway, your other post about Solo was :anjou_happy::anjou_happy::anjou_happy:.