The Genesis of the PanDra World

The problem is the Zoah bibles weren’t written by people who lived in the Panzer world: they were written by the creators of the game who did know the truth, even if they were pretending to write those scripts from a certain point of view.

That’s why they hold some truth.

No.But if the writer described the beeings who were “made” by the Gods as beeing humans (and they wer ein fact drones) then the part which talks about wars and missuse (sp?) of knowledge would be also refering to drones.

And we know those were done by real humans.

But, like I said, that can possibly be attributed to a mixing up of stories. I’m sure whoever wrote the bible wasn’t handed an entire history of the Ancients to transcribe, but rather, gathered a bunch of different stories (like the different books in the real Bible) and tried to make them fit as best as possible. For instance, he knew that humans were there in the beginning and in the end. But, he also heard a story about the Ancients making these creatures that looked exactly like humans. Not knowing what they were, maybe he just assumed that the Ancients, in all their might, had the power to create living creatures… and therefore thought the Drones were humans, too.

Summing it up:we can’t even base ourselves in possible metaphors.Beeing the melting pot that you sugest it is we can’t make mcuh sense from it…

Maybe we weren’t meant to…

He can’t tell the difference between drones and humans, how else could this be worded Gehn? How on earth could he EVER write differently about them if he thinks they are one and the same?!

He ALWAYS refers to humans but he THINKS drones are the same as humans… I don’t see what’s so hard to understand here…

It’s just a theory about how the MISCONCEPTION that the Ancients created humans came to be. Someone saw them create drones and went along to say they created all humans cos he couldn’t tell the difference… As simple as that…

Nevamind.You got a point there.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]-“Everything we see with our eyes,with one lone exception, was created in this time.”

I dunno what exactly this is refering to… [/quote]

Do you think it is possible that this is refering to the Divine Visitor? After all, it is the only thing in the Panzer Dragoon world that didn’t originate there.

From reading the other Bibles it seems that it’s just referring to the dragon, which was only created by the “Gods” later on when they left the world.

the Book of Genesis and the Book of End remind me of The Bible kinda.