The original blue dragon

The Heresy Dragon downloaded itself into a coolia and then turned it into the blue dragon. But if the Heresy Dragon had not been altered (or whatever that happened to it) and had been loyal to the Ancients, wouldn’t he have downloaded himself in a dragon crest that holds its original body? I think that would be the blue dragon then (or maybe the Solo Wing). Is it possible that there is still a dragon crest out there waiting for the Heresy Dragon?

Wait just a sec.

The Heresy Dragon wasn’t altered.He did what He had to do but he did it out of schedule.And remember that there weren’t any crests before Zwei.

Sestren must have had a reason to attack the Heresy Dragon inside Sestren (strange sentence I know). The Heresy Dragon existed to free humanity from the Will of the Ancients. Was that his original duty?

About the dragon crests: why couldn’t there have been any before Zwei? Weren’t they there since the Ancient Age?

I dunno.The question is : were there dragon crests for each ancient dragon?

I don’t think so.I think Lagi was the only one…

I think it’s the same body all the way through each Panzer game. When Lagi goes into a crest he hibernates, rather than the heresy program going into a new body. That way, it’s still Lagi - the coolia - who is the main character of each game.

Maybe the Heresy Dragon’s body could have been created inside Sestren? Or grown inside a crest like you say.

What body?The coolia is factual.The khourieat just evolved inside each crest.

That part in Saga where Azel explains that dragons are ancient creations doesn’t have to apply in the same sense here…

They aren’t machines, these dragons.They are built in their adult state,their ARE born…

Yeah I agree but that wasn’t really my point. I was just wondering if the Heresy Dragon was always meant to download itself into a coolia, or if his “final form” already existed.

I’m just saying, if the Heresy program hadn’t downloaded itself into a coolia, it would have required a physical body from elsewhere.

I think the plan always was this : to download heresy into a living beeing.The fact that it was a coolia hasn’t got a meaning.

But since the dragon riders are pedestined (perhaps) then it might have since to reach Lundi the safest way was as a khourieat since Cainus is full of them…

What makes you think the dragon riders were predestined?

The way Edge n Lagi met,the way Orta n Lagi met.

Lagi could have been looking for Azel, and Edge was simply court up in the middle of it off. I don’t see any reason to assume it was predestined that he was the rider… it could have been anyone, Edge just happened to fall into the ruin that made it easy for the Divine Visitor to enter him.

As for Orta, well yes, the dragon was coming for her, so it’s likely that she is of some importance (actually she is because she’s Azel’s daughter). So Orta’s encounter with the dragon would have been planned, rather than predestined.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

Lagi could have been looking for Azel, and Edge was simply court up in the middle of it off. I don’t see any reason to assume it was predestined that he was the rider… it could have been anyone, Edge just happened to fall into the ruin that made it easy for the Divine Visitor to enter him.

As for Orta, well yes, the dragon was coming for her, so it’s likely that she is of some importance (actually she is because she’s Azel’s daughter). So Orta’s encounter with the dragon would have been planned, rather than predestined.[/quote]

But there’s always the fact that Lagi showed Lundi the future in PD Zwei, if Lagi already knew about those happenings, perhaps it was predestined.

There’s not one (maybe Kyle who knows) dragon rider in PD who wasn’t predestined IMO.

Edge was undoubtely (sp? :P).Just like Lundi he was show a “collage” of scenes to come.That my friend,means something…

Maybe Lagi was showing him a possible future… that turned out to be the true future.

I don’t see how showing his riders those visions means the riders were predestined… Chosen perhaps, predestined I don’t think so…

Chosen and predistened mean the same in my hood.