The Panzer Dragoon Saga Oasis Updates Topic

Like solo, my site has just recently returned online as well. It’s back with a new name (Panzer Dragoon Saga Oasis) and a few changes. I also used it as a semester project in collage. I got an A of course. I worked very hard to polish it off for you all! It can be found here:

Update #1: 1/4/06 Happy New Year!

Changes: I have made the menu bar buttons smaller, and divided the content up into 3 sections for easier navigation.

** Info section**: I added tons of info on what PDS is, and how you play the game. I also added a history of the series section called “What’s a Rail Shooter.”

Juba’s Corner section: This section has been completely reworked. You can actually see the side affects of Juba’s drinks happening right before your eyes!

Characters, Locations, Books, Monsters sections: I added a table of contents, for each of these sections for easier navigation.

Panzer Dragoon Saga Guide section: Edge’s Diary: My guide is almost complete! All that I have left are side quests and the final battle! I hope you all like it, I put my heart and soul into it.

Maps/Item lists section: All the maps I have been making for my PDS guide, have been put into one place on the site.

Review section: Added a new review by Mario Rodgers (Dragoonlover here on the forums).

My Profile Section: Well, lets just say I’ll let you see for yourself. Hint, its below my profile.

Lastly, Movies Section: Added tons of new movies from PDS. More to come in the near future!

Well, that’s it for now. Tell me what you all think, is it an improvement over the last version of this site? have fun but be sure not to step in any Coolia’s Dung! :anjou_happy:

It’s actually nice.I would advise you to change your host if you can tho.Simply ebcause of the adverts.I reckon there are free hosts without those.

.tk I think for example.

Oh and get rid of the frames if you can.

**Update #2:**1/9/06

After 6 months of hard work, I just wanted to let everyone know that my Panzer Dragoon Saga guide called: Edge’s Diary the Story of Panzer Dragoon Saga is finally complete! It covers basically everything, with detailed area maps/item lists, Edge’s diary entries, as he visits each area of the game, enemy strategies, and a step by step overview of what you had to do in each area, pics included!

Update #3: 1/25/06

Panzer Dragoon Saga Oasis is now hosted by! I’d like to thank Solowing for presenting me with this privilege. Now we can say good-bye to those pesky adds!

Great that it’s being hosted now! I just had a look through the Hunter Cultures section - It’s hard to tell what is factual information from official resources and what is information you have assumed as fact through coming to conclusions yourself. Also, at no point do you state your sources. I personally feel that if you wish to create a PD site that people will go to for useful information, you need to clearly separate the fact from your own creative talent.
I kinda like the Coolias though - keeping them as little asides, or as commentators on the main text, would help to lift up dry factual documentation.

I didn’t state the sources because I didn’t use any. I used my own experience from playing the game to state the facts (like you said) on each culture in my own original way, not just a rehash of what other people have said. When playing the game, and listening to all of the dialogue, I was exposed to enough facts to formulate my own interesting assumptions, hence my source was the game itself. Many of these assumptions were based on common sense and others were just my own views and opinions on each culture, but for the most part it was just plain facts (example: Hunters using monster parts for antidotes and food. Glad you like the Coolia’s. I worked hard to create all their expressions!

the game too is a source, so in a scientific sense you must state it as a source. I guess you have not understood why some people complained about your site some time ago for stealing other people’s theories and content. it’s not that you have to be original for the sake of originality. you can and should use other sources and theories and critisice them in a decent way, building your own structure of argumentation. from what you say it sounds that you have just been jumping to conclusions. and be aware that not everyone shares the same type of “common sense” that you claim to have.

I don’t need to state it as a source, because it’s fairly obvious that I had to play the game first and foremost, to get screenshots, as well as info.
How can you say these things about my site, just look at TWOTA. Look at the many theories, factions, and characters sections. I didn’t see Geoffery Duke, or Solo give any sources on their articles. They had enough knowledge from playing the game multiple times, that it wasn’t needed.

And about stealing peoples content and theories, you should get your facts straight before you accuse me of something. All the theories on my site are my own (by Jeremy Prusak, that’s me) or my friends (Justin Pasternak) , no one else’s. If you are confused, it is because they are also on the TWOTA as well. As far as the content goes, everything with that is straitened out (And I’m not going to go into detail about this to try and explain everything).

Lordcrayen wrote:

from what you say it sounds that you have just been jumping to conclusions. and be aware that not everyone shares the same type of “common sense” that you claim to have.

Hey, if you don’t like something I create for the site, and can’t respect my own views or opinions on something, than don’t go to my site. And if you have something rude to say, don’t discuss it here in the forums, just private message me. This is a topic for updates.

I don’t think he was rude, just stated his opinion… If you only want “praise or nothing” this is the wrong forum to be on. Nice work so far on the site.

Lordcraymen wrote:

I guess you have not understood why some people complained about your site some time ago for stealing other people’s theories and content.

If this isn’t being rude than I don’t know what is. Accusing me of stealing other peoples theories and content when they are entirely my own. That isn’t rude?

This topic seems to be getting uneccessarily edgy. =/

[quote=“legaiaflame”]I don’t need to state it as a source, because it’s fairly obvious that I had to play the game first and foremost, to get screenshots, as well as info.
How can you say these things about my site, just look at TWOTA. Look at the many theories, factions, and characters sections. I didn’t see Geoffery Duke, or Solo give any sources on their articles. They had enough knowledge from playing the game multiple times, that it wasn’t needed.[/quote]

I think what Kimimi / LordCraymen were meaning is that (in some kinds of articles, at least), it can be useful to state where in the game a piece of info is coming from. For example, when writing storyline-related pages for TWotA, I always assume that whoever might read the article won’t know the ins and outs of the PD storyline & world setting quite as well as I do; so when I want to draw attention to a relevant piece of info, I often quote it (if possible) and describe where in the game that fact gets stated - e.g. “Dragon Book 1 says that blah blah blah,” “In the cut-scene at the end of Disc 2, we’re shown that blah blah,” “blah blah is revealed in Edge’s final conversation with the dragon”, and so on. And if I’m only deducing something that’s probably meant to be true, rather than something that’s literally stated, I usually try to make that clear. Of course you don’t want to overdo this kind of “justifying”, and it won’t always be appropriate, but it can really help readers to understand where things are coming from, especially those who are newer to the series. Plus, it convinces people that you know what you’re talking about. =)

I understand what you’re saying Lance. I have also quoted many facts from the games in my many theories. So it’s not like I never state any facts from the game in my work. It’s okay to give someone your opinion on how to adjust or make something more accurate to the original source, but when you start accusing people of stealing theories or what not, I’m going to get a little edgy. So I understand that my “Panzer Dragoon Culture” section isn’t entirely fact, but I made it that way in order to make the viewer think about each culture in a different perspective, rather than what was all ready known. Something different from just the run of the mill boring facts.

man get a grip. I wasn’t rude, but you start to become a tad childish.
hey am I the only one who remebers the ruckus about him stealing a PDS walkthrough when he first made his site? I neither know if Solo deleted the thread or not, and I don’t really care. the point I was trying to make is axactly what Lance explained in detail, thanks Lance.

The point is, nobody accused you of anything, you simply took it that way for some unknown reason. Why are you so uneasy and jumpy about that matter?

…Anyway, what lordcraymen meant is this (I think). Just because you got told off for using other people’s work in the past, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it at all. In fact, if it’s good, you SHOULD use it and simply credit them properly for the parts it was used in (unlike that other time).

exactly, that is the foundation of science writing. I guess he was just pissed because I didn’t say anything about his site.

Okay, I get the point. Sorry for my previous rant.

i remember this.