The next dragon rider

The Empire may be in for a rough ride in the next game :slight_smile: I can already imagine the intro of the next game starting with Orta and her dragon sweeping through the Empire destroying everything they come across. It would make sense that the main character would then be an Imperial soldier.

I can imagine the new rider being an imperial. Wasnā€™t Kyle an imperial, and the same with Edge? I would like to see Orta in the next game though.

Edge was an Imperial mercenary. Kyle mustā€™ve been an inhabitant of territory conquered by the Empire because the Empire was the only nation left in the region at that time (every other nation had fallen to the Empireā€™s military might).

Orta becoming the main villain of the next RPG could be what Smilebit had in mind for her character all along. No wonder the Seekers imprisoned her. Heh.

"Is it one of ours?"
That question indicates that there must have been other nations left that had battleships too. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any information about them though.

Ortaā€™s behaviour changed throughout the game which becomes apparent in episode 5 when she feels sorry about attacking the end boss of that area. It seemed like Orta was becoming more peaceful towards the end, but that would of course make it more of a surprise if she turned out to be the villain of the sequel. Orta wanted to stop Abadd from completing his plans and in doing so she saved the Empire and the Seekers from total destruction. Why did she do that? Perhaps to save Mobo and the Wormriders. Or maybe because she wanted the world for herself :slight_smile: Like you said Geoffrey, itā€™s difficult to see into her future. Weā€™ll have to wait and seeā€¦




I think that was already under Imperial control by then.

No, I donā€™t think so.Not in PD1.Check PDOā€™s Pandoraā€™s Boxā€¦

Meccania was overrun by the Empire in 72 A.F. Panzer Dragoon 1 took place in 89 A.F.

Okay.Then Iā€™m wrong :stuck_out_tongue:
So what?They can still have an army of their own.