The PDS secrets guide

I just read through it… fantastic stuff, kudos to Lance. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed in all the time I’ve owned the game!

One thing I think is (sort of) wrong is his discussion of the Solo Wing Dragon. It’s been a while since I played, so I wouldn’t swear to this, but I think you do go up a laser class in the final transformation - the gauge is already full so you can’t see it, and no breakable objects need more power than the Light Wing has, but IIRC Solo Wing fires off one extra laser if enough targets are available in battle.

[edit] Btw, I just saw legaiaflame’s ‘Edge’s diary’ thread, and I’ve studied a little copyright law recently. In Australia at least, if the work is recognisably copied from yours, changing a few words here and there doesn’t make any difference. I couldn’t load his site, but if everything you say is accurate, you still have the legal right to tell him to remove the guide (especially given the incriminating history), for what it’s worth.

I’m glad the guide was of use. :slight_smile: I’ll look into this laser thing, as I simply assumed that because your laser rank doesn’t visibly go up any more, you wouldn’t get any more lock-on lasers. That could very well be me jumping to conclusions…

Quite a lot of people have contacted me with additions and clarifications for the guide such as this, so I’ll be adding a bunch of amendments in a future site update. I’ll of course be giving credit to the people who’ve taken the time to give me this info, so how would you like me to credit yourself if this gets included in the guide? (Would “Jinx” be OK, or would you prefer a different name?)

Jinx is fine :slight_smile: I may well have imagined the difference, though - it’s been a couple of years since I played the game (which currently resides on the opposite side of the planet). Let me know what you find out, anyway.

Btw, I edited another paragraph into the first post while you were writing that, in case you missed it.

Oops, I’ve just checked it out and apparently both of them do fire the same number of lasers in battle; both Solo and Light Wing let rip with twelve. To be honest I’ve never counted this before though, (I just relied on the laser rank guage,) so this is exactly the sort of thing I might have been wrong about; if there’s anything else you suspect I’ve jumped to conclusions on, do let me know.

As to your additional point Jinx, I can assure you that your legal understanding is quite correct; I’ll avoid commenting on the issue any more for the time being though, as I’ve no wish for this unfortunate situation to intrude on the forums any more. :slight_smile: ]

Also, if anyone thinks there’s anything else that could be included (or could be clearer) in the next update of my PDS guide, feel free to post about it here.

It must have taken you many hours to compile all this information, Lance. I’m sure the community appreciates all your hard work.

I must admit though, I prefer the oddities section since I have a penchant for the unexplained.

Actually, to clarify, the Light Wing and Solo Wing do fire the same number of lasers in battle. However, I’m pretty sure that outside of battle the solo wing has one more “break” laser than the Light Wing.

You should have seen my old Panzer Dragoon Saga FAQ (that the “secrets” section was extracted from) - in fact you still can, if you brave the depths of GameFAQs. It was ridiculously long, badly formatted and illogically layed out with tons of obvious and redundant information. :anjou_happy: That’s why I decided to narrow it down into the seven-page “secrets” guide for TWotA, which I’d like to think of as the useful information from my old FAQ. (Plus the new guide is better written, and of course it has pictures.)

Yeah, as I was writing my last reply that possibility sprung to mind. I’ll try and check that out later; one of my GiriGiri save-files should have the Light Wing / Solo Wing with some chunky “break” targets remaining…

EDIT: Has anyone else noticed that the line spacing sometimes goes a bit odd beneath emoticons?

[quote=“Lance Way”]You should have seen my old Panzer Dragoon Saga FAQ (that the “secrets” section was extracted from) - in fact you still can, if you brave the depths of GameFAQs. It was ridiculously long, badly formatted and illogically layed out with tons of obvious and redundant information. That’s why I decided to narrow it down into the seven-page “secrets” guide for TWotA, which I’d like to think of as the useful information from my old FAQ. (Plus the new guide is better written, and of course it has pictures.)

Heh, I remember way back when you first posted that guide and poked your head in on the 'ol PDS GameFAQs board for a bit. Good times.

And it’s definitely one of the better guides on GameFAQs. After having made due with just CJayC’s somewhat incomplete PDS guide for so long, it was nice to have some alternatives.